Friday, November 7, 2008

Turning 26 (Surprise!)

The last time I posted I had all my readers caught up on the events up to Halloween. Let me catch you up to speed to present day (but not in this post). After this is accomplished I take a vow to post more regularly so as not to bore you with lengthy posts. Consider it my New Year's resolution come early. :D

Saturday was spent like most of the Saturday's of the last month or so. It was a Shaolin-Do Saturday. We arrived at 9 AM for Bryan's class, grabbed lunch, then returned at 1 PM for my class. I went with Tai Chi this time instead of Kung Fu just because I have all of my Kung Fu material and wanted to get more of the Tai Chi form. I managed to get confused but possible retain a little more of the form at the same time.

Bryan had been telling me for a few days that we were going to go out for dinner on Saturday night but refused to tell me where. So, we came home and got ready then left for somewhere. It ended up being Dave and Buster's. I had never been here before so I was pretty excited when we pulled up. Little did I know that the surprises had just began. We walked in and quickly saw that a whole table of my friends were already there! I couldn't believe it. Bryan had managed to pull a surprise party together for me where almost everyone was there. I couldn't believe how many people showed up, and I appreciated each person being there. It mean more to me than any of them could know. Bryan wanted me to have a video game party even though I had canceled mine. He is too sweet! I love him! It was an awesome night. We had great food and there was even a cake - a VERY special cake. Bryan had Ligi make me a Facbook cake!

This cake was soooo amazing. It was perfect - perfect for me. Anyone who knows me knows that I am pretty much addicted to Facebook. I use it for everything and to keep up with everyone. I really do think it is the greatest site ever! Ligi did an amazing job on the cake, but then again her skills are insanely good! Everyone was oooohing and aaaahing over it. There were birthday wishes from some people as wall posts. It was just absolutely perfect. It was very hard to cut into, but it was chocolate! It was delicious too!

After devouring way too much food, most everyone hit the game floor where we played to our hearts content. It was sooo much fun. I played, and played, and played. Then I got to cash in all of my tickets for prizes. I decided to get some happies for my siblings' Christmas present. They will enjoy anything there more than I would. I still can't believe that Bryan managed to surprise me (no on has ever done that) and give me the best birthday of my life! Thanks B, I know I can always count on you.

Album of the birthday party: Surprise!

Sunday wasn't a very exciting day. We made it to conditioning class; this was a first for me. Then we came home and cleaned the house - much needed. Then we lounged - something we are very good at.

I'll catch you up to speed with all my school stuff in the next post.

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