Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Subbing Suuuucks! Sometimes...

Is it only Wednesday? Ugh....

I subbed middle school which in my opinion is the worst of the schools. Those kids think they know it all. It wasn't a bad day, more like boring. I was subbing for an inclusion teacher. I was more in the way than anything.

Last night I went to TKD. We have gotten a lot of new students here recently which is nice for a little change up. We mostly did target drills and sparring. We only touched on our forms for a few minutes. The instructor said we will focus on forms heavy after Christmas.

Wednesday (today):
I subbed middle school again. This is the WORST day of subbing I have ever experienced. I had multiple students leave the classroom against my protests. I did good just to keep them in the classroom and not running around doing anything they could think of. This school was just horrible. So bad, in fact, that I received a hug from the office staff upon leaving. They wanted to make sure that the students wouldn't keep me from coming back to sub again. The school was super easy to get to so that is a plus. However, I just checked the available jobs, and I can sub there again on Friday. I just can't bring myself to accept the position. I don't want to go back. Being in schools like this makes me very, very scared for our nation's future.

I had a stomach ache on the way home. I don't think it was induced by the children. :) Because of it I decided to take a night off. I've think I have had enough punishment for one day. I hate that I missed sparring though.

Tomorrow I'm subbing for a woman I subbed for about a week ago. She called me directly to come back and sub. I have no idea why she called me directly, but I definitely appreciate a job being thrown to me and not having to fight for it in the subbing system. It was my first direct request. It felt good. The downside? It's middle school! :) I think it's safe to say that while I might be getting my certification to include middle school there is no way in hell I'll teach it! Why do I feel like I'll eat those words?

Upcoming Events:
  • December 4 - happy hour with some of Bryan's friends
  • December 6 - Seminars at the Kung Fu school and then Jim Gaffigan show that night!
  • December 9 - our 10 month anniversary
  • December 13 - potluck dinner at the Kung Fu school and then pancake theater (Christmas edition) at our house (be there or be square)
  • December 16 - 21 - Bryan's parents will be here for Christmas
  • December 22 - 27 - we'll be in Mississippi for the Christmas (for real)
  • December 24 - Christmas Eve at Granny's
  • December 25 - Christmas Day at my Grandparent's house
  • there's talk of a party on the 6th as well but because of the show I don't know if we'll make it
The month looks full! It also looks like it will be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to all of the festivities. I can't wait to go home to Mississippi. I can taste Granny's food already. I'm ready to see my family and just be back in the Hospitality state for a few. We have lots of stuff planned. It will definitely be a packed trip.

Christmas pictures:

our Christmas card picture

our attempt to have the cats on our Christmas card

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