Sunday was a take it easy kind of day. We walked around the outlet mall for a while just enjoying the people and the pleasant weather. What did we buy? Starbucks and a piece of chocolate to share of course. Why else would you go to the mall? :) After window shopping it was time to buy the real stuff - groceries. We came home, and I made one very delicious Dorito casserole. Jason stopped by for a little while.
Monday was a pretty good day indeed. Because we had to go to the Weezer concert that night we decided to go to the morning class where I was able to get the remainder of the white belt material. Now I just have to practice, practice, practice which I have been doing trust me. I think I'm finally getting the hang of this Kung Fu stuff. ;) After class it was breakfast time in Leander. When we got home for some odd reason I got the urge to run. Bryan had sent me a great article on sprinting, and I really wanted to try that. I have never really sprinted for exercise before. It was actually pretty cool. It was extremely demanding, and I felt it quickly. My legs aren't sore, but there are parts of my legs that are - parts that I have never really used before I suppose. I think I want to make this part of my workout. Actually I need to bring back my workout. :) I have definitely forsaken it. I'm just glad I do all this martial arts or I would be soooo lazy and out of shape.
At 5:30 PM we headed downtown for the concert. We arrived a lot earlier than we had expected to for rush hour so we made our way over to the nearest coffee. It was fun to walk around downtown. I always enjoy just being there. We still got in our seats with plenty of time to spare.
The opening bands (both of them) SUCKED!! Weezer was good. They sounded just like they do on the cd's. They played all of their hits which I loved. However, they just didn't really have anything going on stage. I can't say it was "fun" to watch. The lead singer is weird. He did some pretty crazy stuff that left us saying "huh?". Toward the end of the show they brought out a bunch of local musicians with every instrument imaginable to play 2 songs with them onstage. That was pretty cool, but perhaps they should've been a little more selective. :)
Here are the pictures that I took from the concert:
Bryan becomes a Weezer
Me n Bryan
Angels and Airwaves 1
Angels and Airwaves 2
Angels and Airwaves 3
Angles and Airwaves 4
Angles and Airwaves 5
Weezer 2
Weezer 3
Weezer 4
Weezer 5
Weezer 6
Weezer 7
Weezer 8
Weezer 9
Here are the videos that I took from the concert (some of them are this crazy guy dancing):
Tuesday was a lazy day for me - surprise, surprise. Amy came over after she got off work. She made me an outfit to wear for the Renaissance Fair that we are camping out at this Saturday. It should be tons of fun. Several of our friends are going too. I can't wait. I have never been to anything like this before. I went to TKD and finally bought all my patches. Now I have to sew them on. Anyone willing to help? Pleeeeease??? Monday was Ravi's birthday so we met up with everybody to eat after classes were finished. It was a lot of fun. For some reason my side of the table got on the topic of ghosts, and we all shared our stories. Despite this I still slept like a big baby last night.
Today (Wednesday) there is nothing going all. I like it this way. :) I did receive an email from Leander ISD saying that I passed my background check and they were working on setting me up for classroom observations in 2 schools. This is incredible news after all of the aggravation I have experienced in trying to get this set up. Tonight I'm going to Kung Fu and then doing my last online class for my certification!
Recent picture of the cats (OC and Mallos):

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