There are a lot of cool things coming up.
Tomorrow night some of us are going to this haunted house. I really don't like haunted houses, but I think maybe this year I can do this. However, after looking at the website, I am definitely already a little scared. The important thing to remember is that it's not real, and no one is really trying to harm me. We'll see how far that goes. :)
I've also been invited to go play bunco with some girls - some I know and some I will be meeting for the first time. I don't even know how to play this game. I better get started on my research. :)
Let's not forget the most important thing coming up - my birthday! Yay! It's also election day, but yeah, I'm more excited for my b-day! What can I say? I'm selfish like that. :) Kidding - I am anxious to find out how this whole election turns out even though I'm pretty sure I already know. However, it would be nice to not turn on the television until November 5, but I'm sure I will. I am positive that this birthday will go so much better than the previous years which sucked beyond belief. It's definitely time to break this streak of bad b-days.
There is a tactical short stick seminar coming up at the TKD school. It's open for anyone so feel free to come. Bryan and I will both be attending - at least that's the plan. It's being taught by a 7th degree master which I happen to think is pretty damn cool.
I will also be doing some of my classroom observations the first week in November. And I'm eligible to start substituting on November 1. Good times!
Oh, and don't forget that daylight savings time ends soon - very soon...sadly.
It's getting colder. It's still warm during the afternoon, but definitely a lot nippier during the night and morning hours. I can smell winter on the air which makes me excited for Christmas and the trip to Mississippi but not so much the cold weather. However, it's nice to start wearing some different clothes. I was getting tired of the summer ones.
A recent picture of the cats - one I have deemed synchronized napping:

Sites that I think you should check out:
MTV Music which has every video ever. It is really awesome and definitely a time waster, but it's pretty cool to pull up any video by a simple search. I still probably like Launch better because it gives you your own station that plays music or videos based on past ratings. It's nice to leave on and forget about.
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