Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am almost better thank goodness! I am so ready to stop coughing already. Bryan might be more ready than me. :)

I didn't sub. I guess it's a good thing considering my condition - cough cough. I decided to do some Christmas shopping. I went to some places on my own and then called Jason. We met up and ate lunch and then hit up the outlet mall. It was getting late so I headed home so that Bryan and I could get ready for my TKD belt ceremony. The ceremony was just like all the previous ones. They aren't that exciting, but I still get excited knowing that I'm going to get to wear that new belt. Senior blue...it feels nice. The rest of the night was lazy night at the house; it was nice.

Here are the pictures that Bryan took of the ceremony:
new belt
the whole gang
new belt, old belt
i'm a senior blue

Saturday was just another Shaolin-Do day - just like I like 'em. :) Bryan did his 2 classes and then we ate. When we got back from eating I went to my class. I am still digging all of this new material. It's so much fun! The only down side of class was after we starting working out my throat felt like it was literally on fire - not fun! Finally, it was time to go back home. Good thing - those long Saturday mornings tire me out! The rest of the day was was get stuff at done at home. Bryan mounted the speakers to the wall so we could push the couch back for extra room. We also hung the belt racks (finally). They look awesome!

Sunday morning was all about being at home. I wanted to go to conditioning class, but after my throat on fire feeling from Saturday, I thought maybe a day off was better. At 1 PM Jason met us here, and we all headed to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. All we bought was some ribbon and gift tags for wrapping. However, we bought no presents. Oh well, it was fun hanging out and looking at all of the things that I can't buy. :) After the mall we all went to eat some Mexican food. It was good to stay in for the night and prepare for the short work week.

Here is a stupid video that Bryan started taking without my knowledge - thankfully he didn't catch me dancing to the American Eagle store music which is what he was aiming for:

I didn't sub today. I didn't do much of anything today. Not sleeping well from coughing does not make for a productive day. I actually had to get up around midnight and move to the guest bed so that Bryan might actually get some sleep. My coughing is keeping us both up. The poor man is exhausted, and he isn't even the one sick! I did run to ToysRUs for a couple of presents.

Monday night was a Kung Fu class. I got the end of the form I started learning last week. It was a great class. My lungs didn't catch on fire which is always a plus. I also went to Tai Chi where I got to review the portion of the form that I have been learning for quite some time now. I got it on my own though so perhaps I'm finally ready for the next section...maybe. :)

I didn't do much at all today. I slept in thanks to coughing all night. I think the cough is FINALLY starting to wear off - a little! I stopped taking medication for it. I did some more Christmas shopping, but this time from my seat at the computer. Ah, online shopping - it is truly wonderful. It appeals to my lazy side. Plus, there are no lines or crowds. :)

Tuesday night was a TKD night. We did some conditioning at the beginning of class which was different but cool. Then we practiced our forms and then finally sparred. My instructor put his gear on for the first time. I was crapping my pants! And for good reason I found out when I had to spar him. OMG! That guy was hitting hard! He was all over the place. I think I got one punch in. I think he tried to ax kick me. I'm not sure; it was all a big blur....too many punches to the head. While I was waiting for Bryan to get home from Kung Fu I got in some Gamecube (we got some new games the other day).

Wednesday (today):
So far nothing to really report. Bryan had to go sleep in the guest bed last night thanks to...you guessed it - my coughing. Poor thing. I plan to spend the afternoon knocking out some school stuff that's way behind. Sigh.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. We are going to have dinner with Nik, his grandmother, and the rest of this family. Thanks for the invite, Nik! We went there for Easter and had the best time. I'm really looking forward to this.

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