Thursday (Thanksgiving):
We met Nik at his grandmother's house for Thanksgiving dinner. We went there for Easter and had awesome food and a great time. I was really looking forward to eating there again. And just as I had anticipated, we had a fantastic time. There was great conversation and yummy food. We made a cranberry coffee cake that was moist and delicious even if the top was a little burnt. :) After we left there we went home and hung and watched TV/movies. It was a perfect day.
I am thankful for more this year than ever before and most of that is thanks to meeting Bryan. :) This has shaped up to be a great year even with the few bumps.
Bryan was off work which just made the weekend perfect and super long. :) School was closed so no subbing. Bryan has caught what I had last week. He didn't feel up to conditioning class so we just slept in. We cleaned the house for hours because we had let it go soooo long. We did what I like to call a deep cleaning. I cleaned everything! It's super clean now though, and looking oh so nice! With cats the house never seems to stay clean for long. :) That night we spent more time taking in TV and movies.
Shaolin-Do day as usual. We ate out for lunch and did a little shopping (the best kind - no buying), and then headed back for my class which was great. I got some great review and even learned a few new things.
Saturday evening we put up the Christmas tree which looks so beautiful. I love the ambiance that a Christmas tree creates. The cats have really taking to it too. Mallos is constantly under there sleeping. I have some wrapped presents, but I can't seem to bring myself to put them under the tree for fear of their safety. We were going to have a date night, but we ended up feeling more like staying home. Instead we - you guessed it - watched TV and movies. Hey, I like these 2 activities!
I woke up just in time to get ready and leave for conditioning class. Class was great. We did kicking and lots of it! I'm a kicker at heart so this was like the funnest hour ever! After that we went for lunch with Sean. Then we stopped at Target on the way home where we got even more Christmas shopping done. The list is steadily getting smaller, but I won't be happy until all Christmas shopping is complete and wrapped. I also put up the stockings. I would love to go all out with Christmas decorations, but I'm feeling too strapped for cash working little and going to school. I hope next year is a lot less stressful in the finance sense. We finished the night up with a movie.
Monday (today):
I took off today in order to complete some school stuff. I finally turned in my first lesson plan. I can only imagine the criticism I will get back when this thing is graded. It was super hard, but I'm very happy with parts of it. I still feel like it was missing something. Oh well, for a first try, it was pretty good. I'm glad to have finally turned it in as I put it off for WAY too long. Now I can look forward to making more of them - yay.
We took our Christmas card photo today. I've never made photo cards before, but I have always wanted to. I think they turned out pretty good. I really wanted the 3 cats in the picture, but true to their nature they didn't cooperate. That's life with cats. :) We got them ordered and will pick them up tomorrow. Now for lots of addressing. I'll probably be asking for some of your addresses. Make sure to put our picture up on the fridge where you can see us everyday...hehe.
I'm looking forward to class tonight. It's a new week so we should start something new in Kung Fu and Tai Chi - sweet! I'm subbing middle school tomorrow so pray for me.
Christmas pictures:
Cats drawn to the tree

Our stockings (made by me)

The cats' stockings

Our tree

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