Everyone including me :O cooked in preparation for our Christmas dinner which was just me and Bryan and his parents. We made a lot of food; I provided dessert (mock apple pie). It was a good dinner. After dinner we opened all of our presents. Bryan and our exchanged ours at this time. Unfortunately, Bryan's parents' packages didn't arrive in time for us to open while they were there. They sent them through the post office and were assured that they would arrive in time. Well, they didn't...thanks for ruining everything USPS! I know they felt bad, but I'm glad that we can extend Christmas even longer. The presents will be there to open when we finally make it back home.
Presents were awesome! Bryan got me the best stuff! He's super good! I know he liked everything that I got him also. We know each other. :)
Here are the pictures that were taken from that night:
We had to say good-bye to Bryan's parents. :( We took them to the airport a little before noon. We talked ourselves out of conditioning class on the way home so we could get ready for the trip to Mississippi. Now that I've eaten so bad here I wish we would have. :) We went home, but we didn't get started on trip preparations for hours. Instead we tried to play Guitar Hero, and that's when we discovered that Bryan's new guitar wasn't compatible with anything we had. So, we had to make a trip to GameStop for some trading of old Guitar Hero games as well as buying Guitar Hero World Tour (just the game) and another Rock Band guitar. Now we have the whole setup. We played for a couple of hours before finally packing our stuff and then the car. We made sure the cats had plenty to eat and drink. We went to bed way too late...way too late!
Driving day! We were out the door by 6 AM! It's a 10.5 hour drive. It's a long and boring drive...sigh. We stopped in Jackson, MS and met my grandparents and aunt at a favorite restaurant of ours. It was nice to break the trip up a little. When we arrived in Philadelphia, we headed straight for Granny's house for some more food. I did some more wrapping, and then we headed to where we were going to stay for our time here. It was good to finally sleep. It's good to be home, and so great to see my family. :)
Bryan took yet another sneaky photo of me:
I'll try to write more soon so you can see what all we are up to here in the 'Sip'. I hope everyone is having a fabulous Christmas!
Here is a video I took of Bella playing with that damn cat nip mouse:
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