Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Mississippi Christmas

We went shopping in downtown Philadelphia which is about 1 square. It's not much, but I think we had fun anyway. Then it was off to Granny's house for yummy food! That evening we went over to my dad's house and hung out for a while. It was great to see all of my close family....really great. I have missed them soooo much!

We got to sleep in which was awesome and much appreciated. We met one of my old coworkers for lunch at a restaurant we used to eat at all the time when we worked together. It was fun to catch up with him. After eating we took my little brother out to shop for some last minute gifts. We took him back home and hung out there for a bit (my dad's house), and then it was finally time to go to Granny's house for the annual Christmas Eve celebration at her house. My whole family was there. We ate and ate and then we opened presents. There are always tons of presents, and I have somehow became the person who must always pass out all of these many gifts. All of the kids are growing up, and they were definitely entertaining. We both got some awesome gifts some much needed. I stayed and helped clean up which made for a later night so it was nice when we got in bed.

Pictures from Christmas Eve:
me in a hat
me in a hat 2
bryan in a hat
bryan in a hat 2
me and paisley
paisley in a hat
riley and jessi
us and granny
opening gifts
grandparents' gifts
still opening gifts
so many gifts
paisley looking at a book
bryan will smell good

Videos that I took Christmas Eve:

The first thing we did was go over to my dad's to open presents and see what Kade (my little brother) got from Santa. We were again blessed with some nice gifts. I always enjoy exchanging presents with my family.

After we finished up at my dad's, it was time to drive to my grandparent's house (about 2 hours away). We always have Christmas over there. I sure am glad that both sides of my family don't do Christmas at the same time. :) I always look forward to getting there. It was a lot of fun with even more food and gifts. It was sooooo great to see the other side of my family; I have missed them immensely. I love hanging out with my family especially on Christmas! We had an awesome time. Bryan gets along with them so well, and they like him! Presley (my little sister) took to him in no time. She pretty much wore him out. After it got dark Bryan, my grandmother, my aunt, my cousin, and I drove to Canton to see their Christmas lights. Overall, it was a great day. I hated to leave and the drive home, but I was super happy to get into bed!

Pictures from Christmas:
me at my dad's

carson and blocks
presley and blocks
me swinging
bryan tickles presley
madison as a present
mom and daughter
us girls
us girls again
carson smiles
carson pouts
carson's cars
presley smiles
prelsey frowns
attempt 1
attempt 2
attempt 3
not going to make it
bryan drives
bryan in canton
grandmother poses
me on a horse
bryan on a horse
al on a horse
girls on horses
madison and a tree
grandmother/white tree
maddie and grandmother
the girls
couple shot
bryan/white tree
waffle house

Video that Bryan took on Christmas (must watches!):

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