We went shopping in downtown Philadelphia which is about 1 square. It's not much, but I think we had fun anyway. Then it was off to Granny's house for yummy food! That evening we went over to my dad's house and hung out for a while. It was great to see all of my close family....really great. I have missed them soooo much!
We got to sleep in which was awesome and much appreciated. We met one of my old coworkers for lunch at a restaurant we used to eat at all the time when we worked together. It was fun to catch up with him. After eating we took my little brother out to shop for some last minute gifts. We took him back home and hung out there for a bit (my dad's house), and then it was finally time to go to Granny's house for the annual Christmas Eve celebration at her house. My whole family was there. We ate and ate and then we opened presents. There are always tons of presents, and I have somehow became the person who must always pass out all of these many gifts. All of the kids are growing up, and they were definitely entertaining. We both got some awesome gifts some much needed. I stayed and helped clean up which made for a later night so it was nice when we got in bed.
Pictures from Christmas Eve:
me in a hat
me in a hat 2
bryan in a hat
bryan in a hat 2
me and paisley
paisley in a hat
riley and jessi
us and granny
opening gifts
grandparents' gifts
still opening gifts
so many gifts
paisley looking at a book
bryan will smell good
Videos that I took Christmas Eve:
The first thing we did was go over to my dad's to open presents and see what Kade (my little brother) got from Santa. We were again blessed with some nice gifts. I always enjoy exchanging presents with my family.
After we finished up at my dad's, it was time to drive to my grandparent's house (about 2 hours away). We always have Christmas over there. I sure am glad that both sides of my family don't do Christmas at the same time. :) I always look forward to getting there. It was a lot of fun with even more food and gifts. It was sooooo great to see the other side of my family; I have missed them immensely. I love hanging out with my family especially on Christmas! We had an awesome time. Bryan gets along with them so well, and they like him! Presley (my little sister) took to him in no time. She pretty much wore him out. After it got dark Bryan, my grandmother, my aunt, my cousin, and I drove to Canton to see their Christmas lights. Overall, it was a great day. I hated to leave and the drive home, but I was super happy to get into bed!
Pictures from Christmas:
me at my dad's
carson and blocks
presley and blocks
me swinging
bryan tickles presley
madison as a present
mom and daughter
us girls
us girls again
carson smiles
carson pouts
carson's cars
presley smiles
prelsey frowns
attempt 1
attempt 2
attempt 3
not going to make it
bryan drives
bryan in canton
grandmother poses
me on a horse
bryan on a horse
al on a horse
girls on horses
madison and a tree
grandmother/white tree
maddie and grandmother
the girls
couple shot
bryan/white tree
waffle house
Video that Bryan took on Christmas (must watches!):
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Blogging From Mississippi
Wow, forgive me for being a bad blogger. I have simply been so busy. We are currently in Philadelphia, Mississippi (my hometown). I do want to catch you up so you will know every step I have taken, but I'll only be getting you to a few days ago...sorry. :D But just so you feel better...I am having lots of sweet tea and many delicious foods while here and am VERY happy. :D
Everyone including me :O cooked in preparation for our Christmas dinner which was just me and Bryan and his parents. We made a lot of food; I provided dessert (mock apple pie). It was a good dinner. After dinner we opened all of our presents. Bryan and our exchanged ours at this time. Unfortunately, Bryan's parents' packages didn't arrive in time for us to open while they were there. They sent them through the post office and were assured that they would arrive in time. Well, they didn't...thanks for ruining everything USPS! I know they felt bad, but I'm glad that we can extend Christmas even longer. The presents will be there to open when we finally make it back home.
Presents were awesome! Bryan got me the best stuff! He's super good! I know he liked everything that I got him also. We know each other. :)
Here are the pictures that were taken from that night:
We had to say good-bye to Bryan's parents. :( We took them to the airport a little before noon. We talked ourselves out of conditioning class on the way home so we could get ready for the trip to Mississippi. Now that I've eaten so bad here I wish we would have. :) We went home, but we didn't get started on trip preparations for hours. Instead we tried to play Guitar Hero, and that's when we discovered that Bryan's new guitar wasn't compatible with anything we had. So, we had to make a trip to GameStop for some trading of old Guitar Hero games as well as buying Guitar Hero World Tour (just the game) and another Rock Band guitar. Now we have the whole setup. We played for a couple of hours before finally packing our stuff and then the car. We made sure the cats had plenty to eat and drink. We went to bed way too late...way too late!
Driving day! We were out the door by 6 AM! It's a 10.5 hour drive. It's a long and boring drive...sigh. We stopped in Jackson, MS and met my grandparents and aunt at a favorite restaurant of ours. It was nice to break the trip up a little. When we arrived in Philadelphia, we headed straight for Granny's house for some more food. I did some more wrapping, and then we headed to where we were going to stay for our time here. It was good to finally sleep. It's good to be home, and so great to see my family. :)
Bryan took yet another sneaky photo of me:
I'll try to write more soon so you can see what all we are up to here in the 'Sip'. I hope everyone is having a fabulous Christmas!
Here is a video I took of Bella playing with that damn cat nip mouse:
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Dumb Video
I have got to take Bryan's camera phone away...not only does he take unsuspecting shots of me napping (one of many!), but now he's taking videos (this is not the first)! He somehow got me at Kerby Lane...
He's getting good...too good!
Beware: I think he may have a YouTube channel in the works or something. ;)
He's getting good...too good!
Beware: I think he may have a YouTube channel in the works or something. ;)
We Have Visitors!
Somehow I forgot to mention that I sold the pink kayak. I mention this only to say that this means that I have to add this back to my list of things to complete before 30. :) I managed to get what I paid for it which is quite nice. I want to get a smaller one when it warms up again.
I didn't' work. I spent the day doing more Christmas stuff and getting ready for Bryan's parents to get here. We picked them up from the airport that afternoon. It was good to see them again. We ate out on the way home. I know Bryan was super happy to see them. We spent the night at the house. I did leave to go to TKD class. I hadn't been in awhile so I thought I better make an appearance.
Bryan I went to 7:30 AM Kung Fu class since his parents were visiting. Wednesday was a long day of looking at houses and communities for Bryan's parents so they can see some potential places for when they move here to Austin. We looked at some pretty nice houses including one which I fell in love with...sigh. We went to the green community that is being developed in South Austin. I didn't like those houses at all; they were so cold feeling to me. I couldn't live in one. What is even worse is where they built this community...right in the middle of a very low economic part of Austin. How do I know? Easy - the worst school I have ever subbed at is located just down the street. Yikes! Seriously, you do not want to live near this place. Wednesday night we ate at home and hung out; it was nice.
Thursday morning Bryan and I made it to an open practice class at Shaolin-Do. Later in the day everyone went out for more house browsing while I stayed home to do some schoolwork. I then took a long nap while Bryan and his dad added some shelving to our garage in preparation to the junk I will be hauling back from my trip home. The shelves are much appreciated! I'm still not sure how I slept through the hammering and sawing, but I do have mad skills. :) We ate in that night. Bryan's mom cooked all week which was nice especially to Bryan who ends up doing 99% of all the cooking each week...poor guy.
Bryan and I went to early morning conditioning classes (my legs are still sore). It was a little rough on me since I haven't been since I started working. It was nice to go back even if it did kill. Some of us went out for breakfast right after class (a tradition). The day was spent doing a few errands and more cooking. Bryan's mom made her famous rainbow cookies, and Bryan and I stuffed them into nice bags as gifts for our friends. That night I went to TKD sword class while Bryan and his parents had to wait on me in the car (sorry!). Then we all went downtown to see the Christmas Pancake Theater at the Alamo (hilarious!!). I think we all enjoyed that.
Songs I'm digging at the moment:
Love Story - Taylor Swift
In Color - Jamey Johnson
Love Lockdown - Kanye West
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
I Don't Care - Apocalyptica
Christmas Pictures:
artwork from children that I subbed for proudly displayed as Christmas decorations
I didn't' work. I spent the day doing more Christmas stuff and getting ready for Bryan's parents to get here. We picked them up from the airport that afternoon. It was good to see them again. We ate out on the way home. I know Bryan was super happy to see them. We spent the night at the house. I did leave to go to TKD class. I hadn't been in awhile so I thought I better make an appearance.
Bryan I went to 7:30 AM Kung Fu class since his parents were visiting. Wednesday was a long day of looking at houses and communities for Bryan's parents so they can see some potential places for when they move here to Austin. We looked at some pretty nice houses including one which I fell in love with...sigh. We went to the green community that is being developed in South Austin. I didn't like those houses at all; they were so cold feeling to me. I couldn't live in one. What is even worse is where they built this community...right in the middle of a very low economic part of Austin. How do I know? Easy - the worst school I have ever subbed at is located just down the street. Yikes! Seriously, you do not want to live near this place. Wednesday night we ate at home and hung out; it was nice.
Thursday morning Bryan and I made it to an open practice class at Shaolin-Do. Later in the day everyone went out for more house browsing while I stayed home to do some schoolwork. I then took a long nap while Bryan and his dad added some shelving to our garage in preparation to the junk I will be hauling back from my trip home. The shelves are much appreciated! I'm still not sure how I slept through the hammering and sawing, but I do have mad skills. :) We ate in that night. Bryan's mom cooked all week which was nice especially to Bryan who ends up doing 99% of all the cooking each week...poor guy.
Bryan and I went to early morning conditioning classes (my legs are still sore). It was a little rough on me since I haven't been since I started working. It was nice to go back even if it did kill. Some of us went out for breakfast right after class (a tradition). The day was spent doing a few errands and more cooking. Bryan's mom made her famous rainbow cookies, and Bryan and I stuffed them into nice bags as gifts for our friends. That night I went to TKD sword class while Bryan and his parents had to wait on me in the car (sorry!). Then we all went downtown to see the Christmas Pancake Theater at the Alamo (hilarious!!). I think we all enjoyed that.
Songs I'm digging at the moment:
Love Story - Taylor Swift
In Color - Jamey Johnson
Love Lockdown - Kanye West
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
I Don't Care - Apocalyptica
Christmas Pictures:
artwork from children that I subbed for proudly displayed as Christmas decorations
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sam The Man
Taking today off again. I didn't want to, but as Christmas approaches, I find jobs harder to come by. That's ok though; there is always more school work to do as well as house stuff. Bryan's parents will be here tomorrow afternoon. I hope to snag a job for tomorrow (it may be my last before the schools let out for the holidays). I haven't decided if I will try to work while his parents are visiting. I will make that call each day. I want to spend time with them, but I definitely need the money. I'm not just loving the once a month paychecks, but money is money. :)
Austin ISD is having some Saturday training sessions in January - March. They are one Saturday a month which is nice. The training focuses on classroom management. What's really awesome (other than the vast amounts of knowledge I'm sure to gain) is that they pay you if it's your first time (and it is!). I plan to attend all of them because they will definitely help me out in subbing as well as when I have my own classroom.
I wanted to post the link to the shots that Sam took of me last weekend because they are AMAZING! I absolutely love them! Sam has major talent, and working with him was awesome. I always feel weird being on the other side of the camera, but he definitely made me feel at ease. I'm super happy with the way they turned out.
I am so ready to go to Mississippi. I feel like I haven't seen my family in ages...oh wait, I haven't! I also haven't had good Southern food or sweet tea. It will be good just to see everyone and familiar sights. I look forward to Bryan meeting the rest of the family...hmmm...maybe. ;) It will be an exhausting trip I'm sure, but I still can't wait to be back in the good ole 'sip'.
Austin ISD is having some Saturday training sessions in January - March. They are one Saturday a month which is nice. The training focuses on classroom management. What's really awesome (other than the vast amounts of knowledge I'm sure to gain) is that they pay you if it's your first time (and it is!). I plan to attend all of them because they will definitely help me out in subbing as well as when I have my own classroom.
I wanted to post the link to the shots that Sam took of me last weekend because they are AMAZING! I absolutely love them! Sam has major talent, and working with him was awesome. I always feel weird being on the other side of the camera, but he definitely made me feel at ease. I'm super happy with the way they turned out.
I am so ready to go to Mississippi. I feel like I haven't seen my family in ages...oh wait, I haven't! I also haven't had good Southern food or sweet tea. It will be good just to see everyone and familiar sights. I look forward to Bryan meeting the rest of the family...hmmm...maybe. ;) It will be an exhausting trip I'm sure, but I still can't wait to be back in the good ole 'sip'.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A Week Off
I have been going nonstop this past week. However, I found myself skipping a lot of the regulars...blogging, for instance. I also went to no martial arts classes this week except for Saturday and today (conditioning).
I took Monday off and did some school work while I took care of Bryan who had caught the Shaolin stomach virus. Thankfully I didn't...whew! He had a pretty rough day, but while he napped I got shit loads done! I also took Tuesday off and did even more stuff. I was really proud of myself for getting so many things accomplished. I subbed the rest of the week. I had a great day subbing a 2nd grade class and another great day subbing for elementary art where my classes ranged from K-5th. A lot of the kids drew me Christmas pictures which I have decorated the house with. They really add a nice and unique touch - cheap too!
So what did I do if I wasn't doing martial arts every night? Easy - working my ass off doing chores and preparing for Christmas and all of the guests that we are having this month - oh, and being dead tired from subbing all day. Those children can take it out of you. I went to bed at like 6 one night...just sad. Christmas shopping is almost done though - yay!
The weekend:
Bryan's boss came to stay on Thursday. Friday night we all went over to Jose and Lucy's house for dinner which was very delicious! I got to see their baby finally. She was too cute. I even got to feed her. Saturday I slept in really late which was perfect. Those 4:45 mornings come early during the week. I did make it to class. When I got home we prepared for the Kung Fu school Christmas potluck. We went to the potluck and got our grub on...yummy! After stuffing our faces we came back home to get ready to host the second installment of pancake theater (the Christmas edition).
Pancake theater was fun though it wasn't quite as good as the first. Perhaps Miracle on 34th Street wasn't the best choice. Still we made fun of it, and I enjoyed myself. We had to drink each time some form of the name Santa was mentioned which was lots!
Sunday was nice. I went to conditioning class and then when I got home we went to out to eat and then to see what goods we could get at the Circuit City closing. We really racked up. I got several CD's because they were 50% off. Later Jason came over to exchange gifts. He got me volumes 1 & 2 of the Goo Goo Dolls greatest hits which I LOVED! The rest of the day was all TV - perfect!
Bryan's parents are coming on Tuesday and leaving on Sunday. We leave for Mississippi on Monday. I need lots of energy for the rest of this month! It will be fun though. I do love Christmas!
me feeding miss Sofia

the potluck (this is all that was posted by others so far)

pancake theater (don't ask)
I took Monday off and did some school work while I took care of Bryan who had caught the Shaolin stomach virus. Thankfully I didn't...whew! He had a pretty rough day, but while he napped I got shit loads done! I also took Tuesday off and did even more stuff. I was really proud of myself for getting so many things accomplished. I subbed the rest of the week. I had a great day subbing a 2nd grade class and another great day subbing for elementary art where my classes ranged from K-5th. A lot of the kids drew me Christmas pictures which I have decorated the house with. They really add a nice and unique touch - cheap too!
So what did I do if I wasn't doing martial arts every night? Easy - working my ass off doing chores and preparing for Christmas and all of the guests that we are having this month - oh, and being dead tired from subbing all day. Those children can take it out of you. I went to bed at like 6 one night...just sad. Christmas shopping is almost done though - yay!
The weekend:
Bryan's boss came to stay on Thursday. Friday night we all went over to Jose and Lucy's house for dinner which was very delicious! I got to see their baby finally. She was too cute. I even got to feed her. Saturday I slept in really late which was perfect. Those 4:45 mornings come early during the week. I did make it to class. When I got home we prepared for the Kung Fu school Christmas potluck. We went to the potluck and got our grub on...yummy! After stuffing our faces we came back home to get ready to host the second installment of pancake theater (the Christmas edition).
Pancake theater was fun though it wasn't quite as good as the first. Perhaps Miracle on 34th Street wasn't the best choice. Still we made fun of it, and I enjoyed myself. We had to drink each time some form of the name Santa was mentioned which was lots!
Sunday was nice. I went to conditioning class and then when I got home we went to out to eat and then to see what goods we could get at the Circuit City closing. We really racked up. I got several CD's because they were 50% off. Later Jason came over to exchange gifts. He got me volumes 1 & 2 of the Goo Goo Dolls greatest hits which I LOVED! The rest of the day was all TV - perfect!
Bryan's parents are coming on Tuesday and leaving on Sunday. We leave for Mississippi on Monday. I need lots of energy for the rest of this month! It will be fun though. I do love Christmas!
me feeding miss Sofia

the potluck (this is all that was posted by others so far)

pancake theater (don't ask)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hot Pockets!
You'll only get that title if you know the work of Jim Gaffigan - more on that later.
Thursday and Friday I subbed (middle school then high). They were pretty good days I'm happy to report. I didn't go to any classes, this I'm sad to report. It was kind of a weird week as in I just felt kinda offish. I don't exactly know what that means, but there you go. :)
Friday night Bryan took me out to eat pizza. Then we came back home and caught a movie we had DVRed when all the movie channels were previewing for free (yay us!).
Wow, what a day! Saturday was one cool thing after another. First of all we went to the Kung Fu school to participate in 2 seminars. The first was to learn this really cool form, and the second was to learn to put out a candle with your hand. No, not like waving it out. It was so badass when Bryan and I finally achieved it. I wasn't surprised when Bryan did it, but when I did it I was simply blown away (hahaha...all puns intended).
We had to bolt from the candle seminar a little early because I had a photoshoot with Sam. He shot me in my TKD and Kung Fu uniform. My dad really wanted a pic of me in my TKD uniform with all my medals. While that is very cheesy, Sam still helped. We did the one shot and then moved onto some much cooler moves including getting to beat Bryan up. Ah, I love the way Sam's mind works...hehe. After the shoot we walked down to a bbq place for some late lunch with Sam.
Here is a photo that Bryan shot of me: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30348072&l=33668&id=163200356.
After getting our grub on it was time for Jim Gaffigan! We bought these tickets so long ago that I didn't think it would ever come, but finally it was really time to go see his show. I love his last album which Bryan and I quote all the time. I can't tell you how excited I was to attend this. It was almost like seeing my favorite band. Even cooler was that Comedy Central filmed it for their channel. I doubt you'll see Bryan and me, but you never know.
We had 4 tickets (we met Tommy and Elizabeth). They were really sucky seats. No, really...last row in fact. I got dizzy just looking down. Then outta nowhere the producer of the show comes by upgrade our tickets. Apparently, there is some last row lottery. That was crazy cool and much appreciated. We got to move down to the bottom section. It wasn't front row, but at least I could actually see Jim who was hilarious by the way. He was everything I was expecting. He even did his Hot Pocket bit at the end. I seriously laughed the entire time.
Here are some pictures from the show:
the marquee
me n bryan
no hot pockets!
our first seats - ugh
After the show we stopped by Ben's house for a little bit before finally heading back home.
We decided to skip conditioning...so bad of us! Instead we did some more Christmas shopping. We shopped forever and only managed to knock a few more names off the list - lame! I wrapped some gifts and addressed our Christmas cards when we got home. It was definitely all about getting stuff done yesterday.
Monday (today):
I woke up early this morning to find that Bryan had threw up and was feeling very crappy. I was already planning on staying home. I sure picked the right day. I've been doing my best to help him feel better, but I think it's one of those things that just has to work its way through. He already feels better, but I don't think you'll be seeing him in class tonight. Please don't let me get it too. I've been trying to get more stuff done today as well as work on my next school lesson. I got my lesson plan grade back - 93! I was shocked but elated.
Songs I'm Digging at the Moment:
Power to Change - The Black and White Years
Also check out this link because it's a story that the Jackson, MS local news station did on my grandfather for their series on veterans for Veteran's Day. Be sure to watch the video if you don't like to read. ;)
Thursday and Friday I subbed (middle school then high). They were pretty good days I'm happy to report. I didn't go to any classes, this I'm sad to report. It was kind of a weird week as in I just felt kinda offish. I don't exactly know what that means, but there you go. :)
Friday night Bryan took me out to eat pizza. Then we came back home and caught a movie we had DVRed when all the movie channels were previewing for free (yay us!).
Wow, what a day! Saturday was one cool thing after another. First of all we went to the Kung Fu school to participate in 2 seminars. The first was to learn this really cool form, and the second was to learn to put out a candle with your hand. No, not like waving it out. It was so badass when Bryan and I finally achieved it. I wasn't surprised when Bryan did it, but when I did it I was simply blown away (hahaha...all puns intended).
We had to bolt from the candle seminar a little early because I had a photoshoot with Sam. He shot me in my TKD and Kung Fu uniform. My dad really wanted a pic of me in my TKD uniform with all my medals. While that is very cheesy, Sam still helped. We did the one shot and then moved onto some much cooler moves including getting to beat Bryan up. Ah, I love the way Sam's mind works...hehe. After the shoot we walked down to a bbq place for some late lunch with Sam.
Here is a photo that Bryan shot of me: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30348072&l=33668&id=163200356.
After getting our grub on it was time for Jim Gaffigan! We bought these tickets so long ago that I didn't think it would ever come, but finally it was really time to go see his show. I love his last album which Bryan and I quote all the time. I can't tell you how excited I was to attend this. It was almost like seeing my favorite band. Even cooler was that Comedy Central filmed it for their channel. I doubt you'll see Bryan and me, but you never know.
We had 4 tickets (we met Tommy and Elizabeth). They were really sucky seats. No, really...last row in fact. I got dizzy just looking down. Then outta nowhere the producer of the show comes by upgrade our tickets. Apparently, there is some last row lottery. That was crazy cool and much appreciated. We got to move down to the bottom section. It wasn't front row, but at least I could actually see Jim who was hilarious by the way. He was everything I was expecting. He even did his Hot Pocket bit at the end. I seriously laughed the entire time.
Here are some pictures from the show:
the marquee
me n bryan
no hot pockets!
our first seats - ugh
After the show we stopped by Ben's house for a little bit before finally heading back home.
We decided to skip conditioning...so bad of us! Instead we did some more Christmas shopping. We shopped forever and only managed to knock a few more names off the list - lame! I wrapped some gifts and addressed our Christmas cards when we got home. It was definitely all about getting stuff done yesterday.
Monday (today):
I woke up early this morning to find that Bryan had threw up and was feeling very crappy. I was already planning on staying home. I sure picked the right day. I've been doing my best to help him feel better, but I think it's one of those things that just has to work its way through. He already feels better, but I don't think you'll be seeing him in class tonight. Please don't let me get it too. I've been trying to get more stuff done today as well as work on my next school lesson. I got my lesson plan grade back - 93! I was shocked but elated.
Songs I'm Digging at the Moment:
Power to Change - The Black and White Years
Also check out this link because it's a story that the Jackson, MS local news station did on my grandfather for their series on veterans for Veteran's Day. Be sure to watch the video if you don't like to read. ;)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Subbing Suuuucks! Sometimes...
Is it only Wednesday? Ugh....
I subbed middle school which in my opinion is the worst of the schools. Those kids think they know it all. It wasn't a bad day, more like boring. I was subbing for an inclusion teacher. I was more in the way than anything.
Last night I went to TKD. We have gotten a lot of new students here recently which is nice for a little change up. We mostly did target drills and sparring. We only touched on our forms for a few minutes. The instructor said we will focus on forms heavy after Christmas.
Wednesday (today):
I subbed middle school again. This is the WORST day of subbing I have ever experienced. I had multiple students leave the classroom against my protests. I did good just to keep them in the classroom and not running around doing anything they could think of. This school was just horrible. So bad, in fact, that I received a hug from the office staff upon leaving. They wanted to make sure that the students wouldn't keep me from coming back to sub again. The school was super easy to get to so that is a plus. However, I just checked the available jobs, and I can sub there again on Friday. I just can't bring myself to accept the position. I don't want to go back. Being in schools like this makes me very, very scared for our nation's future.
I had a stomach ache on the way home. I don't think it was induced by the children. :) Because of it I decided to take a night off. I've think I have had enough punishment for one day. I hate that I missed sparring though.
Tomorrow I'm subbing for a woman I subbed for about a week ago. She called me directly to come back and sub. I have no idea why she called me directly, but I definitely appreciate a job being thrown to me and not having to fight for it in the subbing system. It was my first direct request. It felt good. The downside? It's middle school! :) I think it's safe to say that while I might be getting my certification to include middle school there is no way in hell I'll teach it! Why do I feel like I'll eat those words?
Upcoming Events:
Christmas pictures:
our Christmas card picture

our attempt to have the cats on our Christmas card
I subbed middle school which in my opinion is the worst of the schools. Those kids think they know it all. It wasn't a bad day, more like boring. I was subbing for an inclusion teacher. I was more in the way than anything.
Last night I went to TKD. We have gotten a lot of new students here recently which is nice for a little change up. We mostly did target drills and sparring. We only touched on our forms for a few minutes. The instructor said we will focus on forms heavy after Christmas.
Wednesday (today):
I subbed middle school again. This is the WORST day of subbing I have ever experienced. I had multiple students leave the classroom against my protests. I did good just to keep them in the classroom and not running around doing anything they could think of. This school was just horrible. So bad, in fact, that I received a hug from the office staff upon leaving. They wanted to make sure that the students wouldn't keep me from coming back to sub again. The school was super easy to get to so that is a plus. However, I just checked the available jobs, and I can sub there again on Friday. I just can't bring myself to accept the position. I don't want to go back. Being in schools like this makes me very, very scared for our nation's future.
I had a stomach ache on the way home. I don't think it was induced by the children. :) Because of it I decided to take a night off. I've think I have had enough punishment for one day. I hate that I missed sparring though.
Tomorrow I'm subbing for a woman I subbed for about a week ago. She called me directly to come back and sub. I have no idea why she called me directly, but I definitely appreciate a job being thrown to me and not having to fight for it in the subbing system. It was my first direct request. It felt good. The downside? It's middle school! :) I think it's safe to say that while I might be getting my certification to include middle school there is no way in hell I'll teach it! Why do I feel like I'll eat those words?
Upcoming Events:
- December 4 - happy hour with some of Bryan's friends
- December 6 - Seminars at the Kung Fu school and then Jim Gaffigan show that night!
- December 9 - our 10 month anniversary
- December 13 - potluck dinner at the Kung Fu school and then pancake theater (Christmas edition) at our house (be there or be square)
- December 16 - 21 - Bryan's parents will be here for Christmas
- December 22 - 27 - we'll be in Mississippi for the Christmas (for real)
- December 24 - Christmas Eve at Granny's
- December 25 - Christmas Day at my Grandparent's house
- there's talk of a party on the 6th as well but because of the show I don't know if we'll make it
Christmas pictures:
our Christmas card picture
our attempt to have the cats on our Christmas card
Monday, December 1, 2008
Starting To Feel Like Christmas
I love long weekends! I enjoyed the extra off time with Bryan. Thank goodness it finally got chilly outside. Now it's starting to feel like Christmas.
Thursday (Thanksgiving):
We met Nik at his grandmother's house for Thanksgiving dinner. We went there for Easter and had awesome food and a great time. I was really looking forward to eating there again. And just as I had anticipated, we had a fantastic time. There was great conversation and yummy food. We made a cranberry coffee cake that was moist and delicious even if the top was a little burnt. :) After we left there we went home and hung and watched TV/movies. It was a perfect day.
I am thankful for more this year than ever before and most of that is thanks to meeting Bryan. :) This has shaped up to be a great year even with the few bumps.
Bryan was off work which just made the weekend perfect and super long. :) School was closed so no subbing. Bryan has caught what I had last week. He didn't feel up to conditioning class so we just slept in. We cleaned the house for hours because we had let it go soooo long. We did what I like to call a deep cleaning. I cleaned everything! It's super clean now though, and looking oh so nice! With cats the house never seems to stay clean for long. :) That night we spent more time taking in TV and movies.
Shaolin-Do day as usual. We ate out for lunch and did a little shopping (the best kind - no buying), and then headed back for my class which was great. I got some great review and even learned a few new things.
Saturday evening we put up the Christmas tree which looks so beautiful. I love the ambiance that a Christmas tree creates. The cats have really taking to it too. Mallos is constantly under there sleeping. I have some wrapped presents, but I can't seem to bring myself to put them under the tree for fear of their safety. We were going to have a date night, but we ended up feeling more like staying home. Instead we - you guessed it - watched TV and movies. Hey, I like these 2 activities!
I woke up just in time to get ready and leave for conditioning class. Class was great. We did kicking and lots of it! I'm a kicker at heart so this was like the funnest hour ever! After that we went for lunch with Sean. Then we stopped at Target on the way home where we got even more Christmas shopping done. The list is steadily getting smaller, but I won't be happy until all Christmas shopping is complete and wrapped. I also put up the stockings. I would love to go all out with Christmas decorations, but I'm feeling too strapped for cash working little and going to school. I hope next year is a lot less stressful in the finance sense. We finished the night up with a movie.
Monday (today):
I took off today in order to complete some school stuff. I finally turned in my first lesson plan. I can only imagine the criticism I will get back when this thing is graded. It was super hard, but I'm very happy with parts of it. I still feel like it was missing something. Oh well, for a first try, it was pretty good. I'm glad to have finally turned it in as I put it off for WAY too long. Now I can look forward to making more of them - yay.
We took our Christmas card photo today. I've never made photo cards before, but I have always wanted to. I think they turned out pretty good. I really wanted the 3 cats in the picture, but true to their nature they didn't cooperate. That's life with cats. :) We got them ordered and will pick them up tomorrow. Now for lots of addressing. I'll probably be asking for some of your addresses. Make sure to put our picture up on the fridge where you can see us everyday...hehe.
I'm looking forward to class tonight. It's a new week so we should start something new in Kung Fu and Tai Chi - sweet! I'm subbing middle school tomorrow so pray for me.
Christmas pictures:
Cats drawn to the tree

Our stockings (made by me)

The cats' stockings

Our tree
Thursday (Thanksgiving):
We met Nik at his grandmother's house for Thanksgiving dinner. We went there for Easter and had awesome food and a great time. I was really looking forward to eating there again. And just as I had anticipated, we had a fantastic time. There was great conversation and yummy food. We made a cranberry coffee cake that was moist and delicious even if the top was a little burnt. :) After we left there we went home and hung and watched TV/movies. It was a perfect day.
I am thankful for more this year than ever before and most of that is thanks to meeting Bryan. :) This has shaped up to be a great year even with the few bumps.
Bryan was off work which just made the weekend perfect and super long. :) School was closed so no subbing. Bryan has caught what I had last week. He didn't feel up to conditioning class so we just slept in. We cleaned the house for hours because we had let it go soooo long. We did what I like to call a deep cleaning. I cleaned everything! It's super clean now though, and looking oh so nice! With cats the house never seems to stay clean for long. :) That night we spent more time taking in TV and movies.
Shaolin-Do day as usual. We ate out for lunch and did a little shopping (the best kind - no buying), and then headed back for my class which was great. I got some great review and even learned a few new things.
Saturday evening we put up the Christmas tree which looks so beautiful. I love the ambiance that a Christmas tree creates. The cats have really taking to it too. Mallos is constantly under there sleeping. I have some wrapped presents, but I can't seem to bring myself to put them under the tree for fear of their safety. We were going to have a date night, but we ended up feeling more like staying home. Instead we - you guessed it - watched TV and movies. Hey, I like these 2 activities!
I woke up just in time to get ready and leave for conditioning class. Class was great. We did kicking and lots of it! I'm a kicker at heart so this was like the funnest hour ever! After that we went for lunch with Sean. Then we stopped at Target on the way home where we got even more Christmas shopping done. The list is steadily getting smaller, but I won't be happy until all Christmas shopping is complete and wrapped. I also put up the stockings. I would love to go all out with Christmas decorations, but I'm feeling too strapped for cash working little and going to school. I hope next year is a lot less stressful in the finance sense. We finished the night up with a movie.
Monday (today):
I took off today in order to complete some school stuff. I finally turned in my first lesson plan. I can only imagine the criticism I will get back when this thing is graded. It was super hard, but I'm very happy with parts of it. I still feel like it was missing something. Oh well, for a first try, it was pretty good. I'm glad to have finally turned it in as I put it off for WAY too long. Now I can look forward to making more of them - yay.
We took our Christmas card photo today. I've never made photo cards before, but I have always wanted to. I think they turned out pretty good. I really wanted the 3 cats in the picture, but true to their nature they didn't cooperate. That's life with cats. :) We got them ordered and will pick them up tomorrow. Now for lots of addressing. I'll probably be asking for some of your addresses. Make sure to put our picture up on the fridge where you can see us everyday...hehe.
I'm looking forward to class tonight. It's a new week so we should start something new in Kung Fu and Tai Chi - sweet! I'm subbing middle school tomorrow so pray for me.
Christmas pictures:
Cats drawn to the tree

Our stockings (made by me)

The cats' stockings

Our tree

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