We ate some very good leftovers...mmm. Then Bryan, his grandparents, and I watched Beowulf. It was pretty good. That's really all we did, but it was a nice way to end a long work week.
We (Byran, his grandparents, and I) were off to San Antonio by 10 AM. The drive went pretty quickly. The first thing we did was eat. We ate at this big restaurant downtown by the little market thing. It was a nice place, but I felt like I was being herded in and out. I guess they are just used to feeding a lot of people especially on a Saturday. After that, we all went shopping in the market place. I didn't really see any must haves, but I picked up presents for my younger siblings. I think they will like what I picked out. Next we were off to the Alamo. Hmmm....if you've seen it, you know it's not much to speak of. I think the grounds are very lovely though. We didn't stay to remember it long, and we were off to the riverwalk. We strolled along the riverwalk for awhile before heading home. Again, the drive went very quickly. I guess I should hit San Antonio more often. Later that night we went to Texas Land & Cattle to eat dinner. I think Bryan's grandparents really liked it there (that was our 2nd time to eat there during their trip). No arguments from me - I LOVE TLC.
Here is a link to the photos from the trip:
Me n OC taking a little cat nap after the trip...very tired

We mostly just hung out at Bryan's house. Bryan and I dropped off his grandparents at the airport around 3 PM. I think it was a good trip for them. It was awesome to meet them. They are good people. Bryan and I then headed downtown to spend the remainder of the afternoon until my photography meeting at 7. We just walked around with no real goal in mind. I loved it. I love going to any town, even my own, and just walking around doing whatever comes to mind and just taking in the scenery. We stopped at a restaurant called Hickory Street for dinner. It was sooo good! I had a blue More walking and shopping. I bought this awesome pink wrap around skirt at this funky shop. It's very cute. I can't wait to wear it. It's really pink...will be hard to miss me. :) We decided to get some Amy's Ice Cream. I had never had any in my whole time in Austin. Well, we took care of that! I had some dark chocolate with Kit Kat. It was so rich. We went straight to the meeting after getting our ice cream.
Pics of Bryan and I at Hickory Street eating:

My meeting went so well. It was a blast. They discussed some of the upcoming events which got me really excited. Unfortunately, I will have to miss this month's peer challenge because I'll be in Mississippi. Too bad...I was really looking forward to it. I spoke with one of the organizers of the meeting at some length. He is an avid film user. It was awesome to talk to someone who is interested in film. I haven't done much with it since school, but I've been dying to get back to it. Hopefully, I'll be able to start printing again. That would rock! Anyway, it was good to talk to him and others there who share such a strong passion for the same thing that I do. And it's very neat to see all the directions and interests that people have inside of the photography realm. Everyone seems to kinda lean toward something different. It makes for awesome conversation. I think this is going to be a very good thing for me. I'm happy I joined. The next event I'll be able to attend is on Sunday, April 27th. It is pinhole camera day...didn't know there was one, but there you have it. My goal now is to research the crap out of this subject. I want to turn both my 35mm and my digital into pinholes as well as maybe making my own pinhole (the simple box kind). This last one depends on a lot...hehe. This sounds like it will be a fun and quite the learning shoot/experience.
After Bryan and I got back to his house it was rather late. We watched some tv and were out for the night.
This morning I got up early so I could take my car to the dealership for the new steering wheel. Thanks to my roommate for following me there and taking me to work...even more thanks for buying me that yummy chicken biscuit. Bryan is going to have to pick me up from work and take me back to the dealership. I feel very bad for him. If you've ever been from one side of Austin to the other in rush hour, you'll feel sorry for him too. Thanks, babe! They assure me that it will be ready by this afternoon. I would think it would, but this place does not have a good track record with me. Time will tell.
And today marks the beginning of my countdown to home sweet home. In case you haven't been keeping up, we are leaving on Friday morning. I'm so happy and excited I can hardly contain myself. This week can not move fast enough. But there's still 4 days of work to make it through. Oh, and Bryan started his new job today!! :)
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