Friday, April 25, 2008

Workin' For The Weekend

It's finally Friday, and I couldn't be happier about it. Thanks to the trip to Mississippi this week has been long. I'm still trying to catch up on sleep...can't seem to get enough. But it was worth it. And we have nothing planned for this weekend that doesn't revolve around being lazy! Yay! I don't know what we'll do tonight, but I do know I want to be in bed by 10! Saturday will be a very good day indeed. Why? Because the only thing we have planned is to pull out the futon at my house and watch movies with lots of blankets and pillows...ahhh. Nice! I'm still unpacking and organizing the stuff I brought back from MS so if I do do anything, it will be with that and perhaps a little cleaning. Sunday calls for a trip to Costco for groceries with Bryan. We are going to buy the food for the week and prepare it. This way we have a well thought out meal plan for the week. Anything that equals less stress and time for me in the week then sign me up. Hopefully this works out great and becomes the weekly thing. We'll probably play some video games that night. Bryan received The Simpson's Game for PS3 from a friend, and there is always stuff to buy from the PS3 store!! Anyway, should be a good, relaxing weekend for the both of us so that on Monday morning we are raring to go!

I'm also going to try to work out a schedule for myself. This will hopefully keep me on track with classes, exercising, and all the other things I have to do. I think I'll start waking up about 30 minutes before I usually get up to do household chores and stuff. I find it hard to get out of bed to workout, but I think it will be a little easier if I have to get up and groggily load the washing machine. Small steps...

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

BlueSparrows said...

Can I just say I'm very jealous of your doing-nothing weekend, I want one of those!

This is why birth control is such a wonderful thing ;)