
I sure am glad I received one of the old plates. The new ones are not pretty at all.
I haven't posted since Wednesday. What's been going on? Not much really. Working (still getting some training on the new stuff) and hanging out with Bryan and his grandparents. I ate dinner with them at Bryan's house last night. His grandmother made some mac and cheese that was out of this world! Yummy! Enjoyed some for lunch today too. :D Haven't worked out much and have not been to class since I last posted. I received a call from the school saying that classes would be different for the rest of the week/weekend. Apparently they have to hold special classes for some of the new ranks (they recently had testing). I guess classes to introduce new green belts to the world of sparring and something for the new black belts. That's cool, but I really was hoping to go to class all this week since I've slacked horribly lately. Sometimes you just can't win. Next week I plan to really get back to my old schedule that was working so well to that nice little cold came along and ruined it all. I've really got to step it up...swim suit season is upon us my friends.
What does this weekend hold? Lots! Dunno what all is going on tonight...probably not much. Tomorrow we (Bryan, his grandparents, and I) are going to San Antonio to hit up the Alamo (don't forget it!) and the riverwalk. I'm pretty excited about this. I have only been to San Antonio once, and that was a long time ago (right after my high school graduation). I have been dying to go back especially since I live so close now. I will definitely take tons of pics. So, keep a look out for those. Sunday we'll take Bryan's grandparents to the airport and see them off home to New York. After that Bryan and I will head downtown so he can attend a meeting and I can go to my photography group meeting from meetup.com. I really need to take some of my own work this time. Hopefully they will have more info on some of the upcoming events. Some of them sounded really fun. I'm still hoping to get some networking in there. Surely the more I go the more people will be familiar with me and vise verse. It would be nice to make some friends with similar interests too. I would love to have a buddy to shoot with. Bryan also rented 3 movies so I guess we'll have to fit those in somewhere. I'm also gonna try to get some running in though it may be difficult with all that is already planned. I need it. Running is such a great stress reliever, and boy do I have stress!
On another note, I have the Mississippi (home) trip pretty much planned out. It already promises to be busy but fun. I think we will be very exhausted upon our return. We leave next Friday!!!! It's so close! I am soooooooo friggin' excited! It looks like there are going to be a lot of family trips back and forth planned this year with Bryan and his family. I guess by Christmas we will have met everyone! That's pretty cool. I can't wait to meet the rest of Bryan's family, but I'm nervous about him meeting mine. I'm sure I'm getting worked up for nothing. :) Sweet tea and granny's cooking...mmmm...only a few more days.
One last thing...my car. I took it to the dealership last Friday because the coating on the steering wheel has started to do this funky thing. It spent a week in the dealership awhile back because the coating on the radio player was coming off, which is now happening again. So, the dealership FINALLY calls today to say that the steering wheel is in. Lucille (my car - yes, I name my car) will be getting one new steering wheel come Monday. But.....the radio is peeling again. The dealership said they'd order another one. Lucille will be in the shop again probably next week. This is starting to get frustrating. If the radio does this again, I guess I'll have to take more drastic measures...but...I don't know what those measures would be. :) If I'm feeling up to it one day, I will have to blog about the crappy service department that Champion Hyundai on Research has. Really though, you don't want me to get started on that place.
Have a great weekend everyone!
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