Monday, April 7, 2008


I really have been meaning to blog...sorry for the long lapse...but can't promise it won't happen again. :D

Last week was the same as it is every week. Work...blah! They have been training me to take over documentation in another part of the little training last week and continuing into this week.

This weekend has been another blast. Seems like they've all been amazing since I started spending them with Bryan. I think I sense a direct correlation.

Friday after work I headed to Bryan's house. My book had arrived. It's called The Complete Guide to Light and Lighting in Digital Photography. It promises to be the best book on the subject. Just thumbing through it at Barnes and Noble that day said so. I really recommend this book if you have any interest on the subject. Bryan cooked another awesome dinner (thanks!). After dinner he suggested we hit Shooter's, a pool hall. Bryan brought along his IBM pool sticks. That is the first time I have ever played pool where I was able to bring my own sticks. That was a pretty awesome feeling...till I started playing and anyone watching soon realized that I did not know what I was doing. Still, I had an awesome time. Pool was a lot of fun. I only won one game but still feel that I had some awesome shots in there. I think Bryan and I were pretty evenly matched which made it quite enjoyable for me.

I have really slacked off working out for the past 3 weeks. I was sick for a week, but it really shouldn't have taken me 2 extra weeks to recover and get back into the swing of things. Totally disenchanted with the idea of working out, I didn't. Nor did I attend much of class. Saturday I ended this. I got my lazy ass up and went to class. And it was so much fun! Weekend classes are always longer. I finally have learned my entire yellow belt form and can now spend time refining, which is badly needed! I still have to learn my 5 sparring steps. I'm getting there...time. After we did the main part of class, the instructor allowed us to exercise with fun. We played some games with a medicine ball. We also played war ball (a version of dodge ball). I don't want to toot my own horn here, but my team won 2 out of 3 games! Class had me so energized that when I got back to Bryan's I hit the pavement running. I really pushed myself too. It was good and hot and wore me out. I was tired but happy. I'm glad I broke my lazy routine. Those things can really suck you in if you allow them.

I helped Bryan shave his head. We both thought it would be wicked awesome if he had a mohawk. And now he does! Check out these pics I took of him....

He's such a handsome devil! :) We're gonna see where we can take this thing.

The rest of the afternoon was spent preparing for the arrival of Bryan's grandparents. We picked them up from the airport early in the night and headed straight to Kerby Lane for dinner. Nothing like Kerby Lane pancakes....nothing! It was nice to finally meet Bryan's grandparents. They are super nice and quite funny. I like them a lot and hope they feel the same towards me. Bryan's grandmother gave me the sweetest little breast cancer awareness bracelet at dinner. It was very thoughtful, and I love it. We all arrived back to Bryan's house, hung out, and eventually hit the sack.

Sunday was a pretty awesome day. Slept in a little but not much. Bryan, his grandparents, and I all loaded up and went to the grocery store. After dropping off the goods and grabbing lunch at Bryan's house, Bryan, his grandfather, and I went to Home Depot to purchase some things for Bryan's yard. After receiving a nice letter with an accompanying photo from his HOA, he has really been trying to make it look nice. We picked out some nice rock thingies to outline the flower beds. Bryan and his grandfather spent several hours putting those into place. It really made the flower beds and yard as a whole look much nicer. I think they did an excellent job. While we were at Home Depot, Bryan bought some supplies to make these exercise wheels from a video. I helped him put those together. Wow! They were really difficult (not to assemble, to do). Don't let ol' Ross there fool you in this video. He made them look easy, but these things will kick your ass...or abs rather! I tried them but found that since my abs hurt from Saturday's class these were almost impossible to endure. When they feel better, I'd love to try these things out. For now it's all Bryan! Bryan's grandmother gave me a cool silver key chain from New York depicting some of the city's famous attractions. After all of that, we all sat down to a nice meal prepared by the grandparents. It was a new dish for me, but I thought it was pretty good! We all watched a little TV and then I said good night and went home.

I tried out my new workout DVD when I arrived home. I didn't really like the video, but some of the moves were really good. I'll be incorporating those into my workouts in the future. Some of the moves really focused on my problem areas (butt and thighs). Today my abs, butt, and thighs are all sore. It hurts to walk, but I'm glad I'm working out again.

Well, it's finally Monday and time to do the whole dance over again...sigh.
This morning I tried to become a little more Texan by getting my license plate. However, after driving all the way to Georgetown (and back by work in South Austin at 9) I was told I didn't have all the paper work I needed. I let them know my disgust with their website which doesn't really help new residents understand the process. I was also told that their was a Cedar Park office that I could use when I have collected all the proper paperwork. That was good to know....but the news didn't come in time. That was a waste of gas and sleeping time!
Goals for this week are to continue to work out...hard!...and try to spend a lot of time with Bryan's awesome grandparents before they leave on Sunday. I also have a few things I'd like to do at the house. Hopefully I'll find the time for all and will feel really accomplished at the end of the week.

April 18th is steadly drawing nearer. The closer it looms the more I am ready to be in Mississippi. I try not to think on it so much, but find that it is always in the back of my mind. Home is calling my name, and I really want to answer. I'm sure that the day will come quite quickly, and in no time at all we'll be back in Texas. I'll be a little homesick for a week and then all will be back to normal. I've tried to plan out as much as possible to make sure they we can see everyone and get everything done.

For now its back to the old job...have a great week all!

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