I've been to TKD every night this week. I'm still adjusting to the new guy, but several conversations with him have me very excited about some upcoming things. On September 2 he is starting a new schedule. Some classes will remain the same, but some will change; many classes will be added too. I'm very excited about having more options for taking classes. I'm most excited that Saturday classes will return to normal, and I will start attending those for sure.
I ordered a desk for my computer. It's one of the last elements needed to complete the home office. Well, I'm thinking about painting some sort of stripe or accent on all or one of the walls just to jazz it up a little, but at this point we are both quite stumped as to what to do exactly. However, we'll figure it out, and it will be awesome (just like the rest of our house). :) The desk came in record time which was quite the surprise. I'm used to waiting forever to get something I ordered on the internet. I guess the speedy delivery was just to tease me. The first pieces (step 1) didn't fit together (see the picture below). I had to call customer service (which was amazingly still open and even more amazing - they were super nice and said that the manufacturer would mail me replacement pieces). It was almost too simple. Most likely, it will take the pieces a month to arrive. This is just my luck.
Just look at this! This is just one of many holes that just don't line up. I wonder if the replacement will actually be drilled differently. I have my doubts.

Bryan spent pretty much all evening outside working on our flower beds. It was sooo hot. I have no idea how he managed to do all he did with out passing out. So, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that we finally came up with a game plan for the flower beds. Since we are so bad at keeping up with our shrubs and weeds, we decided to plant something that required almost no attention from us. We decided that some cacti and/or succulents would look awesome and give us the independence we crave from yard work. We want to put gravel around the plants to complete the look. This brings me to earlier in the week.
Last weekend we had gone to have a looky at the landscaping place close to our house. We priced out their gravel and came up with $150 minimum. Luckily, I RSS craigslist.com Austin freebie section. Early this week I saw an ad posted for free gravel from someone in Cedar Park, and I put Bryan on the case immediately. Thanks to Scott and his truck, Bryan was able to transport enough gravel to fill our beds. FREE! I love it.
So, Bryan pulled up all of the shrubs today. He transplanted 3 of them behind our fence in the backyard. It just adds a little something to our yard. We gave the other 5 to my coworker who recently moved just down the street from us. No plants were killed in this makeover. Ok, that's not entirely true. Lots of weeds are dying as I type this. Bryan just put down some sort of weed killer. He'll be putting the gravel out on Sunday most likely.
Oh, and the bed suit finally sold!!!! Our garage is almost ours again! I'm sooo happy. Oh, and craiglist.com will bring about some very major weirdos. Don't say I didn't warn you!
This Saturday is our 6 month anniversary. We have a big day planned. I'll just wait and tell you all about it afterwards.
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