Thursday Night:
We met Wendy for a little coffee and a game of Scrabble. It is hard to know what's going on in Scrabble when you don't keep score, but hopefully I proved to Wendy that I'm not all competitive. ;)
I worked. It was a long day. Jason and I did go out for lunch which made it somewhat better.
Shortly after arriving home from work, Bryan and I headed to my belt ceremony...finally! It was short and to the point, but still it was awesome to finally get to wear that senior green! I can't stop staring at it and talking about it. I love it! I'm so happy to be moving up in the ranks. I learned some very strange news at the end of the ceremony. Our school was sold to someone else so it will now be under different management. I'm not sure what this means...about anything. It will simply be a wait and see game. I have no real information at this point. I am both excited and nervous. Things may only change slightly or dramatically. I really don't know. It will still be an ITA school so, it can't change that much. I will let you know when I know more. I'll definitely be anxious to go to class tomorrow though I doubt much will have changed over the weekend.
Thanks to the little boy sitting beside me at the ceremony - He kindly pointed out that I didn't have a yellow stripe on my belt (he is the same rank as me). Yeah well, they don't give that one out to adults. Thanks for reminding me of how old I am.
Bryan offered to take me out for dinner in celebration, but I was still feeling pretty full from lunch so, I opted out. Instead we spent an awesome night in drinking mimosas and watching movies/television.
Here are the pictures that Bryan took of the belt ceremony:
Bowing In
Removing Our Belts
Getting My New Belt
Back To My Seat
Top Belt Awarded
Sporting The New Belt
We slept in which was awesome! We finally managed to drag our asses out of bed to hit downtown for the farmer's market. It was soo hot which caused Bryan to be irritable quickly. :) We bought a few things, but we had to escape the heat pretty quickly. We headed for lunch - Greek - yum! After engulfing some very awesome gyros, we went the Buffalo Exchange. I had never been there before and wanted to at least see what it was about. I bought some jeans and a shirt.
After all of that, I suggested that we go paint pottery! Haha..yeah, I know, but it was a lot of fun. It was something we'd been talking about for awhile. I quickly googled and found this place on Bee Caves. It was a pretty cool little place. We decided to paint coffee mugs for one another. We each picked out a mug we'd like, and then the other one painted it. I was surprised to see Bryan choose colors and a design that I loved. Who knew he knew me so well? We can pick them up as soon as Wednesday. I know we are both super anxious/excited to see how they turned out. Plus, it's time we started sippin' in style. :)
We were exhausted by all the activities and the sun so, we took a great nap upon returning home. We didn't leave the house all Saturday night, but instead opted for another great night in. We watched Atlantis and ate then slept.
Here is what Bella did that night:
We slept in again. We hung out around the house doing nothing until it was time to leave for Ryon's birthday lunch in South Austin. The whole gang was there, and we devoured much pizza and desert. It was awesome to see everybody; it's been awhile since I've seen everyone. After leaving the pizza place, we ran by Wal-Mart for a few essentials.
Here is a funny picture Bryan snapped of me there:
Basically we've been lounging ever since coming home. Bryan's been helping me work on my tattoo design. Think I might be getting close to locking in on something. :) We are currently fasting.
Here is the rest of Bella's weekend in pictures:

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