Friday night:
I was at Wal*Mart trying to purchase some more decks of cards for the Spades Tournament (this Saturday!!) when I received a voicemail from my old co-worker at Lott Brothers. She was inviting me to come and hang out with all of the girls from LBCC. I was excited to see some of the girls and not really looking forward to a few. However, the thought of Happy Hour got to me, and I quickly finished up my shopping to hurry to the restaurant. Unfortunately Wal*Mart didn't want to lose me so quickly.
I bought 4 decks of cards. One pack was priced at $1 and the other at $1.97. They only had one pack for a dollar, and the $1.97 packs actually rang up at $2.95. I was so not paying that much for a pack of cards. Therefore, I spent many minutes at customer service getting my cards repriced...sigh.
I finally made it to happy hour! It was awesome to see Destiny, Melanie, and Tala. I met a really cool girl who had started working there since I left. After we were all pretty saucy, I called Bryan to come and join us. I felt bad leaving him at home all night.
Me and Destiny at happy hour(s):
Tala has the rest of the photos so I'm not sure if I'll ever get all of those.
At about 2:30 AM in the morning my uterus awoke me for menstrual cramps. I would really appreciate if my body would start adding these things to my Google calender. So that lasted until 6 AM, and I finally managed to get in another hour of sleep when Bryan woke me up. I stayed in bed desperately trying to sleep until it was time to get ready for Lucy/Jose's baby shower.
The shower was really fun. All of her gifts were so cute! The women played some games which were all in Spanish unfortunately. I couldn't play them all, but it didn't stop me from winning the baby word search. I managed to snag a big box of chocolate truffles for that one. :D We are still enjoying them. Mmmmmm.....
After we arrived back home, we tried to watch a movie, but I passed out about 20 minutes in. Bryan said it was good though. :)
Sunday Bryan and I got up early so that we could start enjoying all the free museums in the city. We attended Umlauf Sculpture Garden where we were able to meet about 20 sculptors and see their work. We also got to make our own sculptures. It was a weak attempt on my part, but Bryan made me a sweet keepsake. :) Then we went to Austin Museum of Art which was great but much smaller than I had expected. Then it was Mexic-Arte Museum. Nik met us at this point where we enjoyed some lunch downtown. He then attended one museum with us. It was the Arthouse where they were having a show based on video games. We were all excited to see the exhibit, and we were all greatly disappointed. It was horrible! Finally we were off to another shitty exhibit at the Texas Music Museum. They only had pictures, maybe 2 actual items. Pssst...get some artifacts or something! It was a nice long day of culture with perfect weather, but it was good to finally go home.
We spent the rest of the night laying around the house.
I'm still awaiting to hear from the school for acceptance into their program, but they are based in Houston soooo who knows when I may hear from them. It is definitely making me nervous. In the mean time I have applied to a few more things but changing industries has definitely proven to be quite difficult.
Bryan finally got our jasmine plants planted in the back yard. They can now make their way happily up the trellises. They look awesome and still smell great. I imagine they will look really great in a year.
Bryan came to watch my TKD class. It was definitely an interesting class. Testing is this Saturday so the class is geared toward making sure we are ready and prepared for that. We sparred 4 rounds last night which easily kicked my ass. I also had a little altercation with the highest rank student. She very rarely comes to class. I'm not sure what her deal was, but whatever...I've decided to let it go. My legs are covered in bruises from sparring all the black belts all the time. They never spar down to my rank, and I'm still trying desperately to spar up to there level. I'm not against a little rough sparring, but some of those kids are kicking like it's a real fight. I suppose it's learn to not get hit or get the shit beat out of me at this point. So, would anyone like to teach me there sparring secrets? :) I'm definitely up for hints and secrets of the trade.
Proof that Bryan loves me:
Lastly I'd like to talk about my disappointment in Hurricane Ike. WTF? I know that Ike didn't come in like a lamb, but how is it Cedar Park managed to not get one drop of rain. Look at this:
Major fail!
1 comment:
I dunno what I have to do to get one of those whipped cream lookin' drinks, but I'm possibly willing to do it :)
Lemme know when you hear back from the school.
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