The rest of the week I spent filling out lots of paperwork. I applied for school. I'm just waiting for all the correct papers to get to them for final review. Assuming all the paperwork arrives, I should be getting my acceptance letter any day. I'm already completely registered with the site and have my email set up. This is all good signs as I see it. :) I have also started the process to applying to substitute teach in some of the close school districts around me. This is proving to be a lot of work. I have to provide so many personal recommendations. I think people are going to get tired of doing these for me. I really hope that something gives soon because this being in limbo is not giving me peace of mind.
This weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night Bryan and I went out for dinner which was nice. Saturday I had a photoshoot with my friend's 2 kids. I have shot them once before, but thankfully this time they were much more willing. :) I got several awesome shots, but I plan on editing them today or tomorrow so that I can see what I really have and get them back to her. I am anxious to see how she likes them. After they left Bryan and I had to do major cleaning to the house. Late Friday night Bryan decided we were going to host UFC at our house.
Here is a couple of pictures that I took (I'll try to post more when I'm finished editing):
UFC was a lot of fun, and I thank everyone who came. It was just the right amount of people. Everyone brought food which is always nice. Bryan made fajitas which were very good. We set up a table for them buffet style. There were some really good fights including the big one (in case you need to see it again)! Elizabeth brought a very small kitten with her which quickly became the favorite of the party (according to the people anyway, our cats didn't like her so much). See picture below for proof:

I'm still waiting for Amy to upload the pictures that she took.
Sunday we didn't really do much. We were pretty lazy. We watched National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets which was pretty good. That night we went to a free showing at Coldtowne Theater for some improv/sketch comedy. It was pretty good especially since it was FREE! We even managed to snag a couple of 2 for 1 admission coupons for later usage. :) If you've never been there, I highly suggest going sometime. It's a very small and intimate theater where they actually teach improv classes. You never quite know what you're going to get which is half the fun. They are quite talented people.
Well, today is Monday and the start of yet another week unemployed...sigh. I have some errands to run so I should probably get into the shower. Wow, its 10 already. Time passes much quicker when you don't have to work. Hmmm... I need to go pick up a baby shower gift which should be fun because I LOVE to shop. :D
Have a great week!
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