I can FINALLY discuss Bryan's birthday surprise now that it has occurred. It has been so difficult not to breathe a word of it to Bryan. I have wanted to blog about it so bad but for obvious reasons couldn't. It has been something I have been planning since we moved the date back from its original time in August. Bryan chose the new date. Once I realized how close it was to his actual birthday I knew something must happen. Bryan would never say what he wanted to do for his birthday so I just decided for him. :D I want to thank everyone who helped especially Wendy, Ligi, and Jason. He never suspected a thing, and the whole affair was too awesome! :)
Friday started early. While Bryan was gone to class I had to pull my lazy ass out of bed to go to Ligi's house to deliver some things for her to make Bryan's birthday cake. She lives in Pflugerville. Wow, that was a long ride. Thank goodness for my iPhone GPS! On the way back I stopped by Jason's for a few minutes. Finally around noon I arrived back home. I was supposed to clean that afternoon but....well, I didn't feel good and took a nap. Yes, here comes the picture:
I swear that the next time I take a nap that I am hiding Bryan's iPhone first. Bryan, documenting my cat naps are cute, but I think we all get the point which is that I am lazy and worthless while jobless. Good thing those teaching certification classes start on Wednesday. I hope all my books and stuff arrive in time.
After a very long nap, it really was time to tackle the house to get ready for the party on Saturday. We tackled so much though most of it wasn't on the to do list for the night. However, it was a lot of things I had wanted to see happen. We got the other 2 plants planted in the front yard. The garage is now 95% cleaned/organized. We tried to hang the kayak which even included Bryan running to Lowes, but we were unsuccessfully. Sigh. It's good to have the garage in usable condition again. We did a lot more, but we left plenty to do for Saturday. Bryan was out quickly, and lucky me I couldn't sleep at all.
I finally managed to get a few hours of sleep. This is not how I wanted to start this particular day. I wasn't quite sure how I was going to get through my TKD testing and a party without a nap. My brain pretty much wouldn't let me. All I could think of was surprising Bryan. Plus there was too much to do.
Testing went okay. I wasn't all that pleased with my form. I am always super hard on myself. Bryan took a video of me doing my form. It's okay, but by far not my best. I wasn't as nervous as I have been previously, but I was still somewhat nervous and it got to me.
Here is the video:
Here are the pictures that Bryan took:
Lining up for testing
Warming up
The Judges
Getting Ready for Sparring
Sparring Round 1
Senior Green vs. Senior Green
Always keep your guard up!
Sparring Round 2
Circling my opponent
Senior Green vs. Green
End of testing
After testing was complete we stopped by Costco for party supplies. Once home we set about making sure the house was all ready for the spades tournament. Bryan cooked for the party (much appreciated!) I cleaned everything. Bryan helped me set up all the playing stations. I was totally counting down the hours. I was getting nervous that something bad would happen in regards to Bryan's surprise.
FINALLY 7 PM arrived! People started to show up (not as many as said they would - I was a little disappointed at the turnout), and the night went as planned. After everyone had a chance to eat, I managed to get everyone to sit down for the rules (and the surprise). After everyone was seated, I said I had a little something we had to do first. Bryan definitely looked confused...hehe. Wendy helped me by bringing in the cake that Ligi had made. Everyone sang him "Happy Birthday." Next I gave him the present I have had wrapped and sitting right under his nose for weeks. He totally loved his present which made me happy. And he loved his cake which also made me happy. I knew making a motherboard cake was the way to go. :) You wouldn't want to know what this cake would have looked like if I had made it.
Pictures of the surprise:
Gift time!
What's in the box?
Bryan opening his gift
Just what he wanted!
Showing off the goods
Bryan with the cake
The motherboard cake
Finally it was time to actually play Spades which was fun. Congrats to the winners! They took home all of our cash. Don't go spending it all in one place. ;) I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks for coming and bringing nourishment.
Pictures of the tournament:
Bubbles loves Spades
Jason eating cake
The tournament - Round 1
Round 2
The results
The winners!
Bryan and Bubbles
Video of Bubbles:
Nothing. Really - we did nothing but lay around watching television and eating party leftovers. Bryan's throat has been sore all day and night. I would be asleep right now but at about 1 AM he woke me up moaning with his throat in his sleep. I found a home remedy online and made him try it. Hopefully it worked because he's sleeping. I was unable to return to sleep so looks like I'll be taking one of those "cat naps" today.
Bryan's actual birthday is Wednesday - the same day I'm scheduled to start classes. I'm not really sure what we are doing for the special occasion, but I think we are going to go out to eat with whoever wants to join.
More proof that Bryan loves me:

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