About a week later my dad called me again. This time he had much more to tell me regarding the accident. He still doesn't really know what happened - some wrong move perhaps or an unforeseen road condition. My dad has been driving these gigantic monster trucks for as long as I can remember. He's been all over the country in them. He currently travels much of the Eastern United States. He's often caught in terrible weather conditions. My family basically only sees him on the weekend. He is definitely a seasoned driver. I have always worried about him, but I try to take comfort in the fact that he knows what he is doing.
As my dad told me the whole story or what he could remember which is really nothing, I was more afraid than the first time he called. He had spoken to the people first on the scene and was armed with lots more information. No one saw the accident so that portion will always remain a mystery. Hearing the details of how he was found unconscious really got to me. He wasn't wearing his seat belt. My dad has a very bad back due to several injuries most recently one on a dirt bike. He doesn't wear the seat belt because it aggravates his back. The truck flipped on its side and collided with a metal pole which my dad's face was resting on with they found him. He was laying on the window of the passenger side with his feet tangled up in the steering wheel. That pole could have been his death. He's very lucky to be walking around so soon and even just to be alive.
I found this picture on one of the local newspaper's website. My Grandmother said that the other newspaper's picture was much better (scarier I'm sure), but they don't have it on their site. It's probably a good thing that I'm unable to view it.

It appears as if this were not shot directly after it happened.
I'm really glad that my father is okay. It really makes me feel bad to be so far from all of my family. I know someday something will happen to someone, and here I'll be, all the way in Austin. I'll be a good 10.5 hour drive getting to anyone. If something happens I won't be there, and by the time I do get there, there's a good chance it will be too late. My Grandmother is getting older. I hate knowing that I'm so far from her. I know that the whole family is all there and able to be with one another, but still, I hate being helpless and out of range. This is just a reflection. I don't want to live in Mississippi. It's boring and behind the times. I love Austin, and this is my home. I know that my family would love for me to be there with them, but I also know that they want me to be happy above all else. Austin and all the people I know here make me very happy. I am positive that I will be here for the majority of my life.
You never know what each day holds. It is very important to remember that and cherish each day, each moment, and each person.
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