I have been going at my teaching certification classes. It's all pretty much go at your own pace. I've been trying to make sure my pace is about one lesson a day. I did the first of my 5 online chat session classes Saturday morning at the Kung Fu school while Bryan did his class. I am really liking all the material so far. I learn new things with each article I read. Most of the material covers a lot of psychology and teaching strategies that were definitely not in play when I was in school. This excites me. I'm really excited to get finished and get started on my new career.
Martial Arts:
I dunno if it was a good idea, but Bryan convinced me to go to the conditioning class on Friday morning. Was this really the best way to be introduced to Shaolin-Do? Well, it certainly made for an interesting experience and a sore second day. It was super early, but I managed to drag myself from bed. I have to admit it was odd to be going with him. I'm used to his Friday ritual just not as a participator. The class was hard but a lot of fun. And it really did make me feel accomplished. I have been sitting on my lazy ass way too much lately. It's definitely time to step things up. After the class I joined in the weekly ritual of going out for breakfast. It was nice to meet some of the students that I had not yet met through Bryan as well as see some familiar faces. I suppose everyone will get used to seeing me around the school.
Bryan and I spent practically the whole day at Kung Fu on Saturday. He had class in the morning. When he was finished we grabbed lunch and came right back. At 1 PM I took my first class. I have to say that while I'm excited to learn a new martial art, I wasn't all that anxious to be a white belt yet again. It is really creepy to have all of our friends hanging around watching me. At least I feel like they are watching me. It doesn't really matter if they are because I'm convinced they are so damage done. I've gotta stop getting into my own head so much.
On the TaeKwonDo side of things - I received my blue belt during the belt ceremony held on Friday evening. Bryan was there to document as usual. I hate that almost none of the adults show up for this event. I end up feeling way outta place, but I must admit that I do love seeing all of the children. They are so enthusiastic about ranking up. It's pretty damn cute!
Here are the pictures that Bryan took of the belt ceremony:
Start of the ceremony
View of everyone there
Getting my new belt tied on
I'm a blue belt!
Waiting on the others
All the new ranks
Showing off the belts
Other news:
I met Jason for lunch on Friday. It was nice to hang out with him some.
On Friday after my ceremony, Bryan and I met up with Ryon, Jason, and Amy to watch the presidential debates at the Alamo. It was definitely the best way to watch the showdown. We were able to stuff our faces with lots of yummies while the candidates clawed each others eyes out. I was pretty disappointed with the debate from both sides. Neither did a super job at explaining things. Mostly they just threw out numbers, quotes, and attacks I have no way of validating. At least they had this awesome bingo cards for us to play with. Check them out:

Today (Sunday) Bryan and I have been SUPER lazy. Finally in the late afternoon we managed to finally get down some sort of game plan for the New York trip (we leave on Tuesday). I still need to go find some stuff to knock me out. Hmmm...I wonder if it would be easier to have someone knock me out? Any takers? Only serious inquires please. Must be able to do a 3 hour knock out - anything less is useless to me. I'm excited to see the Big Apple just sooo nervous for this damn flight...ugh!
Video I took of OC's new trick (he's a wheelbarrow):
Songs I've been digging lately:
Let It Rock - Kevin Rudolf (feat. Lil Wayne)
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