Today is Bryan's birthday (in case you weren't tipped off by the post title). I wish that I could report all of the awesome things we did today in celebration, but alas I can not. Truth is he's a pretty sick boy. His throat started to hurt Saturday shortly before the party. On Sunday it was really hurting. On Monday we went to the doctor.
Bryan at the doctor:

Poor thing. He tested negative for strep throat which is good. However, it's Wednesday, and he is STILL complaining of a very sore throat. The doctor prescribed him some antibiotics, but it's still too early to see if they are working. Last night he decided it was best to let his fever run it's course. I'm a very big believer in letting your body do it's own thing, but it does make for a pretty shitty night. Needless to say, I haven't slept well since he got sick. But that's okay...nursing him back to health at least makes me feel like I'm earning my keep here at the homestead while unemployed.
Speaking of working or the lack of, I started my teaching certifications. Just another thing that distracted me from celebrating sicko's birthday all day. I'm pretty excited about this endeavor. I quickly noted that just because this is an online program, it will be no walk in the park. There are tons of lessons to do. I will also have to do 20 in classroom observations. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, and I really do enjoy a challenge which is not something I was used to getting at any job. I think that will change with this career though. I also like the idea that every year will change, and each child will learn differently. This means that things will be the same and yet different, and it will force me to always stay on my toes.
Back to the big day. Bryan spent most of the day on the couch. He was feeling much better this afternoon after finally taking some fever reducers so we decided to go out for dinner. The dinner sucked...seriously sucked. We tried a newer restaurant that had received great reviews. We were tricked!! We didn't want to risk a terrible desert too so we headed to Amy's Ice Cream. Great choice! Despite feeling bad and crappy food, I hope that Bryan enjoyed his birthday or at least the days leading up to it which included a surprise party and lots of great gifts.
Bryan's gift from me (currently on the bed but with belts added!):
Pictures of our dinner tonight for Bryan's birthday:
Here is a pic of the backyard where we created the little garden. It's not complete yet, but it's on it's way. I love it.
In other news:
Bella finally learned to use the kitty door we installed in the window. I'm super proud of my little girl! Now all of our cats can come and go as they please. Nice.
We leave for New York City on Tuesday, and we still haven't come up with a way to knock me out for the duration of the flight. I'm seriously terrified by flying. Nothing you say will convince me to be otherwise. Therefore, for me and all the other passengers to enjoy the flight, I need to be pretty much unconscious or as close as possible. Seriously, I don't want to even know I was on a plane. Soooo...if you have some ideas or suggestions or even the good stuff...give it up!
And lastly, it looks like I'll be infiltrating Bryan's last haven - his martial arts school. Yep, I've decided to come take Kung Fu/Tai Chi. I'm pretty excited. :D This is in part to the sparring issues at my school as of late. This does not mean that I will not be attending TKD though. I paid for 2 years when I started which will get me through my black belt. And since I bought that nice belt rack for TKD, I plan on filling it up. I think I can manage to do both. I only need 12 classes per testing cycle in order to test. Cycles are about 2 1/2 months. This shouldn't be too difficult. I'll probably eat those words. :)
Songs I'm digging at the moment:
Going On - Gnarls Barlkey
Whatever You Like - T.I.
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