Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Effort Continues

Working Out! Yeah, not always fun, but the results sure are nice. I wanted to focus on some of the things on my list that will take time to actually achieve. One of those being to obtain a killer body. Obviously, I'm not going to go on a few runs and get this one. I started working out shortly before compiling the list. Having been so lazy and inactive for so long (since I moved to Texas - almost 8 months ago!!!), I've really been easing into working out. I've been running for a couple of weeks now, and last night I started my fluidity (you'll have to Google this one - but it really does work). The fluidity workout is tough! For anyone who is skeptical, I dare you to just try it - mine if you need. What I love about fluidity is that when coupled with cardio, results can be seen in as little as two weeks! Before I moved to Texas, this was my workout - run and fluidity. I had a good body, but I'm after something a little more than "good." So, my goal now is to add to what I already know works well for me and that I can stick with. Now that I have bought the kayak, I can add that to my list of active activities. I also want to start Tae Kwon Do very shortly. I'm not sure if any of you know, but I actually took TKD for a summer and earned my yellow belt. I am really looking forward to starting it up again. It was so much fun and very rewarding. At some point, I also want to add archery. All of these activities put together sound good to me! But please feel free to invite me along to any activity you might be doing - running, biking, hop scotch, underwater basket weaving, whatever! - just get me off my ass!! And if you see me around ask me what kind of exercise I did today, yesterday, this week - and ride my ass about it! I'll thank you if I'm ever on the cover of Fitness magazine. ;)

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