Tussin: (from urbandictionary.com)
when you take too much of the cough medicine robutussin and you begin to feel giddy and off balance; a mixture of drunk and highness
I was tussin last night.
I still haven't done anything physical, but I'm hoping to go run as soon as I wrap up this post. TKD was canceled today because of Easter...hmmm...still trying to figure that out how that adds up. I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. I can't believe I lost a whole week of exercise to this stupid cold. Oh well...no use getting hung up on that which is in the past. Moving forward...
The weekend was really awesome. Friday night we dyed the Easter eggs. I haven't done this since I was a child. It was a little dorky, but it really was fun. Sometimes you just gotta be a big kid. I think that all of our eggs came out very beautiful and Eastery. Saturday night we went out to eat with the Kung Fu gang....always fun. Sunday (Easter) was the best. Thank you so much Nik for inviting Bryan and I over to your grandmother's house for lunch. That might be the most fun I've had in awhile. His grandmother rocks! It was a really pleasant afternoon. Bryan and I enjoyed ourselves greatly. After we left there we went downtown to Bookpeople. We browsed for an hour. But the real reason for going was so I could attend this meeting for a photography group I found on meetup.com. I drug Bryan along for moral support. I didn't really know what to expect. I really liked the meeting. They mentioned some upcoming events that I'm definitely interested in participating. I really am only looking for networking but am open to whatever the group can give me. After we finally made it back to Bryan's, we piled up and watch a movie (Michael Clayton - eh).
I'm still working on my list...always, always. Hopefully, new updates on that soon.
Here are the pics from when we dyed Easter eggs:
Bryan showing off what we've done

All 9 of our Easter eggs (aren't they simply lovely?)

Bryan's very weird yet artistic egg (points to anyone who knows why it did this)

Things getting on my nerves lately: me! (I have PMS and my hormones are driving me crazy!!)
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