Saturday, March 8, 2008


Well, I finally started TaeKwonDo today. I pretty much felt like an idiot. It's been like 3 years since I was last in a class - what was I thinking!?! I attended the North Austin location on 620. I registered, got a uniform, paid, and all that jazz...I was excited. There was even a picture on the wall of my instructor back in Chattanooga, TN (where I originally trained). In fact everything was a lot like my old school. I was right about sticking with an ITA (International TaeKwonDo Alliance) school. This is where things start to turn sour. Class begins and there is practically no students. Topping that, I am the only yellow belt and also the lowest rank attending. A trainee instructor teaches class, and I might add that she has a lot of training left! I am used to the sink or swim mentality but c'mon, this is a school. Not to say she didn't instruct me...she did, but she didn't make me feel any better about my long lapse in training or this being my first day at a new school. Perhaps it was all in my head....everyone staring at me, judging me, already assuming I'm one of "those" know the kind - they keep advancing but you wonder how. They just seem to go through the movements, it never comes natural to them, and you just wonder why they even bother. I am NOT one of those. I am very detailed. I like to know that I'm doing everything right. I haven't made it to a rank of sparring yet, but you can believe my forms are exact. And I don't want to just get the movements right, I want there to be power in them. I want people watching to be a little worried about the day they do give me the chance to spar. I shouldn't be so quick to judge. It was just day one. And who knows what week night classes may be like. I do hope more students show up. I'm very tempted to try the Leander locale on Monday night. They said I could go to any location with my membership. The Leander offers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu which I've never tried but would love to give it a shot. I'm definitely not giving up. I'm just a little taken aback....everything on my list was coming so easy. Do warriors cry? Because I felt kinda like crying when I got in my car, but I'm supposed to be training to be a warrior. No...I will learn this, and I will love it like I did back in the day. I just have to get into the swing of things. Prove to them that I do love TKD and that I'm here for the long haul - the lifelong haul. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't give up easily, and I don't back away from a challenge. You make me want it more! I crave this!!

On another note - I think I might be taking the kayak out on the water next weekend. Me and my roommate for sure - anyone interested in going? The more the merrier! I really plan on going once a month sooooo if you're really interested you might wanna make a lil club out of it or something. Either way I'll be out there! Drive over the river and look out for me! :)

Ok, I'm going for a run....something I know I know how to do! Still a looooong way from that 5 mile run on my list.

Things getting on my nerves lately - minivans and British accents - go figure!

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