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You won't be seeing me online during work hours any longer. Gone are the remote desktop days at work. So if I seem to have just disappeared today...well, get used to it. It sucks, but that's life for you.
Another update:
Awhile back I mentioned in my blog that my friend and old roommate Jason were on the outs. I also wrote about us having a big heart to heart one day. Well, Jason went on vacation for a couple of weeks shortly after us having that conversation. I would just like to report that we have managed to work out our differences and get rid of all the grievances that were between us. I feel more like the "team" we were such a long time ago before I ever moved to Texas.
Speaking of moving to Texas....I have now lived here for a full year (this week to be exact). Yep, I moved here the Saturday after the fair this time last year.'s already been an entire year and an eventful one at that. So, just what have I done in this year?
- I have lived in 1 apartment, 1 duplex, and now a house.
- I have worked for 3 companies (including my current position)
- I have been unemployed twice (that sucked!)
- I have met the man of my dreams
- I have adopted this man's two cats (wow - I have 3 cats!!!)
- I have made awesome friends (and lost some along the way)
- I have met a lot of people!
- I have experienced a lot of Austin (and loved every bit of it)
- I have registered to vote in Texas and gotten Texas license plates
- I have eaten more Mexican food than I had ever imagined possible
- I have been back to Mississippi 3 times (that's a 10.5 hour drive one way!!)
- I have proven to myself that I can really do anything I want, that I'm stronger than I ever thought
I truly do love Austin and all the people here. I can't imagine living anywhere else. That's a pretty big deal considering that I had never even been to Austin until I drove in with my car loaded down.
But just because I love it here in Austin doesn't mean that I don't miss home. For everything I've done here, I feel like I have missed 3 things at home. I'm not just talking about the Neshoba County Fair either. I have 3 siblings (12, 7, and 3), and every time they do anything, I miss it.
One day while Bryan and I were driving around this song came on. I was so taken by the first few lines of the lyrics.
ZZ Top My Heads In Mississippi Lyrics
I'm shufflin' thru the Texas sand,
But my head's in Mississippi.
I'm shufflin' thru the Texas sand,
But my head's in Mississippi.
The blues has got a hold of me.
I believe I'm gettin' dizzy. (Spoken: Help me now.)
Tomorrow's Friday! Thank goodness! I really need it. What a week! Plus, I have been awaiting this senior green belt for too long! Please give it to me already!
I am so friggin' full after lunch. I met Jason and Bryan for lunch at this seafood place close to where I work. It was ok food. I ate way too much; this is apparent. I'm currently sitting at work stuffed to the gills and miserable. I might note that it is 3:02 PM and we at around 12:15 PM. Yes, I am STILL full! I am declaring myself back on my low fat diet. I have strayed far, far away thanks to the weekend and PMS. It was nice to see Bryan in the middle of a work day. :)
I'm also a little bummed. A lot of people keeping saying that they can't come to the spades tournament I have all planned out! So, I'm thinking about pushing the event back one weekend. Hopefully, those who currently can't attend will let me know if this is a better option. However, for now know that it is still on for August 16. Maybe enough people will come. Every time I plan an event everyone is busy. I'm a curse to an event. Do not ask me to plan yours! If it helps, there will be more to do than just play spades. We now have a awesome dart board in the garage. We can play other games. And of course eat because I know our group loves to eat! :)
I'm ready to be done with work for today. Trying to get in correct insurance from subcontractors is like pulling teeth! It wears on you after awhile.
I'm really looking forward to Friday night. Bring forth my senior green belt. I am worthy. :) And I'm obviously being silly at work.
FYI - I'm ready for the weekend!
Oh are a rough one. I feel crappy. Not sick crappy...PMS crappy. And well, that's enough on that subject. Except...OMG...can someone please get me something to eat. I ate, and I'm still starving! PMS, you suck!
Our house just keeps getting better and better. It is just so exciting and awesome. Yesterday the cushions for the outdoor futon on the front porch arrived. They are such a pretty green which just sort of brings the porch to life. Now we can sit out there and enjoy being outside. Our house looks very welcoming from the outside now. :) Bryan had some yard work done yesterday also. We now have no flower beds around our trees. This is awesome because me nor Bryan know anything about flowers or shrubbery. We can't keep up a flower bed. This has led us to rethink the flower beds currently in front of the house. These can't be removed - so says our HOA - blah! We are going to try to remove all of the current bushes and put down some rocks and cacti instead. This way we have something pretty yet something we can actually keep least that is the goal. I am just not a garden type of person, no green thumb here.
I'd also like to see some stuff happen in the backyard as well. I would love to entertain out there more. We both have some ideas though they seem a little larger than flowerbeds. :)
This weekend for some odd reason, I decided that a spades tournament must occur. I have a bad tendency of getting an idea and running with it. one is set.
Date: August 16
Time: 7 PM
Place: our house
- Come with a partner - one will not be provided for you (I don't want anyone to show up and be left out).
- $5 to enter per team - winning team takes the pot (split how you see fit)
I'm excited about this event! It should be a lot of fun. I'll definitely have to work on getting some more tables. Anyone coming that might have a fold up table they can bring? Well, we will figure something out. Everyone has a couple of weeks to practice so, in the words of Ryon, "bring your game face!"
This weekend Bryan and I talked about taking the train to Burnet, TX. I'm excited about doing this. I have never ridden a train before, and I love going to new places. It will be like a fun little adventure! I know - I get so excited about the smallest things. :D Well, at least I'm never bored!
I'm so ready for Friday night. I can't wait to get a new belt. Senior green, oh yeah! And on September 20 I'll be testing for blue belt, and blue belt means weapons!! I am very excited to start working with and learning to use weapons. There are only 2, but I'll take them.
Tommy pointed out to me yesterday that while it was great that Bryan was finally able to view my testing, when was everyone else going to be allowed to watch? Well, I'm sure none of you will actually show up, but you're all invited to watch my blue belt testing (Sept. 20). It lasts about an hour, it's all the way down south, and it's not very exciting. Have I deterred you from wanting to come yet? :)
Has anyone watched this new show on ABC Family called The Secret Life of an American Teenager? I know, I know...this is dorky television, but I love it. I have this one DVRed, and can't wait for the next episode (tonight!!). Please make fun of me now...
Well, I'm going to go so I can get back to the rest of my crappy day.
Thursday night:
Bryan suggested that we go out for coffee. I suggested that we bring Uno. Together we come up with some smashing ideas. :) After we had been at the coffee shop for awhile, Wendy came and joined us. I was currently killing Bryan hand after hand at Uno. After Wendy got her coffee, we dealt her in. After playing with Wendy, I learned that I'm competitive and a little crazy. This is true perhaps, but she's gotta work on her delivery. I will try to relax a little Wendy. :D
I went to TKD - my last class before my testing. I left half way through, because I forgot that Friday night classes are twice as long. Bryan and I had planned on going out for dinner so I didn't want to be out to late. Class was great and so was dinner. We ended up deciding on Trudy's after much internet searching and debating. I hadn't been there in awhile so, it was quite a nice treat. I love a mexican martini from there. Thanks for that Bryan! After arriving back home, we crashed...I crashed hard - thanks mexican martini...hehe.
We couldn't sleep in too long because it was testing day! I finally decided to let Bryan come with me. I had always thought him being there would make me more nervous, but it actually gave me a confidence booster. I was happy to not have to go alone. It's nice to know he's always there to cheer me on and support me in all I do. I am a lucky girl.
We got to testing a little early; it's always a nice to be a little early. I made Bryan sit up in the balcony section to watch my testing. I thought if I could see him easily it might throw me for a loop, but I think next time he can sit on the floor. I'm so silly...I know!
Testing always makes me nervous, but after my form blanking at tournament, I was even more nervous. When I got up to do my form, all I could thing was, "Don't throw up, don't throw up." Yeah, I know - gross! My heart was pounding so hard. I managed to actually do my form. It wasn't the best, but still I thought it went well. I was too nervous to remember all the little things, but overall I am happy with my performance. Finally, it was time to spar. There were 2 rounds, each 1 minute, 30 seconds, and you get a different partner for each. My first round was against a blue belt. Both of my rounds went excellently. I was happy with my delivered kicks/punches. I made sure to do a few combinations as well as some jump kicks. I have been working lately to try to include those when I spar. Here is what Bryan had to say on my testing:
I thought that her form went really well. She did a really good job on it. I was really proud of her b/c I know she was very nervous. Her sparring was even better to watch. Not only were there numerous hook and roundhouses delivered to other people's heads, but straight up sucker punches to their stomachs. Now, I guess you can't really call it a sucker punch b/c you are sparring. It's funny to watch how people will just leave themselves open and get it. Needless to say that was also really good to watch. I was very proud of what I saw. Hopefully, I can sit closer next time =).
Here are some pictures that Bryan snapped of the testing:
testing pic 1
testing pic 2
testing pic 3
testing pic 4
Testing complete we headed home. Bryan wasn't feeling all to well so we stayed at home for the remainder of the day/night. We started working on the home office. We put up a temporary desk and hooked up the other computer for me to use. We also moved around the furniture putting Bryan's computer desk facing the windows. We went and purchased some wire for Bryan to run. I'm glad he's so smart. If it depended on my...well...doomed. The home office now looks so much better, and I think Bryan will enjoy working in there a lot more. We still need to hang some art work in there plus a few other touches, but for the most part, it is finished.
We slept in a little, but not too long. I didn't leave the house the entire day. Bryan and I worked on even more house organization/improvements. We really focused our efforts on the garage. We managed to get it about 90% complete. Everything is mostly put away and organized on the shelves. It looks so awesome. Plus, everything is so easy to find. There are still a few more things to put away, but it has come such a long way.
We also weather-proofed Bryan's futon that was already outside. It is now front porch ready! Our custom cushions are scheduled to arrive today. Now we can really start working on getting the front porch looking more "welcoming". It will be nice to be able to sit out there and enjoy the weather/neighborhood/yard while talking/eating/drinking. Yay!
We did soooo much this weekend. I couldn't believe how much we were able to accomplish. I am very excited about all of the things we have done, and even more excited about the things/plans/ideas we have planned for the near future. Our home is going to be so awesome. :D
Well, we are both back at work. My boss is back from vacation. Life is normal. :)
Tonight there is no TKD class (reviewing testing results) so, I've decided to stay at home and clean the house. I'm also going to cook the crustless quiches I made a few weeks ago, freeze them, and eat them for breakfast over the next couple of weeks.
In care you cared - I'm making it through the week with out the fair, but it's hard! :(
Upcoming Events:
- TKD Belt Ceremony - Friday night
- my parents anniversary - August 1
- 6 months! - August 9
- a party (I have emails saying one is in the works)
- lots of work deadlines
I'd like to have another event at our house soon...I'm thinking spades tournament. I'm probably going to be a little competitive at this Wendy, sorry, but it is a tournament. Let me know if anyone that reads this would be interested in a silly thing like that. :)
Artists I think you should know:
- Stella Im Hultberg - beautiful, eloquent, seductive, sensual prints (mostly on tea stained paper) of women
Wow...this has been quite the day, and I am exhausted!
Nothing much to really mention prior to today. I have mostly been working and going to TKD class in preparation for my testing on Saturday. Monday night after class I ran and then pounded on the bag in the garage for about 20 minutes. It was a pretty awesome workout. I was in mid fasting hours and must have just gotten in the zone. Oh, Tuesday Bryan hung the shelf and peg board we bought for the garage. That night I helped him hang up all of the tools. The garage looks much nicer and is really coming along.
Today was such a hard day at work. I'm not complaining, but it was the most work I think I have every shoved into a work day. I even had to work through lunch. In fact the only time I ate all day was in the afternoon...munching on some grapes...a handful at most. Currently I am mentally exhausted and awaiting some delicious food cooked by man very sweet man. I have decided to skip class for tonight. I am simply too tired. I just want an night at home to recover from a day filled with change orders (52 to be exact). One of my jobs is closing which means that the workload isn't scheduled to let up for the next couple of weeks. Even so, I love how everyday at Lott Brothers is something slightly different. It keeps working exciting.
I stole this idea from Sarah's blog. Sorry, but it was a great website. I just had to try it out. I let this website read the first page of my blog, and this is what it came up with.

It is apparent that I talk about Bryan a lot. Haha..that's ok. He is the most important thing in the world to me. :) This site has also shown me that I spend way too much time thinking about the weekend. I also use the work probably a little too often.
Well, the fair starts tomorrow night, and I'll be Austin...sigh. That's ok. I'll be testing, and I'm excited to rank up. Ben is also having some sort of drinking game/pool party. That sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe I can stay distracted enough not to think about all the fun my fellow Philadelphians are having at home without me. Will some of you please have a drink for me?
I really don't find myself homesick often. I have made made my home here in Austin and also with Bryan. However, there's a big annual event each year in my hometown this weekend, and I'm missing it! I had every intention of going and taking Bryan along, but then I learned that testing was happening the same weekend. I've known for well over a month now that I wasn't going to get to go, but now that that weekend is right upon us, I'm finding it difficult to ignore that I'm stuck here in Austin while all of my fellow Philadelphians are living it up. I have only missed this even like once in my entire life! If you grow up in Philadelphia, MS you go!
What is it? I know that's all you're asking yourself. I hesitate to even say because it's just something that can't be explained in words. It's an experience that you must have to truly understand and appreciate it. Even though I don't think you'll understand, I'll give it my best shot.
It's called the Neshoba County Fair a.k.a. Mississippi's Giant House Party. It's a county fair like the ones you may have attended or just seen on t.v. But this fair is that plus so much more.
Here's a little history I took from the official site:
The first fair was called the Coldwater Fair and was held in 1889. Two years later in 1891 the fair was organized as a private corporation called the Neshoba County Stock and Agricultural Fair Association and was moved to its present site. Admission was charged for the first time in order to operate the fair. The Neshoba County Fair remains a self-supporting non-profit organization today with operating funds derived mainly from admissions and concessions. Families coming to the Fair began camping on the grounds for the duration of the fair. In 1894 a pavilion was constructed and a hotel was built to accommodate visitors. Cabins began to replace wagons and tents and in 1898 the oaks were planted that shade Founder's Square today. The first cabins were simple one story structures with some being log cabins. The Neshoba County Fair has grown from a two-day meeting of local farmers and their families to an eight day Giant House Party in over 600 cabins and over 200 RV campers. The traditions of the Fair continue today. Families still gather for reunions and friends, old and new, visit every summer as they have since 1889.Ok so now you've read the history of this fair, but trust me when I say you still don't get it. The fairgrounds are huge. They are covered with streets and streets of "cabins" each as unique as the family that owns them. There are hundreds of these things.
Here is a map (sorry it's not the best resolution) - each of those boxes is a cabin:
The fair starts on a Friday and runs to the following Friday. During this time you stay in these cabins. Well, that's if you or your family owns one (they are expensive and are usually passed down). If you are fortunate enough to have one to stay at (most people house many outside of their family), you'll have to make the drive and then walk each time you come back (probably every night :D).
What do you do all week? What don't you do is a better question. You can and should:
- sleep half the day and stay up half the night
- drink - a lot
- ride rides/play the games
- go to concerts
- visit with friends and family (all day every day)
- play in the rain (you will stain your clothes from the red clay)
- play cards or games at your cabin - have a tournament - gamble!
- go to the fleamarket on Saturday
- watch the Heart O'Dixie triathlon
- go dancing
- sit on the porch swing - maybe for hours
- read the Fair Times (yes, the Fair has it's own newspaper)
- eat a lot - sample something from every cabin you go to
- dress up at night
- go to hometown pride day
- leave once but only to do laundry...maybe find a pool
- listen to the political speeches (if it's an election year)
- go to the horse races (listen on the radio if you're too lazy or hot)
- attempt a chair race (this is how you get seats for the beauty pageant/main concerts)
- attend the beauty pageant
- attend a cabin party
- attend the luau
- walk through the exhibit hall (think prize winning produce and 4-H crafts)
- try not to pass out (MS humidity is the worst especially at the this time of year
And after all of that you still won't get it. There are thousands of people and hundreds of cabins and never a dull moment. Every cabin is unique. Each family/cabin has its own traditions...even certain streets have traditions. It couldn't be more unique. Cabins can be decorated any way; the can express your college, your favorite colors...the sky's the limit.
Here are some albums I have on Facebook that are from past fairs.
NCF 2005
NCF 2005 cont.
NCF 2006
NCF 2007
A little about my cabin:
- my grandfather built it
- the bottom walls are built from cinder blocks that my grandfather retrieved when a tornado hit the fairgrounds destroying the grandstand
- the cabin has been a hundred (not literally) colors over the years
- the staircase leading to the 2nd floor is spiral (it is easy to hit your head)
- the inside is currently decorated in all things Coca-cola (my aunt has a mild obsession)
- there are at least 6 bunk beds upstairs (many of them are twin for the couples)
- there is always a box of swiss cake rolls and a pack of Oreos (but only one of each so don't down them all on the first night)
- granny always sends a cake and chicken spaghetti
- the alcohol is under lock and key ;)
- everyone is welcome - yep, even you!
Even with all of this information that I have given you, you still won't get it. But I am willing to take all that want to go to next year's Neshoba County Fair.So if you see me next Saturday and I look a little down...that's why. :D
Is it Monday again? The weekend must have flown right past me...maybe I was just so caught up in all of our "chores/activities" that I just didn't notice it sailing on by.
I finally managed to make it out of my office door by 5 PM (yay!), and when I arrived home Bryan was already hard at work cutting the fiberglass pieces we bought to cat proof the backyard. Very impressive, Mr. Goldstein. ;) I changed clothes, and we knocked it out fairly quickly. We had the cats all roaming the backyard by sunset. As we were finishing up Wendy and Nicky stopped by to see us. Nicky was being his usual cute self. Sorry again Wendy for helping Bryan to hit you upside the head. We were both relieved to know that both eyes are still operational. :)
After that we were both gross and tired. We hung around the house and then hit the sack.
I slept in late....ah, so nice and so rare. Bryan was gone most of the day, and I was at home working in the garage. I managed to get a lot organized and cleaned up. It's really starting to come along out there. It shouldn't be much longer before everything is complete. I'll have a little art workstation, and Bryan will be back in his fit forge...also the car might be able to come back, but I'm not making any promises. :)
When I wasn't in the garage I was watching some old "home movies' I had shot back in high school and early college. Wow! That is some crazy stuff. I don't know how many people read this blog on facebook, but if any of my close friends from back in the day are reading this do I have a treat for you! I probably spent a little too much time watching all of these, but it was too funny. I simply had to.
This is what Bella and Mallos did all day:
I wanna be a cat (*foot stomping/hand on hip*)!!
When Bryan arrived home, we ate dinner and then headed to Scott's party. It was a fun party. Scott definitely had it going on party style. His garage was all like something out of Cribs. Very cool! We enjoyed ourselves, but we left early because we were tired!
Here are some pictures taken at the party:
Dan 2
Couple Shot
Beer Pong
Beer Pong 2
Beer Pong 3
We slept in a little, but not too long...way too much to do. First thing we did was go downtown to the City Wide Garage Sale. It was pretty cool. I really appreciated Bryan taking me and hanging out with me while I looked at every last booth. I found two must haves which I was able to talk by half!
a 120mm camera (still not sure if it works):
and a photographers crying towel (?):
I also spied this (I'm probably going to kick my ass later for not buying it):
And Bryan made me take this picture:
After the garage sale we headed over to a Tattoo place to discuss my tattoo idea. I learned some good things, and I now have a lot to think about and lots of decisions to make - all suggestions/stories/comments are welcome. We both wanted to eat downtown since we aren't usually in that area, but there was someone who wanted to buy the phones so we had to rush home and make the exchange.
After this it was so time to get our grub on. Bryan suggested this place that he found a coupon for. It was sooooooooooooooo good...yes, that good!
The pictures to prove it (my meal - its called a cheddar pour):
The decor:

After chowing down, we went to Lowe's to buy some much needed garage organization (pegboard, a shelf, and some other goodies). We unloaded our purchases and then went to see Dark Knight. Wow! It was soooo awesome. Joker was very well played. This movie makes me so proud to have Batman on my debit card. :) Finally back at home, we joined forces and cleaned the entire house! It looks so good.
See, it was a jam packed weekend.
Songs I'm digging right now:
Dangerous - AkonThe World Should Revolve Around Me - Little JackieA-Punk - Vampire WeekendArtists I think you must know:
Check out all of his stuff. It's very political and there's a lot of social commentary. He also works a lot of shock value in there. Be sure to check out some of his older prints too...good stuff. it finally Friday? It is (it's for real this time, Bryan...hehe).
I probably should have gone to class since my testing is coming up...quick, but instead I chose to stay home and have a nice night in with my baby. I think I made the right choice. Sometimes you just need a night off, and it was a very enjoyable evening.
The rest of the week doesn't leave a whole lot to tell. I've been working lots of extra hours which is draining, but I still love it here at LBCC. I went to class last night - nothing crazy. I did get to work on my form some. I can see what needs improvement so I just need to work on that. After that, I think I'm good. Bryan took me to lunch yesterday which was a nice change to eating alone. And it was very appreciated.
I have decided to let Bryan finally come and see me do my thing. It's a little added pressure to know that he'll be there and watching my every move, but I'm getting more comfortable with this fact. :) It's all in my head...I know.
Switching subject yet again...
Ever since I've gotten my new phone I've been obsessed with customizing it and adding new stuff to it. A couple of nights ago I decided to see if I could get new ringtones for free from this kinda cool site I found online. From there the problem of getting a ringtone onto my phone became increasingly difficult and frustrating. So, iTunes will only let you create a ringtone if its a song purchased through the iTunes store. Ok.Fine.Whatever. I found a song bought legitimately and tried to make my ringtone. Ok, once I had picked out a portion of the song I wanted, iTunes then informed me that I would need to pay them another $.99 to purchase my ringtone. Oh c'mon...seriously? WTF! No way, Mr. way. However, Bryan, my go to guy concerning all things tech found a site that detailed how we could get around this. Awesome! After that I was able to get a couple off the site (Pink Panther theme song and a Mr. Bean ringtone) and one that Bryan made me from Iron Man (the song). I'm thinking there's a business venture here. :)
Whew...I'm tired just thinking about this weekend. So much going on! Can we get a weekend for our weekend? We have a lot of household to-do's. And we have many more home improvements planned. Looks like the next 6 months are so are gonna have a lot of busy weekends. I'd like to see:
1. the backyard cat proofed (will probably happen tonight!!!!! - I think the kitties are going to love it!)
2. master bedroom (need armoire, paint, decoration)
3. will probably have to update master bathroom if #2 occurs
4. home office - halfway there but still needs a lot
5. the backyard - I'd like some lights on the backporch, I know Bryan wants a firepit, also some seating/table would be fantastic
6. the front porch - we put Bryan's futon out there and ordered custom cushions for it but I'd still like to work and make it feel nice and welcoming out there
7. the yard - flowerbeds/trees...what do do???
8. the garage - probably want to do more for the fit forge - definitely need to get my kayak hoisted toward the ceiling so we can get the floor back - looking for ideas
This weekend's rundown:
tonight: catproofing the backyard - then whatever
Saturday: clean (everything) and work on garage - fast - then its Scott's party (hell yeah!)
Sunday: thinking of trying to go to the City Wide Garage Sale - then whatever (workout/practice would be nice)
I hope to see you at Scott's party! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday - where's Friday?
Last night's TKD class was pretty good. We had an instructor who was filling in, and it was awesome to get to take under yet someone else. Each instructor brings their own take on the art and focuses on different aspects of it. It's always nice to mix it up. What I liked about this lady was that she emphasized a lot more relaxed sparring. I actually had time to think when I was sparring. It made it a lot easier to start to put together combinations. After class I ran. I'm super glad that I have gotten back into running. I like going after class because the neighborhood is dark and quiet. It gives you a moment to think.
Last night I got this text from AT&T - please can anyone tell me why? Pay close attention to the time it was sent.
That's right - 12:10 in the friggin' morning! I'm glad that they are keeping me in the loop with their features, but c'mon...some of us have to work!
I have recently tweaked my diet. I had been eating healthy, but I seemed to be gaining weight. I went back to what I know works for me which is a very low fat diet, and I can see the results. We are still doing eat-stop-eat (today - till lunch). Between the two I have noticed a dramatic difference this week. My tummy is getting very flat! :D My legs/ass are looking better. I suppose it is time to step up the workout routines. I will probably hold off until I get the garage in order. Bring back the fit forge!!! Poor Bryan...he can't even get into his home gym thanks to lots o' crap of mine and furniture for sale.
Speaking off for would be a great opportunity to say again that we are selling:
1. Blackjack II (cell)
2. 2 home phone handsets (very sleek and nice)
3. bedroom suite (bed frame, 2 side tables, drawers)
4. computer desk (glass/metal)
Any takers? Well, just let us know. If it helps, Bryan can point you in the right direction of the postings for all specs/pics/info.
What's coming up:
- first and most important (hehe) - lunch date with Bryan (may the 24 hours end!)
- this Saturday is Scott's party - hell yeah!
- this weekend Bryan and I will most likely attempt to finish the kitty proofing of the back yard
- next Saturday is my testing for senior green (most likely letting Bryan watch me for the first time)
- lots of TKD classes to prepare for testing
- August 1 - ranking/belt ceremony (this is assuming I pass testing) :)
- August 1 is also my parents anniversary (awwwww)
Totally switching gears here...let's get techy. Some of the apps I'm loving from iTunes:
1. Pandora (tell them what kind of music you like and they'll find more of it)
2. Midomi (lets you grab music (heard, sang, spoke, typed) so that you can find out what it is and then purchase it from iTunes if needed)
3. Restaurants (give you the all too real nutritional information on fast food menu items (see Bryan's blog) and maps to the nearest in case you still don't care)
4. (finds all local theaters/show times for you - buy tickets - maps)
5. WeatherBug (it has radar - enough said!)
6. CheckPlease (helps you calculate split checks/tips - useful)
I'm also really digging the new additions to the iPhone courtesy of the 2.0 firmware such as screenshots and options to change the .com to .net, .org, etc. Very cool indeed, Mr. Jobs.
Oh, and check out this awesome site for way cool wallpaper for the iPhone. When you use it from your iPhone it is simply amazing. Very easy navigation and beautiful, high-resolution pictures.
Songs I'm digging at the moment:
- 6 Underground by Sneaker Pimps
- In the Ayer - Flo Rider
Last time I posted I was without a phone at all. It sucks to carry 2 iPhones that don't work. But before you go worrying about me...I was able to activate my new phone with no problem as soon as I arrived home. At first I didn't like my new toy all that much, but that quickly changed especially when I started to download the new applications (sigh...Apple we are going to get along for a very long time.) I love all the new updates. I still don't like a few things about the new iPhone (the curve exterior and the plastic casing), but I have come to absolutely love it! I wouldn't leave home without has GPS! :)
After I activated my phone, I talked to Bryan via phone/net while he sat at the airport in Charlotte trying to make his way home despite the airline doing everything it could to stop him. For a while it looked like he might end up staying over in Chicago due to delays. Thankfully, he made it home sometime in the first hours of Saturday. I was asleep, but it was worth waking up for to see him finally home (yes, I know he was only gone for like 2 days!).
It's no surprise that we slept in. It was quite pleasant. I was fasting and couldn't eat until 3 PM, but I wanted to try a recipe that I found online. I am still desperately searching for the 5 recipes that will complete my cooking goal on my list. It was a recipe for crustless quiches. We had all the ingredients except for one thing. I was going to run to HEB to grab it and have the recipe done by the 24 hour mark of fasting. By the way, that was the easiest fasting day I've ever experienced. :) I never made it to the store. a moron or because I have a subconscious desire to resemble Harry Potter I gashed (that might be a little extreme of a term) open my head when I opened the door. The top corner of the door hit me right in the middle of the forehead. Nice! I never claimed to be smooth. It ended up not being a big deal (it barely bled), but it did hurt, freaked me out, and well, made me look quite gruesome. Bryan had to get apply first aid and get the missing ingredient. But like a true chef (Ha!) I managed to pull off a quite delicious meal. Crustless quiches have now made me 1/5 of the way to accomplishing my cooking goal for 30. I'd like to make a bunch and freeze them because after nuking they will make an excellent breakfast.
At 4 PM we headed over to Wendy's house for Nicky's 3rd birthday party which was a mixture of Spiderman and Transformer themed (very cool Nicky..very cool indeed!) We stayed for a while and enjoyed cake and ice cream. That Nicky is a character! Here are the pictures from the party (there aren't many because Wendy didn't upload like she promised - check back later for the full album).
Bryan and I went out for a quick bite and then watched Batman Begins before hitting the sack. I love me some Batman. :)
Bryan and I returned our duvet/shams to Macy's. They didn't look good on our new bed. I couldn't believe they took them back. We had none of the packaging...only a printed receipt of where we purchased online. We ran some more errands and then returned home.
We really didn't do much for the rest of the day. Bryan went out for a while and I hung out at the house. After he returned home and took a nap, we watched Pay It Forward (my favorite movie of all time). Then we attempted to sleep but couldn't. Finally we managed to get in about 3 hours.
Getting up was hard. However, I wasn't all that tired throughout the day...surprising. It was a long day at work. TKD class was really good. I went running after class. I don't know what it was about last night, but I was in the zone. I ran better than I have in a long, long time. I might have even set a personal best had I not gotten a side cramp. Oh well.
Tuesday (today):
Had to be a work at 7 AM - way too early! I got my stimulus check...finally. I will be paying off a bill and will no longer be in dept to anyone. I love it!
July 11, 2008 - a historic day? Probably not. :)
4:30 am - my alarm goes off (not so early considering I was in bed by 6:30 last night)
4:38 am - finally dragged my ass outta bed
5:30 am - out the door (it's dark outside)
5:37 am - nestled into my spot in line (I was amazed so many people were there so early in the morning - apparently the first couple of people had been there since the store closed on Thursday - started reading/interneting for entertainment)
7:30ish am - AT&T guys started arriving for work (made us shift the line down to another sidewalk because we were blocking doors to other stores - I didn't like the "new" sidewalk - it was cold - and the sprinklers came on)
there was a lot of clipboarding going on from the staff - head counts and then what product are you expecting to purchase
7:45ish am - the AT&T guys started handing out free water
8:00 am - the doors open (finally)
8:20 am - I realize that the 15 minutes per person as predicted online wasn't going to be the case (I email my boss to say that I'm running later than expected)
8:30 am - I have to pee - the line is barely moving
8:57 am - yay! I'm next in line to walk into the store
9:05 am - finally I'm purchasing the phone (it's not activated because Apple couldn't handle the all the activations - sucks!)
9:15ish am - leaving AT&T with my new iPhone 3G (I open as I'm waiting at various red lights on my way to work)
9:33 am - arrived at work (currently without phone at all...sigh - seems kind of ironic - one of the firsts to purchase yet still without phone)
Well, either way I have my new phone and as soon as Bryan gets home he'll have a "new" one too. (Anyone interested in the Blackjack II? - just checking) Standing in line for a product is something I have never done before. It was pretty interesting. You get to know the people around you pretty well. I liked the little group around me. Ya'll let me know if you wanna go stand in any more lines. Some people cut which sucks, but I always heard life isn't fair. As long as I get mine. Some guy came up a little before 9 to get customer support. He just ignored the lines and walked on in. He was quickly escorted out by the staff. Sorry dude, bad day to need non iPhone related help. They started locking the door after that. Um, yeah...that's against the know the whole fire code thing.
Yeah, so there's my story. Not grand, but it makes for an interesting day. :) Be sure to tell me (and Bryan) how cool we look with our new iPhones.
Some non iPhone related news:
Wednesday night I went to class (it's sparring night). It was me and 5 young guys - all black belts. And I couldn't help thinking that one of these things is not like the other. Well, I sparred and lived. It was good experience. I even earned my red stripe for sparring. Later in the class the black belts practiced breaking boards. It was pretty intimidating. I'm really not looking forward to the day I have to do this, but it is a long way off.
I'm so ready for the weekend and Bryan's return.
I dunno how I left this out of my last post, but on Saturday night Bryan dyed my hair for me. I'm a brunette now. :D It's pretty dark, but I like it. If you are curious to see how it looks check out the pictures in my previous post from the Dethklok concert. Some people didn't even notice, but those that did seem to like it. Bryan also claims to love it soooo I guess it looks good. I might want to add some highlights for definition and oomph later.
Last night's TKD class was really good. I earned my blue stripe for my form. I sparred in class with other students for the first time. Lucky me...I got to spar some crazy good guy who is like a 4th degree. Yeah, I lost. :) Still, I hung in there. I just keep doing my best. Sometimes my best is don't get hit and don't fall out from exhaustion. I have got to learn to keep my stamina up. I went running after class. Now there's something I haven't done in a very long time. Remember the days when I used to blog about running on a daily basis? I wouldn't say I'm at square one with running again, but I'm pretty damn close. Other than class, I have severely slacked on my exercising. Life just gets in the way if you let it, and before you know it weeks, months have passed. Sigh...I blame only my own lazy ass.
Bryan is leaving for business today and will be returning Friday probably around midnight (technically Saturday morning). I'll miss him. He's not the only thing that comes on Friday. Yay! The 3G iPhones will be arriving. I'll be in line at the AT&T store to try and get mine. Let me just say that I'll be severely pissed if I'm not able to get one. Bryan will be getting my current iPhone. If you want a Blackjack II let him know; he'll be selling his. And on a side note if you want our old bedroom suite let us know. :) I wasn't trying to turn my blog into an advertisement, but you've gotta use what you have.
Today is 5 months for us. :) In some ways it doesn't seem like it has been 5 other ways it seems much longer. Either way, I couldn't be a happier girl. :D <-- see?
Summertime is always a busy time of the year. July has a lot on the calender already.
- July 12 - my little brother turns 12
- Nicky is having a birthday party (I love little kid parties - mmmm cake!)
- July 19 - Scott is having a party at his house - that should be a lot of fun with the gang
- July 26 - ah, it is testing time yet again (currently in training mode - going for senior green)
Wow, I haven't posted in such a long time. I apologize for not updating sooner, but with the holiday weekend life has been going, going, going.
Our guests left on Thursday. It was so awesome to finally meet them. I had so much fun on Wednesday night before they left. We went to Mt. Bonnell, dinner, and then finally coffee at Mozart's. Here are the pics we took at Mt. Bonnell. Mt. Bonnell Album
Friday (day off from work - yay! & Independence Day):
It was awesome to have a day off from work. It was nice to be home all day with Bryan. I love long weekends. We didn't do a whole lot during the day, but in the evening we met up with some friends for a cookout even though we didn't eat. It was fun, but then we left in order to go to Auditorium Shores to catch the fireworks and symphony play. It was a really good fireworks show. Plus, the music just made it that much better. The only bad part was the annoying kids behind us who were have sword fights with the bright green light swords their parents thought would be awesome to buy them. Thanks for irritating me! It was a long walk but I think the fireworks were worth it. :)
Here are some videos I took of the firework show (look out for the pictures later in post):
Saturday found us in South mostly. We checked out Lucy in Disguise (getting ready for my birthday party) and a tattoo place (because I'm thinking about getting a tattoo). I saw a guy standing on a corner advertising a furniture closing (50%-75% off!) and thought it would be a great place to look for Bryan a new computer desk. However, we ended up buying a new bedroom set....yeah, I know! It was such a great deal on such a beautiful set that I just couldn't pass it up. It's so elegant. Now it's time to finish the master bedroom. But the new duvet we had just purchased (missing in the picture) doesn't match anymore. :) Ah, that's life.

We also went to Home Depot and got the rest of the things we needed to kitty proof the backyard. Hopefully, we can get that done soon. I spent a lot of Saturday evening/night organizing the garage...still.
We didn't do a whole lot Sunday during the day, but that night we saw Dethklok in Concert. It was so wicked cool. Ryon rode with us to the concert. It was a lot of fun though it made for a late bedtime on a work night. :) When did I get to be old? Check out the videos I took:
Pictures from the firework show/Dethklok concert.
I was back at work and fasting. I had an awesome TKD class. I earned my green stripe (for target drills) and am starting to feel fairly ready for testing (July 26th). I still need more sparring experience.
Tuesday (today):
We couldn't sleep last night; I believe it was around 3 AM when we finally dozed off. I overslept and look a little hellish sitting at work now. I'm ok now, but I'm convinced I'll be dead by lunch even. I didn't have time to eat breakfast or grab anything for lunch. Sigh. It's gonna be one of those days.
Songs I'm digging at the moment:
- Go Forth and Die - Dethklok
- Let It Die - Foo Fighters
- Realize - Colbie Caillat
This week has not been a normal one (that's good in some ways, bad in others).
Well, in my last post I was sitting at work and Bryan's sister and her boyfriend had arrived but I had yet to meet them. After work, I FINALLY got to meet the remainder of the Goldstein family. So Morgan (Bryan's sister) and Anthony (Morgan's boyfriend) are nice people (just as I had suspected), and I like them a lot. We ate some delicious dinner prepared by Bryan, and then I went to class. I just can't resist Monday night classes. I dunno why, but they are my favorite.
It was a good class...small, but good. I was able to work on my form and my target drills that I will all be tested on. I think the target drills are pretty easy, nothing hard by any means. I still need to work on sparring because there are some moves I'm require to incorporate each round. That's just great....because thinking while sparring isn't hard enough. I better start incorporating them now so that maybe by then I won't actually have to "think" about it.
After I got back from class, we all hung out and then passed out. LOOOONG DAY!
Ok, yesterday was quite the day. I had a lot to do at work, more than usual. This is fine. I appreciate having work and being needed by my company. This is such an improvement from my last job where I did practically nothing all day. The office had a lot of energy yesterday which made for an exciting environment. You really never know what a day at LBCC will be like. :) Even though busy is good, it is still draining on you.
To top off busy, in the middle of the afternoon my old roomie and I pretty much had a falling out. Hmmm...that's maybe not the best way to put it. We didn't fight; everything just came to a head. Since moving to Texas and moving in with him our relationship has soured. There are lots of details and none of them I'd be willing to share publicly, but I will say it sucks. However, after dealing with it for a year, I'm just pretty much tired of going round and round, and I need a break. Hopefully one day, we can return to the way things used to be. I sure hope so.
After work was over, I went home for a quick meal with the household, and then we all went to see Hancock. I didn't really like it all that much. I'd give it 2 stars (outta 5). Most of the humor just didn't seem all that funny to me though Bryan was laughing pretty hard at some parts. I liked the concept, but then it just got weird. My suggestion - wait for the rental.
After the movies we all hung out at home doing whatever. It was a good night.
So far work is good. I did leave my lunch at home which sucks, but it looks like I'm gonna go eat with my old roomie and talk...again. Hopefully, we can come to an understanding on our relationship.
Anyway, I look forward to hanging out with Bryan, Morgan, and Anthony tonight. I think we are going to go to Mt. Bonnell, dinner, and coffee at Mozart's. It should be fun.
Tomorrow at work there is going to be potluck for the 4th (yes, one day early...but we are off). I've decided to make mock apple pie. I look forward to lots of yummys made by the staff, and hopefully everyone will enjoy my pie. :)
Music I'm Digging Lately:
Madonna - Give It 2 Me
Aly and AJ - Like Whoa