Wednesday, July 9, 2008

BTW I'm Not Blonde Anymore...

I dunno how I left this out of my last post, but on Saturday night Bryan dyed my hair for me. I'm a brunette now. :D It's pretty dark, but I like it. If you are curious to see how it looks check out the pictures in my previous post from the Dethklok concert. Some people didn't even notice, but those that did seem to like it. Bryan also claims to love it soooo I guess it looks good. I might want to add some highlights for definition and oomph later.

Last night's TKD class was really good. I earned my blue stripe for my form. I sparred in class with other students for the first time. Lucky me...I got to spar some crazy good guy who is like a 4th degree. Yeah, I lost. :) Still, I hung in there. I just keep doing my best. Sometimes my best is don't get hit and don't fall out from exhaustion. I have got to learn to keep my stamina up. I went running after class. Now there's something I haven't done in a very long time. Remember the days when I used to blog about running on a daily basis? I wouldn't say I'm at square one with running again, but I'm pretty damn close. Other than class, I have severely slacked on my exercising. Life just gets in the way if you let it, and before you know it weeks, months have passed. Sigh...I blame only my own lazy ass.

Bryan is leaving for business today and will be returning Friday probably around midnight (technically Saturday morning). I'll miss him. He's not the only thing that comes on Friday. Yay! The 3G iPhones will be arriving. I'll be in line at the AT&T store to try and get mine. Let me just say that I'll be severely pissed if I'm not able to get one. Bryan will be getting my current iPhone. If you want a Blackjack II let him know; he'll be selling his. And on a side note if you want our old bedroom suite let us know. :) I wasn't trying to turn my blog into an advertisement, but you've gotta use what you have.

Today is 5 months for us. :) In some ways it doesn't seem like it has been 5 other ways it seems much longer. Either way, I couldn't be a happier girl. :D <-- see?

Summertime is always a busy time of the year. July has a lot on the calender already.
- July 12 - my little brother turns 12
- Nicky is having a birthday party (I love little kid parties - mmmm cake!)
- July 19 - Scott is having a party at his house - that should be a lot of fun with the gang
- July 26 - ah, it is testing time yet again (currently in training mode - going for senior green)

1 comment:

BlueSparrows said...

Ok it's hard to find a picture that shows your new hair colour, so put one in your next blog post - ok?!

Don't make me wait until the weekend...