Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Yay! Short Week!

This week has not been a normal one (that's good in some ways, bad in others).

Well, in my last post I was sitting at work and Bryan's sister and her boyfriend had arrived but I had yet to meet them. After work, I FINALLY got to meet the remainder of the Goldstein family. So Morgan (Bryan's sister) and Anthony (Morgan's boyfriend) are nice people (just as I had suspected), and I like them a lot. We ate some delicious dinner prepared by Bryan, and then I went to class. I just can't resist Monday night classes. I dunno why, but they are my favorite.

It was a good class...small, but good. I was able to work on my form and my target drills that I will all be tested on. I think the target drills are pretty easy, nothing hard by any means. I still need to work on sparring because there are some moves I'm require to incorporate each round. That's just great....because thinking while sparring isn't hard enough. I better start incorporating them now so that maybe by then I won't actually have to "think" about it.

After I got back from class, we all hung out and then passed out. LOOOONG DAY!

Ok, yesterday was quite the day. I had a lot to do at work, more than usual. This is fine. I appreciate having work and being needed by my company. This is such an improvement from my last job where I did practically nothing all day. The office had a lot of energy yesterday which made for an exciting environment. You really never know what a day at LBCC will be like. :) Even though busy is good, it is still draining on you.

To top off busy, in the middle of the afternoon my old roomie and I pretty much had a falling out. Hmmm...that's maybe not the best way to put it. We didn't fight; everything just came to a head. Since moving to Texas and moving in with him our relationship has soured. There are lots of details and none of them I'd be willing to share publicly, but I will say it sucks. However, after dealing with it for a year, I'm just pretty much tired of going round and round, and I need a break. Hopefully one day, we can return to the way things used to be. I sure hope so.

After work was over, I went home for a quick meal with the household, and then we all went to see Hancock. I didn't really like it all that much. I'd give it 2 stars (outta 5). Most of the humor just didn't seem all that funny to me though Bryan was laughing pretty hard at some parts. I liked the concept, but then it just got weird. My suggestion - wait for the rental.

After the movies we all hung out at home doing whatever. It was a good night.

So far work is good. I did leave my lunch at home which sucks, but it looks like I'm gonna go eat with my old roomie and talk...again. Hopefully, we can come to an understanding on our relationship.

Anyway, I look forward to hanging out with Bryan, Morgan, and Anthony tonight. I think we are going to go to Mt. Bonnell, dinner, and coffee at Mozart's. It should be fun.

Tomorrow at work there is going to be potluck for the 4th (yes, one day early...but we are off). I've decided to make mock apple pie. I look forward to lots of yummys made by the staff, and hopefully everyone will enjoy my pie. :)

Music I'm Digging Lately:
Madonna - Give It 2 Me
Aly and AJ - Like Whoa

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