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The weekend seemed long for some reason. No arguments. It was a very pleasant weekend. I'm excited that this week is a short week because I'm already ready for another weekend. :)
After I got home from work, Bryan and I decided that we would go out to eat. I was really wanting some Greek so we searched online and found one we had never tried. It was pretty good. We chilled for awhile at home and then headed to the Alamo to catch Wall-E. Wendy tagged along, and we met the entire group at the theater. It was a pretty good movie, but I found the whole robotic romance just a little weird. It kinda gave me the creeps. :) Still, I did like the movie. It was definitely different than anything I've seen. We had milkshakes while were there which was bad but sooo good. ;) While I was at the theater I registered to vote! Yay!! I'm pretty excited that I finally got that taken care of. It's very important you know. After the movies, we crashed.
Here's a picture I made Wendy snap of me:
I woke up at 6 am to get ready for the TKD Tournament. My rank started at 9:30. There weren't many competitors in my section, but still I was nervous. First we began by doing forms. I went last. As soon as I looked into the judges' faces, I was doomed. They asked to see my form again. I had to take a second in the middle to think. I just went blank, and I was shaking. It was crazy! So, I knew that I had lost the part of competition that I went planning on winning. What makes me so sad/mad about this is not that I lost, but that I didn't do my best especially since I can do my form better than any that I saw. Oh well...I can only learn from this. I do not want to dwell on it too much. Knowing that was loss, I was determined to win the sparring section. Right off the bat of the first match, the girl kicks me in the stomach....hard! Most of it is a blur, but somehow I managed to win round and advance. I won my second round too. I had several sweet scores, but my last (and the winning blow) was a sweet roundhouse to the head. :D It felt awesome to win. And even better, was my instructor and another student were there to see. It's good to know that I'm not just terrible at sparring, but I'm sure facing off with some higher ranks in my school will put me in my place quick! So, I managed to get a gold in sparring and tie for bronze in forms. That's pretty good I suppose. I'm happy.
After arriving home and recounting every little second to Bryan, we ate and chilled. During the hottest part of the day, we went over to my old place to pack up the last of my stuff including the giant kayak. We managed to get it all in and back to the house.
Saturday night we met up with Nik, Sarah, and Dave for pizza downtown. Then we all headed over to the Spiderhouse for coffee and drinks. I made Bryan walk over and take a quick tour of Toy Joy because he'd never seen it. Sarah and Dave left early to go catch a show, but the rest of us chilled and talked for quite a while at Spiderhouse. It was a lot of fun. Finally, it was bed time again.
Sunday was all about cleaning and getting ready for Bryan's sister and her boyfriend to arrive later in the night. I spent a lot of time cleaning and organizing rooms and my stuff. We did take some time off to go to a few places and look at desks for the home office. It is time we made Bryan a very nice working space. Plus, we got another computer and we need to figure out what to do with it. I think we pretty much have our plan, but we just need to purchase all the items and make it happen. I think it will look nice when it's done, and I hope that Bryan has an awesome place to spend his working hours.
The flight that Bryan's sister was taking kept getting delayed. Finally, they were scheduled to arrive at 2:06 am. I told Bryan that there was no way that I could go to the airport with him because I need my sleep for work. However, I didn't get much sleep so today will be a hard one. I'm already doing those goofy things you do when your brain is in a fog. I spilled tea all over myself on my way to work making it appear as if I had peed all over myself...nice. Trying to keep it together today. It's fasting day, and I really want to go to TKD class tonight. I need to stay focused and sharp. :) I'll probably spend my lunch hour napping.
So, I still haven't met the sister which sucks because I was really looking forward to it. Oh well....I'll get all the introductions after work...assuming I make it through today. :) I'm excited for this week. We have some stuff planned. Plus, I only have to make it through Thursday, and I'll be rewarded with an extended weekend!
I'm loopy today. I thought it was Wednesday well into the day. There's one good thing about this though...when I learned it was Thursday, I was pleasantly surprised. Yay! Tomorrow is Friday.
Last night's TKD class was pretty awesome. Only 3 students came making me the senior student. That's the first time that has happened to me. Pretty cool...hehe. Wednesday's classes are geared toward sparring. I had to spar my instructor again. It really sucks the energy out of you very quickly, but at least I'm getting a workout. I find that I'm pretty bad at blocking. So....I'm gonna need to work on this or I'm gonna get hit...a lot!
Okay listen up Ryon...I signed up for the tournament (paid and everything)! Now I need to decide whether I want Bryan to come and watch. He makes me nervous!! I try not to let it get to me, but it always does. It's not because he points out mistakes or laughs or anything like that because he doesn't do anything of the sorts. I guess I care so much about his opinion of me that I just sorta freeze up. Ugh! I can't believe how much I let this get into my head. :) I gotta learn to relax.
So, today is another fasting day, 2nd of the week. I feel fine, slightly weak. This worries me for class especially if we spar. I worry that I will feel very weak and not be able to continue. Hopefully some green tea before class will fill my tummy up until the stir fry Bryan is making for dinner tonight. I think we are going to try to watch a movie I rented and just chill out. Sounds like a good night to me. I still don't notice any weight loss. Is this due to the fact that I eat kinda crappy sometimes? Like am I just canceling out the fasting? Sigh. I'm not so sold on this fasting thing yet. It's mostly easy to stick to though because there is nothing to prepare, but it's hard to stick to when you're hungry! Argh. :)
It's gonna be a busy weekend, but I'm ready for it to be underway.
Friday - work then movies
Saturday - TKD tournament then moving the last of my stuff
Sunday - pick up Bryan's sister and her boyfriend at the airport
Last night's TKD class was so awesome! I was the only student who showed up which is awesome because it's like getting a private lesson with out paying extra and also less stressful. :D I was able to go over my form with my instructor which was nice. I got some very good feedback and pointers. I can definitely use these to sharpen my form. Then it was time to spar...gasp! Finally, right? I have to admit - I've been trying to skirt around it. I was super nervous. However, there was nowhere to hide last night. It was very intimidating trying to spar with my much higher ranked and much larger instructor. And I survived. There were 4 rounds. The first 3 consisted of me just trying to score (that's coming within 6 inches for my rank), and the last round he also tried to attack. I managed to actually get a couple of "hits". Even though I was by no means really good at sparring, I realized that it wasn't all that difficult. I'm pretty sure that I can do the tournament now. I will only be up again green and senior green adult females, none of which have been sparring very long either. I probably won't win, but I don't think I'll be laughed out of the building either. :) Now I just need to practice my form like crazy. I hope so happy that I finally got this step behind me. Sparring is so demanding on the body! It will make for better classes I think (exercise speaking).
Usually, I don't go to Wednesday night classes because they are geared toward sparring, but now that I'm sparring, I'm pretty excited about attending this night. I will find another night to take off because I still like to keep one night where Bryan and I stay home and have some quality time together during the week.
Wow...what a weekend!!
Friday was all about low key. After arriving home from work, Bryan and I took a little cat nap...I'm sure the cats joined in. They always do. :) After we woke up, we headed to the theater to see Kung Fu Panda. It was sooo good and funny. They are definitely making animations better these days. Not only has animation come such a long way (it was very realistic), but the stories and humor are obviously meant to entertain more then just children. We both enjoyed ourselves.
I got up and headed to my sparring clinic. It was informative. We didn't do a whole lot of sparring. Mainly we focused on the need to know stuff. It was truly an introduction. There aren't a whole lot of green belts in the school at the moment. I think I might finally be opening up to the idea of sparring. Hmmm...but then again I havent' see a black belt facing me ready to fight. :) Bryan even suggested that we spar against each other. I think this is a good idea becuase I feel very comfortable around him. Plus, I know he can teach me a lot.
After class Bryan cooked and we got ready for Stephanie's going away party being held at Ben's house. The party was awesome! Ben introduced a lot of us to beer pong. Beer pong is actually really fun! I had such a good time at the party. There were sooo many pictures taken. I don't feel the need to go on about this party; the pictures tell the story. :)
Here are all the pics from the party (they are pretty funny):
1. Album 1
2. Album 2
3. Album 3
After we finally left the party we crashed. Partying will do that to you. It was so late when we finally went to bed, it's no wonder we slept in. :)
Sunday was all about getting stuff done! We got a lot of things checked off.
First we dropped off some stuff at Goodwill. It was nice to clean out all of the things we weren't using that were just taking up good space. Then we went to Wal*Mart and then to Target. We bought some things for the kitchen and also some orginazation bins for the garage. Now that I have moved in there is a lot of stuff to be stored. :D What can I say - I'm a woman! Hehe. After shopping we stopped at Willy O's. I had never eaten here, but it was very good. When we made it back home finally, I cleaned and worked on unpacking and organizing some more of my stuff. We also took pictures of some of the things we wanted to put on, and Bryan posted them. Hopefully, we can sell this stuff for a little bit of money. We want to give it a week. If it doesn't sell this week, the stuff is off to Goodwill. The rest of the night was laid back.
Work sucked. Well, not my was all the major headache that I had which left me feeling quite crappy. It was also fasting day. I'm not sure the headache was caused from fasting (I have my bets on PMS). When 5 PM finally came I was so ready to be home. Bryan was super sweet to me and made sure I was in bed with everything I needed before he headed off to class. I tried to do some computing, but I ended up crashing and sleeping until it was time to go to Kerby for dinner. I'm so glad I didn't sleep through that! I can't go without my Kerby pancakes. Sooo yummy! After filling our bellies full of delicious food (which is nice after fasting) we headed home and to bed. Poor Bryan crashed within minutes of laying down. He was obviously as tired as I was from lack of sleep this weekend. I hate that I missed my class, but sometime you can't ignore your body, and mine was demanding sleep.
Tuesday (today):
Working..what more can I say? :) Today looks like it will be much better than yesterday. That's all I ask.
The rest of the week looks like more of the same. As always I look forward to the weekend. Friday we are supposed to be meeting the group at the Alamo to see Wall-E. I'm looking forward to this. After Kung Fu Panda I'm all fired up over some animation films. We are picking up Bryan's sister and her boyfriend at the airport on Sunday. I finally get to meet them, and I'm super excited about it. We will definitely have some things planned for them to see and do. Who couldn't love Austin? No one. No one could not love Austin. :) Also, my TKD tournament is on Saturday, and even tough I promised Ryon, I am still on the fence. I will keep you posted.
Have a great week.
Finally Friday! We have stayed up so late every night this week I think. We stayed up till 1 am just talking in bed last night. Now I'm living on a prayer and a Java Monster (or 2).
It's been a good week. Nothing exciting crazy, just good. I've been going to TKD all week. Bryan even joined me last night. Well, he watched my class. I just wanted him to tag along and see what my classes were like after I went and watched his while his mom was here visiting. It probably wasn't the best class. It was a lot of sparring and learning the new tournament sparring point system. I didn't bring my sparring gear because I didn't want to spar before the class. I especially didn't want Bryan there to witness my first sparring attempt. :)
I wanted to go to class tonight, but it's like fight night. I don't want to even know! Considering I just started my second energy drink, I probably wasn't going to make it anyway. I think Bryan and I are going to take some pictures of some items we want to get rid of and post to Let me know if you need a bed. :) Then we are going to see Kung Fu Panda. We didn't get to see it when the group went. I'm really looking forward to seeing it. It looks so good! I love animation!! :D I'm just a big kid really.
Tomorrow is the sparring clinic...finally and again! I will tell you all about it. Tomorrow night we are going to Ben's house for a going away party. It should be fun!
Ok, just wanted a quick update. Now I have to get back to the job! Have a good weekend.
Here are some things that I'm thankful for at this moment in my life.
1. Bryan:
Ok, no surprise there, but I'd just like to point out how thankful I am to have him in my life. Not only am I thankful I found him, I'm thankful for our relationship which is constant and secure as well as exciting and healthy. It is pleasant to have finally found all of the things I was looking for in a mate.
2. Intelligent Friends:
I'm so happy that I have so many smart, witty, and funny friends to hang out with. Granted most of them were Bryan's first, I still am thankful to have them.
3. Siblings:
Siblings can be annoying but also great. I'm mostly thankful that mine are so much younger than me. They have allowed me to experience babies in a way most people don't until they have them. They have shown me that while it's not all giggles and fun, children (even siblings) are special and amazing. Each one of my 3 younger siblings is truly special to me. They are constantly amazing me as they grow and learn.
4. A Job I Love:
I won't go on about this...mostly because I promised I wouldn't in my previous post. Still, it is nice to love what you do and do what you love. I didn't know I'd love the construction industry, but after holding two jobs in the field, it has become part of me. I simply love the constant change that is in the air of a construction office. There is always something to complete as well as start. There is a sameness and a uniqueness about each project. It is so exciting to see a project and a company grow and evolve; it is exciting to be a part of the transformation (even though my part isn't hands on).
5. A House:
Now that I have moved in with Bryan I finally have a place to call home. Yes, I've had a roof over my head since I graduated college, but I was always paying rent on someone else's property. I didn't have the right to paint the walls or fix the yard how I saw fit. I am thankful that Bryan already had a house and even more thankful he was kind enough to open it up to me. I love our house. It's perfect for us, and I love adding to it, decorating, and making it fit us a little more.
6. The Cats:
All 3 of them! Each has a very distinct personality. I'm thankful that Bella finally has others to keep her company while I have to be at work. Having pets makes you feel very loved and accepted, and ours are no different. They each have their own way of showing us. They are my entertainment and cuddle buddies. I love each of them so much.
7. Austin:
I love Austin, and I'm so thankful that I was fortunate enough to find it. I can't imagine living anywhere else now that I have lived here. It is such an awesome and unique city. I love the land, the people, and the mentality. I'm thankful that I can raise my children in a city that can offer them most anything they can dream of doing (something I didn't have growing up).
8. My Future:
My future looks better and more promising than it ever has before. I know what I want and everything is heading in that direction. I couldn't be happier about this. It's good to know what you what but also to know that it is possible and within reach. I'm excited to see how my life unfolds even in the next 5 years. I think a lot of good things are coming my way, and they are all much appreciated and welcomed.
9. TaeKwonDo:
I have always loved martial arts. I wish I could have started out much younger in life, but I am just thankful that I was able to find an art that I loved and can participate in. Martial arts was not something that was offered in my town when I was growing up. Though I missed out on it then, I'm glad that doesn't hold true now. I spend many nights at my school, and I love every minute of it. It's fun and teaches me more than martial arts. It is truly a way of life.
10. Art:
Yes, I have a degree in it, but that is hardly why I love it. I love that I have a way to express myself. Everyone has a way, and many people use art as their outlet. I'm thankful that I was able to get a great education and teaching into many types of art. I always have a way to express myself no matter the emotion, and I have so many types and mediums in which to use. It's a hobby, a way of life, and outlet...the list goes on and on. Art is great because everyone can do it, and you can learn and grow from others experiences in it. Plus, art is everywhere if you're paying attention.
I got exactly the weekend I had dreamed of...which meant getting some things done and time spent doing nothing.
Friday was a lazy night - exactly as we had planned and something we really needed. Bryan cooked us a delicious meal (each of us having a different dish) using the filet mignon we ordered from Omaha Steaks. It was soooo good! My compliments to the chef again! After eating we simply hung out at the house doing whatever and enjoying the night in. Sometimes life just calls for a slow down. :)
Well, Saturday did not go as planned. I was expecting to go to my TKD sparring clinic followed by the normal double class. Instead of a Saturday full of TKD, I received a day with no TKD. Lame! So, I got there at 11 for the clinic and I was informed that the gear didn't come in in time forcing them to push the clinic back a week. On top of the canceled clinic I learned that they had initiated the summer schedule which means that Saturday classes are now all ages and start at 9am! How all this got past me...well, who can say? It's not the first time I've been shown how clueless I can be.
I was really upset by the canceled clinic - really upset! This means that I'll learn sparring this coming Saturday and the tournament is the next Saturday. That's 1 week folks! At this point I just feel like all the odds are stacked against me. I feel that entering this tournament would be the same as me simply sending ITA $60. However, I'm not ready to give in just yet. I'll need to make a definite decision by the Wednesday before the tournament. I know I won't win anything for sparring, but my form is coming along pretty good. I have been practicing daily and feel it is coming together - much quicker than my yellow belt form. I'm not saying I'll take the gold, but I feel at least confident enough to get out there and see what happens. Sparring on the other hand...I seriously worry they will laugh me off the mat. Ugh! Why am I so hung up on this?
Since I had a lot of unexpected free time I decided to use it wisely. After I got back to the house, I drug Bryan to Target to buy some pillows for our new bedding. Since we were already out we decided to have lunch. I called Wendy to see if she wanted to hang by the pool while Bryan was gone to class. She agreed, and I met her and Nicky at the pool where we baked nicely in the sun while playing with Nicky in the kiddie pool. It was fun. As always, Nicky was being his usual cute self. If that kid gets any cuter I don't know what I'll do with myself. :) My shoulders got a little red from sun exposure. Like the moron that I've proven myself to be, I forgot to apply sunscreen before leaving the house.
Saturday night we went over to a friend of Bryan's for his birthday party. It was fun. Most of the gang was present. We hung out for awhile but ended up leaving to go eat sushi - Yummy!! We also stopped to rent a PS3 game we had seen in Target.
Check out these pictures from Sean's party:
Bryan and me
Sunday was a day geared toward getting stuff done! We were able to accomplish most of it.
We started off the day in the hot sun putting down the bottom part of the cat proof concept we came up with for the backyard. It didn't really take that long, but it was draining thanks to the sun beating down on me. Between this and the pool, I was able to get a pretty nice tan started. I know everyone will appreciate this. :)
We spent most of the rest of the day simply hanging out at the house doing this and that. We ran out for lunch at Sonic. I played the game we had rented. We spent a couple of hours dedicated to working and finishing Bryan's mother's birthday gift (it was Saturday). I would love to tell you what it is because we are so excited with how it turned out, but it is a secret. I will post all about is as soon as she has received it. After that we ate and passed out.
Today (Monday):
I would like to say once again (and I'll try to make this the last time for awhile) how much I love my job. It's so nice to go to bed on Sunday (no longer suck day eve) and not dread the morning or the week.
It's a fasting day. Still sticking with it. On that note it is time for me to up my game. This week I need to really make sure I eat less junk and put in at least 2 exercise sessions outside of TKD. This is the only way I will not feel like I have let another week go by wasted toward obtaining my killer body!
Tonight I will be cleaning. That was one thing I didn't get to yesterday...get to/not feel like...whatever! I have TKD tonight followed by our weekly meal at Kerby Lane. Let's just hope it goes much better than last week.
Ah, finally Friday....about time! :)
And it's already off to a fantastic start (there's a little sarcasm I had to report to work early this morning. That's not so bad, I know. However, I really like to sleep as late as possible. No worries here, Bryan and I were both up at like 4 am! Why? I have no idea. I wasn't able to go back to sleep even for a moment. The cats who have been getting along really well decided to have some sort of match of dominance or something this morning. There was some very un-cat like screams heard during this brawl.
Though fasting went very well yesterday, I'm disappointed in my eating habits this week. I'm so happy that we finally got in 2 days of fasting in a week, but I'm very unhappy that I had to go and ruin the eating days by eating less than healthy foods.
Things I shouldn't have:
- chicken meal from Whataburger
- Dibs
- M&M McFlurry with extra M&M's
- breakfast taco (sausage, egg, and cheese) that the whole world can see what a pig I am maybe I'll feel guilty and do better next week. :)
While Bryan and I were up this morning, we started talking about this weekend. I think we have decided on a change of plans for tonight. We won't be going to see Hulk after all, and instead we have opted for a night in. I believe this is a smart idea since I will be enduring 3 straight hours of TKD tomorrow (sparring clinic followed by double class). I need all this if I have any chance of being in the upcoming Tournament. I will definitely be needing a nap Saturday afternoon. :)
So, tonight I think we will cook - filet mignon (from Omaha Steaks) salads - and play the Gamecube (haven't even turned it on yet :O ).
This weekend I would like to accomplish the following:
- put down the bottom section of the kitty proof concept
- hook up all of the game systems in the house
- vacuum the house
- dust the house
- clean both bathrooms
- take pics of some items and post on (anyone interested in a bed, bedding, or phones?)
Well, there's how my weekend stacks up, but who knows what will actually go down. :D Stay tuned!
Last night I attended the Bleach movie with Bryan. He's a huge fan of this series, but I just can't get into it. The movie proved to be equally as uninteresting to me. Some people that we knew showed up as well. The theater was mostly filled with what can only be described as nerds. There was even a guy who came dressed as a character - wow! And instead of people laughing at him, they were instead amazed and jealous. Whaaa? I couldn't understand their mentality. I'm sorry, I was trying. So, the movie was okay. It wasn't torture...that's all I can say. At least I earned a "you owe me" from Bryan. I now have the right to drag him to something that only I could love. Yay me! :)
Today Bryan and I are fasting. This will be the first week that we have done 2 days in one week. Monday went so well, and today has been only slightly worse. I am amazed that I'm actually able to do this so effortlessly. I will continue to gauge how this works for the rest of the month. So far I haven't seen any weight loss. I'm just not completely sold on it yet, but I do want to give it a fair chance.
Tomorrow is Friday! I'm super excited to have a weekend with not as much going on. Lately, it seems like there is never a dull moment. I'm not sure if this is good or just is. I love my life. I love that I don't have to sit around at home and be bored all the time like back in the Philly days, but I wouldn't mind a really slow, dull, and lazy weekend.
So far the weekend looks pretty packed so far. Bryan even mentioned making a to-do list tonight. We are going to see Hulk tomorrow night with the gang. It looks really good. Saturday I have my sparring clinic followed by a double class. We really need to get started on kitty proofing the backyard.
Things getting on my nerves lately:
- spam IM's - they are getting worse everyday
Music I'm digging at the moment:
- American Boy - Estelle
So many things are coming up here in the next few weeks as well as the rest of the summer. Ah, summer...I love it so. And I don't want to hear anyone complaining about the humidity. Texas is NOT humid! :)
Before I launch into what's coming up let me relive yesterday.
Work kicked my ass, but I still love my job. When I got home Bryan was almost done with a delicious dinner. I appreciate his cooking more than he'll ever know. And I love how healthy he tries to make everything. As a person who can't cook, I find it all too easy to eat bad because it's convenient. After eating we decided to move around the furniture in our bedroom. It really changed the look and feel of the room. I love it. It feels like there is way more room. I can't wait till our new duvet comes in, and then we get to start figuring out what we want to do in the way of paint and walls. Yay and I took a little nap, and it was time for class which was awesome! I learned the rest of my green belt form. Now I have to bust my ass to get it looking great if I have any chance of not making a fool of myself at the tournament in like 2 weeks!
What's coming up:
- Tonight Bryan and I are going to see Bleach the movie. I imagine this will be good, but I have to admit I know nothing about Bleach the show. Bryan loves this stuff so I will try it because I love him. :) I really hope I don't have to read subtitles.
- The TKD tournament is coming up on June 28. I will be competing against female green and senior green belts. I have a long way to go in this short time. I will be competing in forms as well as sparring (which scares the shit out of me). Speaking of sparring....
- I am attending a sparring clinic on Saturday at my school. I'm excited to learn but also scared and nervous. However, I'm glad they have a clinic designed as an introduction instead of just jump in there a learn. I will also have to buy my sparring gear which I've learned is a ridiculous amount (over $200)!
- On July 26 I will be testing again...going for the senior green. I'm excited for this. I don't think I will be as nervous now that I have done a testing and know what to expect. On the other hand I haven't done sparring at a testing either, but maybe if I am prepared enough to do the tournament it won't be as big of a deal.
- On June 29 Bryan's sister and her boyfriend are coming for a visit. This is awesome, and I'm really excited to meet them. His sister is the last member of the family that I haven't met. I think it will be a fun trip for them, and hopefully Bryan and I can show them an awesome time here in Austin.
On a side note:
I haven't been kayaking! I'm pretty bummed about it, but life has been crazy busy...more so than I ever thought possible. Of course, it's been busy in a good way. However, I do really want to get back out there on the water especially since it's so warm now. I should really take time to put it on the calender and stick with it. I feel bad that after buying it I've only put it out on the water once. I must be more disciplined.
Don't forget that Sunday is Father's Day.
I'm a little late on getting my weekend recap up, but better late than never. :)
After work, I went home to eat and get ready for my TKD ceremony. I finally decided that I wanted Bryan and his mom to come and support me even though I didn't know whether I had passed or not. However, as many of you already know I did pass. Though there were some kinda corny parts to the ceremony, there were many parts I loved. I really liked taking off my current belt and then having my instructor tie my new belt on. It was surreal to look down and see a color other than yellow around my waist, but it was also very awesome. I better get used to seeing new colors because I'm going to be testing as often as I possibly can. After the ceremony Bryan's mom was kind enough to treat us to some Amy's ice cream in celebration. After returning home, we simply just enjoyed the remainder of the night hanging out.
Check out pictures from my TKD ceremony:
The first thing we (Bryan, his mother, Wendy, her son Nicky, and I) did was hit up the farmer's market on 4th. I had never been to it. It wasn't huge but it was still pretty cool. I was surprised at how many samples and freebies you could get at most of the food stands. Bryan purchased some leafy thing, and I bought us each a t-shirt. They were too cute to pass up. I spent most of my time at the market carrying Nicky around and being amazed by his cuteness.
When we returned home we hit up the garage sale that was being held in our community. There wasn't much to be desired besides some free cookies and smoothies, or so I thought until I spotted a man selling 2 Ataris and a box of games. For $20 I was able to purchase both, all the attachments, and games! I am such a sucker for gaming systems, but I have been wanting an Atari for such a long time. I'm going to finish my little collection one day. Ok, they will always be putting out new ones, but I'll have all the old ones. It's just one girls dream...sigh.
Around 6 Bryan and I headed to Ben's house for the second installment of pancake theater. We didn't stay for the actual movie because we wanted to get home to Bryan's mother who had stayed behind not feeling well. While we were there we enjoyed:
- s'mores milkshakes courtesy of Ryon
- foosball and Ben showing us how the game is played
- a ride on the back of Tommy's new bike (ok, this was just enjoyed by me)
- many, many episodes of Metalocalypse (season 1 - I finally found an appreciation for this show).
On the way home we stopped and rented The Simpsons on blue-ray. It was pretty good. We chilled and finally hit the sack.
On Saturday our new bedding (1200 count sheets and comforter/shams) had arrived in the mail. While we liked the sheets, the bedding was really nothing like the picture on the site. Both Bryan and I agreed we should return it. Luckily Macy's accepts returns on online purchases in the store. We decided to hit up the one at The Domain. We looked all over the store and found what we liked. We purchased a nice white comforter, and while we found the duvet cover that we liked, they were out forcing us to order online once home. Since we were at The Domain, we decided to have some looks in a few of the stores. I have never been to an Apple store so I fixed that. I have been really wanting an Apple computer (probably a laptop). I think I found the one I want, but the 90 days same as cash just doesn't fit into my budget at the moment.
Check out pictures of Bryan and me sporting our new shirts before heading to Ben's: pics from our time at Ben's house:
After shopping, we dined courtesy of Bryan's mother. By this point I was finally feeling like I had a connection with her. I definitely like her! :) Lunch was awesome. After this we went home to chill and get ready to take her to the airport. After she was safely delivered to the airport and on her way back to NYC, Byran and I returned home. Wendy and Nicky came over to get some of the famous rainbow cookies (sooooo good) that Bryan's mom had made for the pancake theater. We ate a late dinner after they left because Sunday to Monday is our fasting time.
Monday (our 4th month anniversary):
Fasting was awesome today! I was not really hungry all day. I went to class (first time as a green belt) and had no problem performing. I really worked hard in this class, and still - nothing. Even when we finally made it to Kerby Lane for our weekly meal I was still not that hungry. We were joined by a bunch of the Kung Fu people. However, none of us ate there because our waiter was so damn slow that we all ended up leaving after 30 minutes to get just water which we only received because we asked the manager to get it for us. Ridiculous! Bryan got us some Whataburger instead which really hit the spot.! Today is a HUGE day! So many things will be learned by the time our heads hit our pillows tonight. I'm so excited!
There are some things we are almost certain to hear about - things that any Apple enthusiast has been dying to know. Things such as when does this new iPhone drop...which leads to more questions like:
1. What will it look like? (slimmer, thinker, longer, black? - Tell me!)
2. How many new features have you added to it? (video, GPS? - Again tell me!)
3. How many standards of the new iPhone will be able to be upgraded to my current iPhone?
4. And the biggest - How much will this damn phone cost me?
I've been thinking about getting this next generation iPhone and passing the old one along to Bryan. Hey, what better hand me down have you gotten?
Also we shall surely here about any new operating system. I need to know - what will it be like, new features, the name? C'mon Jobs, you're are killing me over here. I've been looking at buying a Mac laptop and need to know if I should hold out for awhile. There's nothing worse than forking out a bunch of money on a computer only to have them put out something brand spanking new making your little investment yesterday's news. Sigh, we've all been there. It's not an easy thing to avoid with constant releases and upgrades. Hell, marketers do this stuff on purpose. One minute you've got the latest trend and everyone envies you, and the next thing you know you're envying someone else for the same product with a tweak.
It pretty much goes without saying, but I'll do it anyway - I'll be following every little update of this event through my Google reader feeds. If you want to follow along I suggest:
- Gizmodo
- Engadget
Trust me - these guys will be all over this event. You won't miss a thing.
And let's face it, with Jobs you never know what you're gonna get. This guy has more tricks up than a magician. (I was gonna go in another direction but magician seems safe. :) ) This guy is as much a performer and speaker as he is an inventor, businessman, and well, a revolutionary. I don't want to turn this post into a "why I admire Steve Jobs speech," but the man is a genius! And I actually was reading about the companies that actually have or are rumored to have product announcements today...whaaa? Why would you do that? "Ooooh, look at me, look at me." Seriously. What? No one cares. Ok, maybe there are a few people who care, but why would you want to compete with the spotlight of Apple today? It's just my thinking that you should want to have a day all to yourself. There's a good chance that your lesser product will be lost in the hustle and bustle of reports on Apple this and Apple that. I mean take a look at this shit:
Microsoft you get on my last nerves. Blue Ray + XBox 360 = exciting - as long as you don't factor in WWDC day. And why must you constantly try to upstage Apple? Get real! When Jobs releases a product in its first generation it is already better than what a 3rd or even 4th generation product from Microsoft would be. Keep trying Microsoft, you are only embarrassing my eyes at least. Most people are too big of morons to realize just what crappy products Microsoft gets them to believe are great. Microsoft - you have been stealing stuff since your creation. I applaud you in your ability to do so and stay top dog, but don't try to pretend to be something you are not. You have a few great products...but it makes me think given your track record if perhaps there isn't something fishy going on over there. And these morons have latched on to your product so hard that they have made it impossible to get away from. I have to look at this crappy Windows XP everyday of my life knowing there is something better out there. Gates, I hope you thank God for morons every night because without them you would cease to exist. And if you really want to know all of the "might have beens" in the personal computer timeline then check out The Rise of Silicon Valley. You can check it out at this site There are 5 parts, and I guarantee you will probably learn some very interesting things you didn't know about how we got to where we are today...which is WWDC 2008. Lol, I soft of when off on a tangent there, didn't I? :D Sorry! I feel strongly about these kinds of things. I could go on and on about how much I don't like Microsoft and how Apple would be nothing without the perfectionist ways of Steve Jobs, but I'll stop here.
Enjoy WWDC '08. Hopefully, we'll all find at least one new thing we can't live without today. :)
Things getting on my nerves lately:
- propositions - Do you know how hard it is to not end a sentence with one? Is there like a sentence structure for dummies I need to read? Any tips, suggestions for how to break the habit?
We picked up Bryan's mother from the airport yesterday at 5ish, and I finally got to meet her. The result? I like her...a lot. And hopefully she feels the same. We drove home from the airport and stayed in for the rest of the night. Bryan cooked a delicious meal that was enjoyed by all. I'm getting really spoiled by his awesome skills in the kitchen, but I've been making a real effort (at least I hope so) to try and cook more. Let's be clear that my cooking may not be actual cooking by many people's standards but the tummy is full. I'm always looking for recipes that I want to try. I still have to find 5 before I can mark it off my list and so far I haven't found a single new recipe. Oh well...keeping trying. I'll get there one day. :) I still make a mean Dorito casserole. ;)
I ordered an Omaha Steak package while Bryan was in New York, and it arrived yesterday. Yay!! It had quite a bit of meat and other things in it. We started in on some of it last night and will continue to eat it until its gone...which probably won't be so long from now. Their meat is soo good. It's already a bargain, but I had a coupon that made it a real steal. I'll be dining on filet mignon one night this week while Bryan and his mother enjoy their Top Sirloins. :D Jealous yet? Well, if your interested we got the whole package for $59.99, and I'll be happy to share the coupon with you if you want the same deal. It even comes with a chocolate cake that I don't need, but that didn't stop me from eying it super hard last night.
It looks like tonight Bryan's mother and I will be going to see Bryan do his stuff at his class. That should be fun to watch. I've only seen him test. Plus it will be nice to see his mother some more and perhpas bond a little.
Tomorrow night is my TKD ceremony. I haven't decided whether or not I want Bryan to be there. Even though I'm almost certain that I passed, I just keep thinking what if I didn't? It will be disappointing if I don't, but I don't want anyone to be there to see it if I didn't. On the other hand, I'd really like there to be someone there if I do. Ugh! I'm crazy...I can tell you this much right now. You think they could call or something and give you a heads up. It's been days! I'm going crazy here!! I feel like there must be some info I'm missing out on that the rest of the school must know...a mass emailing list I'm not on or something. Jeez!
Moving lunch is almost here. Speaking of eating. Bryan and I have decided not to fast again this week due to his mother's visit. I think this will be good though. Next week we will fast twice. So this week will be more like a building block into the real deal. I'd like to try this out for a month at twice a week along with my normal exercise and eating habits and see where I stand at the end of that. If the program is working well...and I hope it does...then I think it's something I could do long term. There is nothing to prepare or buy. You just don't eat. If anything you're saving money on groceries. :) Just don't cook some big meal that will have left overs the day before you fast. You will want to eat them. That is just torture!!
Ugh...ugh...ugh! Last night was a total bust. Bryan and I battled our way all the way down to the South Lamar location of the Alamo Drafthouse and struggled for 10 minutes to find a parking space only to get a call from my TKD instructor saying that the Alamo had canceled the pre-screening and demo of The Foot Fist Way. How rude!! It wasn't my instructors fault. The Alamo didn't even take the time or courtesy to call him. Poor guy! He drove over an hour just to get there. He invited us to come eat with him and a few of the other students that had arrived to see the movie, but we decided to go to a restaurant that I ate at a lot while I was working at LGI. I had bragged on it so much, and Bryan wanted to try it since we were in the neighborhood.
Here's a pic of him before the meal:
It was probably good that things worked out the way they did. There were still many things that I wanted to do before today (the day Bryan's mother arrives!). We definitely used our unexpected time wisely. We hung framed art up all over the house. It looks really nice too. Bryan already had quite a bit up, but now we are both represented. So, for those of you have heard me talk a lot about my photography but haven't seen any actual proof of it...well, the next time you come over have a little looksy. :) Oh and if it's mine its for that any one would want it, but hey, "I'm just sayin'."
Work is good today. I'm currently eating lunch at my desk because I'm working through lunch so I can go with Bryan to pick up his mother from the airport around 5. I look forward to meeting her and hope she will think highly of me.
Looks like the Pancake Theater is on for Saturday. I'm really excited to do this again. Hmmm...I wonder what we will be bringing?
Lastly, I keep waking with stuffed ears. This happened for the first time last Friday. It stayed that way the whole day. It's not painful only annoying, but the worst part is that it knocks off my equilibrium making TKD very difficult. I even had to take allergy medication before my TKD testing. Not having balance on an important day like that would suck in a royal way. It's happened a few other days since only not as bad...until today....ugh. Everything has a roar to it. This sucks. But again, it's not painful, just annoying. I just wish I knew what was causing it. Any guesses/suggestions?
Music I'm digging right now:
Coldplay - Violet Hill
This week is odd for many reasons. Not odd in a bad way...just different from a normal week.
First of all there are no TaeKwonDo classes this week. Well, there are a couple, but because of primary testing that was held this past Saturday and secondary testing being held this week the classes are all off. There were no classes last night. The schools all take the day to pour over all of the results from Saturday's testing. The wait is killing me. It will all be over on Friday though. Pass or fail, I will finally know. Friday is the awards ceremony. I'm excited because I have never been to an awards ceremony and scared because I still believe somehow there is a small chance that perhpas I didn't do as good as I had thought. Yeah, I know - don't say a word! I really enjoyed my night off last night. I have been going at TKD classes so hard lately. It was good to just chill especially after all of the upacking and cleaning I've been doing lately.
Bryan's mother comes on Wednesday and will be here till Sunday. She picked a good week. Now that I'm done with testing and classes are all crazy anyway, I can really focus my attention on her visit. I've been cleaning the house like a mad woman to make sure it's spotless, and we've revamped the guest room. I really like it and hope she does as well.
Yesterday Bryan and I fasted. We finally feasted at our Monday night tradition of Kirby Lane. I'm amazed that I don't eat more after fasting for 24 hours. I expected to make up for ever meal I had missed in one sitting, but find that the opposite is true. Perhpas the fasting gives your stomach a chance to shrink. I hope so. I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds. Not many...maybe 5? There's muscle under there begging to show. :D
Tonight will be fun and hectic. It will be fun because we are going to a pre-screening of The Foot Fist Way.
It's a comedy about TaeKwonDo which is cool enough, but to make it really awesome, my instructor is giving a demo before the movie. It's being held at the South Lamar location of the Alamo Drafthouse. I love the Alamo. I can't wait to see it. However, there is so much to do tonight since Bryan's mother is coming tommorrow. Oh well, I'm sure we'll find a way to fit it all in if we combine our powers. Hehe..that's for your Bryan.
There is talk of trying to do another edition of our own Pancake Theater Saturday night. The last time which was also the first time was so much fun.
Sunday is the June meeting for my photography group. This is the first month that I entered their montly photo contest. I don't care if I win...mostly becasue you don't actually win any thing, but it will be cool to see who did win now that I'm a part of it.
So, as you can see it will be a busy, busy week, but it will also be a lot of fun.
And just in case you were wondering - the cats are getting along pretty well these days. Everyday they sleep a little closer....hehe. :)
Oh, and I love my job!! :) I made the right decision.