Thursday, June 5, 2008

She's Here!

We picked up Bryan's mother from the airport yesterday at 5ish, and I finally got to meet her. The result? I like her...a lot. And hopefully she feels the same. We drove home from the airport and stayed in for the rest of the night. Bryan cooked a delicious meal that was enjoyed by all. I'm getting really spoiled by his awesome skills in the kitchen, but I've been making a real effort (at least I hope so) to try and cook more. Let's be clear that my cooking may not be actual cooking by many people's standards but the tummy is full. I'm always looking for recipes that I want to try. I still have to find 5 before I can mark it off my list and so far I haven't found a single new recipe. Oh well...keeping trying. I'll get there one day. :) I still make a mean Dorito casserole. ;)

I ordered an Omaha Steak package while Bryan was in New York, and it arrived yesterday. Yay!! It had quite a bit of meat and other things in it. We started in on some of it last night and will continue to eat it until its gone...which probably won't be so long from now. Their meat is soo good. It's already a bargain, but I had a coupon that made it a real steal. I'll be dining on filet mignon one night this week while Bryan and his mother enjoy their Top Sirloins. :D Jealous yet? Well, if your interested we got the whole package for $59.99, and I'll be happy to share the coupon with you if you want the same deal. It even comes with a chocolate cake that I don't need, but that didn't stop me from eying it super hard last night.

It looks like tonight Bryan's mother and I will be going to see Bryan do his stuff at his class. That should be fun to watch. I've only seen him test. Plus it will be nice to see his mother some more and perhpas bond a little.

Tomorrow night is my TKD ceremony. I haven't decided whether or not I want Bryan to be there. Even though I'm almost certain that I passed, I just keep thinking what if I didn't? It will be disappointing if I don't, but I don't want anyone to be there to see it if I didn't. On the other hand, I'd really like there to be someone there if I do. Ugh! I'm crazy...I can tell you this much right now. You think they could call or something and give you a heads up. It's been days! I'm going crazy here!! I feel like there must be some info I'm missing out on that the rest of the school must know...a mass emailing list I'm not on or something. Jeez!

Moving lunch is almost here. Speaking of eating. Bryan and I have decided not to fast again this week due to his mother's visit. I think this will be good though. Next week we will fast twice. So this week will be more like a building block into the real deal. I'd like to try this out for a month at twice a week along with my normal exercise and eating habits and see where I stand at the end of that. If the program is working well...and I hope it does...then I think it's something I could do long term. There is nothing to prepare or buy. You just don't eat. If anything you're saving money on groceries. :) Just don't cook some big meal that will have left overs the day before you fast. You will want to eat them. That is just torture!!

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