Friday was a lazy night - exactly as we had planned and something we really needed. Bryan cooked us a delicious meal (each of us having a different dish) using the filet mignon we ordered from Omaha Steaks. It was soooo good! My compliments to the chef again! After eating we simply hung out at the house doing whatever and enjoying the night in. Sometimes life just calls for a slow down. :)
Well, Saturday did not go as planned. I was expecting to go to my TKD sparring clinic followed by the normal double class. Instead of a Saturday full of TKD, I received a day with no TKD. Lame! So, I got there at 11 for the clinic and I was informed that the gear didn't come in in time forcing them to push the clinic back a week. On top of the canceled clinic I learned that they had initiated the summer schedule which means that Saturday classes are now all ages and start at 9am! How all this got past me...well, who can say? It's not the first time I've been shown how clueless I can be.
I was really upset by the canceled clinic - really upset! This means that I'll learn sparring this coming Saturday and the tournament is the next Saturday. That's 1 week folks! At this point I just feel like all the odds are stacked against me. I feel that entering this tournament would be the same as me simply sending ITA $60. However, I'm not ready to give in just yet. I'll need to make a definite decision by the Wednesday before the tournament. I know I won't win anything for sparring, but my form is coming along pretty good. I have been practicing daily and feel it is coming together - much quicker than my yellow belt form. I'm not saying I'll take the gold, but I feel at least confident enough to get out there and see what happens. Sparring on the other hand...I seriously worry they will laugh me off the mat. Ugh! Why am I so hung up on this?
Since I had a lot of unexpected free time I decided to use it wisely. After I got back to the house, I drug Bryan to Target to buy some pillows for our new bedding. Since we were already out we decided to have lunch. I called Wendy to see if she wanted to hang by the pool while Bryan was gone to class. She agreed, and I met her and Nicky at the pool where we baked nicely in the sun while playing with Nicky in the kiddie pool. It was fun. As always, Nicky was being his usual cute self. If that kid gets any cuter I don't know what I'll do with myself. :) My shoulders got a little red from sun exposure. Like the moron that I've proven myself to be, I forgot to apply sunscreen before leaving the house.
Saturday night we went over to a friend of Bryan's for his birthday party. It was fun. Most of the gang was present. We hung out for awhile but ended up leaving to go eat sushi - Yummy!! We also stopped to rent a PS3 game we had seen in Target.
Check out these pictures from Sean's party:

Bryan and me


Sunday was a day geared toward getting stuff done! We were able to accomplish most of it.
We started off the day in the hot sun putting down the bottom part of the cat proof concept we came up with for the backyard. It didn't really take that long, but it was draining thanks to the sun beating down on me. Between this and the pool, I was able to get a pretty nice tan started. I know everyone will appreciate this. :)
We spent most of the rest of the day simply hanging out at the house doing this and that. We ran out for lunch at Sonic. I played the game we had rented. We spent a couple of hours dedicated to working and finishing Bryan's mother's birthday gift (it was Saturday). I would love to tell you what it is because we are so excited with how it turned out, but it is a secret. I will post all about is as soon as she has received it. After that we ate and passed out.
Today (Monday):
I would like to say once again (and I'll try to make this the last time for awhile) how much I love my job. It's so nice to go to bed on Sunday (no longer suck day eve) and not dread the morning or the week.
It's a fasting day. Still sticking with it. On that note it is time for me to up my game. This week I need to really make sure I eat less junk and put in at least 2 exercise sessions outside of TKD. This is the only way I will not feel like I have let another week go by wasted toward obtaining my killer body!
Tonight I will be cleaning. That was one thing I didn't get to yesterday...get to/not feel like...whatever! I have TKD tonight followed by our weekly meal at Kerby Lane. Let's just hope it goes much better than last week.
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