After I got home from work, Bryan and I decided that we would go out to eat. I was really wanting some Greek so we searched online and found one we had never tried. It was pretty good. We chilled for awhile at home and then headed to the Alamo to catch Wall-E. Wendy tagged along, and we met the entire group at the theater. It was a pretty good movie, but I found the whole robotic romance just a little weird. It kinda gave me the creeps. :) Still, I did like the movie. It was definitely different than anything I've seen. We had milkshakes while were there which was bad but sooo good. ;) While I was at the theater I registered to vote! Yay!! I'm pretty excited that I finally got that taken care of. It's very important you know. After the movies, we crashed.
Here's a picture I made Wendy snap of me:
I woke up at 6 am to get ready for the TKD Tournament. My rank started at 9:30. There weren't many competitors in my section, but still I was nervous. First we began by doing forms. I went last. As soon as I looked into the judges' faces, I was doomed. They asked to see my form again. I had to take a second in the middle to think. I just went blank, and I was shaking. It was crazy! So, I knew that I had lost the part of competition that I went planning on winning. What makes me so sad/mad about this is not that I lost, but that I didn't do my best especially since I can do my form better than any that I saw. Oh well...I can only learn from this. I do not want to dwell on it too much. Knowing that was loss, I was determined to win the sparring section. Right off the bat of the first match, the girl kicks me in the stomach....hard! Most of it is a blur, but somehow I managed to win round and advance. I won my second round too. I had several sweet scores, but my last (and the winning blow) was a sweet roundhouse to the head. :D It felt awesome to win. And even better, was my instructor and another student were there to see. It's good to know that I'm not just terrible at sparring, but I'm sure facing off with some higher ranks in my school will put me in my place quick! So, I managed to get a gold in sparring and tie for bronze in forms. That's pretty good I suppose. I'm happy.
After arriving home and recounting every little second to Bryan, we ate and chilled. During the hottest part of the day, we went over to my old place to pack up the last of my stuff including the giant kayak. We managed to get it all in and back to the house.
Saturday night we met up with Nik, Sarah, and Dave for pizza downtown. Then we all headed over to the Spiderhouse for coffee and drinks. I made Bryan walk over and take a quick tour of Toy Joy because he'd never seen it. Sarah and Dave left early to go catch a show, but the rest of us chilled and talked for quite a while at Spiderhouse. It was a lot of fun. Finally, it was bed time again.
Sunday was all about cleaning and getting ready for Bryan's sister and her boyfriend to arrive later in the night. I spent a lot of time cleaning and organizing rooms and my stuff. We did take some time off to go to a few places and look at desks for the home office. It is time we made Bryan a very nice working space. Plus, we got another computer and we need to figure out what to do with it. I think we pretty much have our plan, but we just need to purchase all the items and make it happen. I think it will look nice when it's done, and I hope that Bryan has an awesome place to spend his working hours.
The flight that Bryan's sister was taking kept getting delayed. Finally, they were scheduled to arrive at 2:06 am. I told Bryan that there was no way that I could go to the airport with him because I need my sleep for work. However, I didn't get much sleep so today will be a hard one. I'm already doing those goofy things you do when your brain is in a fog. I spilled tea all over myself on my way to work making it appear as if I had peed all over myself...nice. Trying to keep it together today. It's fasting day, and I really want to go to TKD class tonight. I need to stay focused and sharp. :) I'll probably spend my lunch hour napping.
So, I still haven't met the sister which sucks because I was really looking forward to it. Oh well....I'll get all the introductions after work...assuming I make it through today. :) I'm excited for this week. We have some stuff planned. Plus, I only have to make it through Thursday, and I'll be rewarded with an extended weekend!
1 comment:
$5 milkshakes!!!
The movie was good, not what I was expecting though... I hope you're staying awake at work!
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