Wednesday, May 14, 2008


What a week! Another bleak day here in, yesterday was it rained on me all the way to work. Don't mind rain, but combine rain with traffic and lots of mini vans and no thank you! It took me forever to get to work this morning. Usually I would have been going crazy, but I was pretty calm. That's because I didn't want to get to work. This week has been so excruciating. I have been antsy to get out of this job and to my new one. All I have to do is make it through this week, and it's already half over. :)

Nothing major has happened so far this week. Class has consumed most of my nights which is fine considering testing is fast approaching. Last night's class was pretty awesome. I finally obtained my other two stripes on my belt. One is for knowing all of the required blocks and the other is for knowing all of my one steps. Yes, I FINALLY got them down. Now I will just need to refine, refine, refine. That should be the theme for this month. :) Well, I do want them to look good. Stances are my biggest problem area at the moment. I am going to have to start devoting 30 minutes a day to just practice getting them down. During my form I stop and evaluate my stance and realize that while the upper part of my body is perfect, the stance is horrible. I can not go into testing doing bad stances. I will be penalized for sure. Mostly it is my back stance which wouldn't be so bad if 50% of my form didn't use this stance as well as most of my one steps. I need to keep practicing the one steps. They need a lot of work too. Just knowing the moves won't cut it. I suppose I will have to drag Bryan in for help because I will be doing them with a partner at testing and well, he's the closest/easiest person for the job...sorry Brayn! :) But don't fear for his safety...yellow belts aren't supposed to make contact. So as long as he doesn't flinch, I won't kick or punch him...promise!!

I am really looking forward to this weekend. Friday night we are going out to dinner with some of Bryan's friends. Saturday morning there is a photoshoot scheduled through my photography meetup group. They have lined up some models for us to shoot in a park. The cost is $10 which is nothing really. I am excited to work with people I've never met before. That used to be the scariest part about getting models in school. I only wanted to stick to people I knew but also wanted to see some fresh faces. I don't know how many models there will be or how much time each photographer will get will them. I suppose a lot depends on how many photographers actually show up. I should get about 1.5 hours here and then it's off to class. I like Saturday classes because they are double classes. Because of this we usually get to do more...sometimes even fun things. Sunday I want to do the photoshoot and couples workout with Bryan. Shoot...that reminds me. I better prepare a workout. :D

Things getting on my nerves lately: bleak Austin days
Things I'm loving lately: Juno Soundtrack, Ghostland Observatory, and Bryan (because he loves and appreciates my silly side - I love his also)

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