Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weird Dreams!

This weekend I had some very odd dreams. I wonder what they meant? I won't mention one because it involves people I know, and though all parties already know of it...well, I don't want any help interpreting it. :) It was nothing bad...just odd...like WTF?

But Saturday night I had this really disturbing dream. You know the kind. This one goes in the top 10 scariest/disturbing dreams I've ever had.

Ok, so here it is:
The U.S. (not sure if it was the world) suffered in a major way from sort of disease. No normal disease, it basically was the destroyer of our society. So many people died that all organizations of any kind including government were unable to stay together. No schools, hospitals, or any other kind of organization that you take for granted these days were around. There were utilities but only as long as nothing destroyed them. If a power line was knocked down then it was finished. No one from the electric company was going to come out and fix it. Crime was everywhere. No one left their homes unless absolute necessary. People pillaged stores and homes for food and items that were needed. And though money didn't really mean anything with out stores it was still highly coveted (imagine that). Most people seemed to come together in small groups and live together at one home. It became a family/community of sorts. Without prior knowledge, most of these groups had a hard time gaining food and medical care. Not many people had had to farm or do much of anything for themselves before this point. The breakdown of sanitation led to more sickness. Fevers and death often caught on and ran throughout the homes often killing half the group. It was questionable whether it was a blessing or curse to survive the outbreaks. I can't remember much about my group. I do remember a fever sweeping the house. I caught it, but somehow I managed to survive. I mostly remember tons of graphic images one would expect to find on the news reporting such a story, but there definitely was no news crew. I suppose it was just my dream filling in the missing spots.

Finally I realized that I could live and die in this hell hole of a house or I could make an attempt at something better. Dying out on the streets or in this house sounded pretty much the same to me. I'm not sure who I was trying to reach, but I was pretty damn determined to get there. I saw so much violence and crime in the streets. It was not safe to walk out in the open. The journey was slow as each movement had to be carefully planned. I'm not sure when, how, or who, but several people had joined in my quest. I never made it to this person that I was seeking. I supposed they had some answers or plans that I knew would be beneficial to me. However, I met a woman and her family who had somehow maintained a fairly normal existence. They were convinced this would pass, and were determined not to let their children be exposed to what was happening right outside their door. I believe the father was some sort of doctor. They were very intelligent. For the most part they had food and stability that they were providing for themselves. They didn't seem eager to have us stay for too long, but were happy to try and teach us their "ways."

That's about all I remember before I woke up, but that is plenty. It was surreal to see the world in that state. Yet when I woke up I just remember thinking that this somehow could really happen, and it definitely sends a cold chill down your spine. I dunno. I'm not really worried about this, but it definitely makes me stop and think. How long could we survive if we only had a handful of strangers to depend on? Or worse...only ourselves? Me...not long at all....not long at all. Hell, I already can barely feed myself. I am one of the worst cooks ever. Without a microwave, I become a nothing in the kitchen. Well, I have been known to bake but cook...definitely not!

I don't remember dreaming at all since Saturday night. Hopefully this means it was just a weird couple of nights that are done for now.

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