They got all of the yellow belts together (all ages), and then they tested us starting with adults and going down. I had to sit through every little kid testing. All the kids running around and acting up and pushing on me was really testing my nerves and stress level before the test. However, after I had finished they were actually pretty cute. One kid even stopped in mid test to point out how "cool" the black belt sparrings looked. The judge got him back on track. What can you expect from a 5 year-old?
Ok, Ok...I know you are all just wondering how I did. I did pretty good, and that's the best I'll give myself. I let my nerves get to me enough that I didn't do my best, but I did pretty good. I was better than most of the adults there. I didn't really get to see the ones who did theirs behind me. I'm confident that I passed. I hope I don't have to eat those words later. They don't tell you how you did there. I'll have to wait till I go back to class. I think there might be some sort of ceremony, but that could just be for the kids. I'm not really sure as you can tell. I know there won't be any classes on Monday. That's probably a good thing because I'm sure I will be getting ready for Bryan's mom's visit up until she arrives on Wednesday.
Let me recap since my last posting:
The week went by...slowly for the most part because of Bryan being gone to New York. (He comes home tomorrow!) Work has been getting better and better. I'm enjoying it more everyday. I'm learning a lot and finally starting to get into the swing of things, but there is still much to learn.
I went to class. It was a good class with lots of review for testing. After that I met up with the group at a Persian restaurant that had belly dancers. I didn't like the food. I'm a simple palette type of girl. :) What can I say? I was raised on simple Southern food. I barely got to eat out when I was growing up. I'll try anything, but I'm still working on liking it. :) Anyway, it was still fun hanging with the group. Ben even got a belly dancing lesson which was pretty funny. After eating, we all headed to Ben's to hang out. I didn't stay long because I needed my rest for this morning.
Here are the pics from Friday night:
Tommy and Elizabeth watching Ben...

Ben gets his belly dancing lesson...

Ryon and Elizabeth chillin and drinking...

Now that I'm done with my testing I feel like I can finally tackle some stuff here at the house. There is a lot of cleaning and unpacking/organizing that needs to occur. But first I'm gonna meet Jason at Fuddrucker's (my favorite!!) for lunch. I also have some errands that need to be ran.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
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