Well, you've heard about Friday - from good, to bad, to worse, to great. Whew...after that anyone would deserve a good long weekend. It was good too!
Woke up and went to class. It was a good class. It wasn't the usual Saturday teacher. I liked this guy. Only 4 people so it was a small but good class. I was the only non black belt. Usually this would make me very uncomfortable, but since I'm starting to know people I feel more relaxed. Plus, no one really cares so why should I? They make me feel welcome, show me lots of attention, and help me when it's needed. The class seemed very long because we did so much, but I felt awesome when I left. I even earned my blue strip which just means that I know my form. I'm not sure why its necessary for adults, but they like to give white and yellow belts...maybe even green...stripes to show they have learned certain things. I still have 2 more to obtain. I'm already nervous about testing on the 31st. I really need to be devoted to TKD this month. I'm not worried I won't get my green belt, but I'd just like to know that I'm looking good when I test. No scrape by's. I'm really looking forward to class tonight.
When I got back to Bryan's, we went to the Old Pecan Street Festival. It was a lot of fun. We found great parking which is always pleasant. We looked, and looked, and looked...so much to see. We drank and ate and ate and drank. So much to take in. I bought some cool earrings. We had some lunch at a restaurant which was pretty bad, but it was good to sit down for awhile. After that, we met up with some of Bryan's friends from Kung Fu there at the festival. We hung out for awhile and finally headed home. I'd never been to this before and it was fun. I'll definitely want to go again next year.
Here's some pics that Bryan took of the event:
You know what these are...Bryan felt compelled to shoot a pic...

Me showing off my strawberry daiquiri red tongue

Couple of shots of Bryan at the restaurant

The remains of a really bad meal

My new earrings

After we were festivaled out, we just chilled at Bryan's for a little while and then went over to Dave and Sarah's where we also met up with Nik for quite a bit of Rock Band. It was a lot of fun, and we stayed up way too late. And thanks to Nik now I want the PS3 version of the game. Thanks Nik...I was happy until then. This version has some way cool features mine doesn't come equipped with...sigh. Sarah has some pics but they haven't surfaced yet. I can't tell you how good it was to get into bed after that long day.
Ah, we slept in. So good! After finally stirring we did a little cleaning at Bryan's place. I impressed him with my skills ;). We lounged for a little bit, and then we were off to see my coworker in a play called Speed the Plow. It was REALLY good. I was very impressed. I didn't know he was such a good actor. It was a small space, and the play only had 3 actors. However, though a small production, the talent was great. The story was a little slow taking off, but it really picked up in the second act. I was not really wanting to go. I really wanted to stay home and lounge some more, but I was really glad we went. It wasn't very long and helped me feel "cultured." :) When we got back to Bryan's, we ate another delicious meal cooked by the man. I swear he spoils me. We lounged some more and then hit the sack.
It's Monday, and I have the Monday blues. The day started off bad, and work has been busy. I'm looking forward to class and Kirby Lane....and sleep. I hope tomorrow goes better.
Oh, and everyone say a little good luck prayer for me...can't say why...just do! Thanks! :)
Have a good week!!
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