Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

I am loving this looong holiday weekend.

In Friday's post I told you that Bryan and I were trying a new diet (if you will) where you fast. We made it through the 24 hours! When we finally at it was at the Alamo Drafthouse as we watched the new Indiana Jones movie with the group. It was pretty good but a little odd. I have mixed feelings about it. The food was awesome however. This is natural considering. :)

After the movie we made a trip to Wal-Mart to grab some stuff for the house and food for the UFC. We ended up getting the PS3 version of Rock Band. I have been wanting ever since I played on Nik's. It has so many more features than the PS2. Totally worth it. After that we went home to sleep. Good day.

I woke up at like 8:30! WTF? Oh well...I ended up getting up and going to try out the new Rock Band. I'm just like a little kid. This version is so awesome! We ended up downloading some more songs for it, and I also played against someone online. Love it!

I skipped TKD class. There was so much to do with the moving and getting ready to host the UFC 84 at our house. I wanted to clean and all and not feel rushed. Bryan cooked some great chicken spaghetti (my granny's recipe) for the party, and I took a big ole typical. The fight was awesome. So many people came. I think everyone had a lot of fun. There were so many pictures! So many laughs...I love this group of people.

Check out the pics:

Check out these vids (random UFC dancing):

This has been such a long day full of everything. We went shopping at Garden Ridge and then Lowe's trying to get more stuff for the house. We are trying to "kitty proof" the backyard so that the cats can go outside without our constant attention. After that we met up with Jason for some BBQ. Then it was time for me to move all of my clothes and bring the cat. Wow...introducing all the cats to each other. It went better than expected, but hisses can still be heard every now and then. Mostly it is my cat. Bryan's cats just seem to want to smell or play with her, but she is not having any of it. I don't call her a princess for nothing. :)

I unloaded a bunch of my stuff and tried to organize a bunch of it. Bryan cooked hamburgers on the grill and we dined while we watched 300. It was a good movie but nothing compared to the food. He never displeases. :D I'm a sucker for a good meal, and he knows it!

Tomorrow we are moving my furniture. I want to have it all set up for Bryan's mother's visit. Oh, and Happy Memorial Day. Enjoy your time off from work if you are that lucky. I am, and I will!!

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