Monday, May 5, 2008

Warning: This Post Contains A Rant!

Don't say I didn't warn you!

Mainly this post is all about Friday and what a shitty day it was!

The first thing I remember about Friday was walking out of my house to my car to leave for work. As soon as I stepped outside and the warm air hit me I thought, "Wow, what a day!" I said the same thing when I got out of my car at the end of the day. It's amazing how they came out sounding so different. Friday was so busy at work that I quickly became frustrated. Also my roommate had arrived home the night before which means let the bickering begin. All we ever do any more is bicker. It's over petty stuff mostly but wears at you. And we did...all day...through emails, texts, and in person. Again...all petty. In an attempt to reach out to me he said he would take me to lunch. I jumped at the chance because it was something that used to be a Friday tradition and that I enjoyed immensely. He's been working on Fridays more so it's really been few and far between as of late. However, maybe after all the petty fighting it was best we didn't. We didn't really fight. It was more of just an awkward conversation. We ate at a pizza joint. The food was good; the waitress was not (slow). She made me late for work. Nice. Just add it on.

And now what you've all been waiting for - the rant!

So, on the way to eat, I decided to use the time to call AT&T so I could pay our internet bill. I always do it through phone because I forget to mail in the check when I get it. Why not just pay online? I know you are thinking that. Well, we have no phone line attached to our internet. Currently, you can not pay your internet bill online if you do not have a phone line. Hint: This phone line becomes very important to the, rant. I would love to pay online same as I do for my cell. Why does this giant corporation not have this ability built into its website? My guess...its all to get you to get a phone (just hang with me). So, in my procrastination I call instead. Yay...let the fun begin. Ohh...I know what would be fun...let us do this rant in steps.

1. Call and go through the automated choices (none are really what I want)

2. After getting to the internet portion she wants to know my telephone number

3. Automated lady doesn't understand "no phone," "we don't have a phone," or any other variation...she says she doesn't understand me and puts me through to a live person...finally

4. Live person comes on...I say, "I'd like to pay my bill"

5. Live person tells me sure, but it will cost me $5.00 (now having done this for a couple of months now and somehow always getting out of this fee I tell her I've never had to pay before and she informs me that indeed I will...ugh)

6. Here she tells me that there is ANOTHER automated number (im familiar with this one from months past) you can call made just for bill pay (this number is not on my bill as far as I can see)

7. I inform her that I can not use this feature because the first thing it asks you to do is put in your phone number

8. She informs me that I can simply use my account number

9. I tell her I can't...unless they've updated since last month

10. Again...she says I can...then she wants to give me the number to the automated piece of shit service and I stop her to tell her to transfer me (see all the knowledge I've gained)

11. Music...stupid 80's elevator music

12. Automated guy asks for my telephone number and I put in my account number

13. He doesn't compute...

14. Repeat step 13

15. He informs me he will be transferring me to a live person

16. Crappy music...and then a live person!

17. I tell them I want to pay my bill....

18. They tell me that will be fine...for $5.00

19. "No! I never have to pay'" I say...and continue, "I don't want to pay your convenience charge because nothing about this process is convenient. I have already been on the phone for over 30 minutes. I just want to pay my bill. None of the services you have for paying your bill work for me."

20. This bitch now informs me in a haughty voice that I had time to send in a check (geez thanks Einstein...yeah, well, I didn't...and it's really none of your business)

21. Or she states..."you can have it debited from your account" (no for lots of reasons but not helping me today either way)

22. I start to go off...she transfers me

23. A genius answers the phone (who knew that AT&T employed them? why didn't I get her direct number?)

24. This genius informs me that the automated man indeed does not have the capability to take my payment with no telephone number and she will be glad to take the payment for no cost (finally)
Lesson: AT&T wants you to have a phone line!!!!! This much is apparent. Oh, and I guess don't procrastinate...but that's not really where I was going with this. Also, without the phone line AT&T can't combine my cell and internet bill either. That would be perfect, but alas the world is not a perfect place.

So, lunch didn't go well. Neither did the rest of my afternoon at work. I was so tired and beaten down when I arrived home, but then a break in the day came thanks to Bryan. He made me dinner and awesome coffee and took me to see Iron Man at the Alamo. That was such a good movie. In fact, the night was so awesome that when I got into bed I had already forgotten how rotten it started. Thanks Bryan!! :) He is the best!

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